Two of Malta’s most notorious misers: Mallia and Mintoff were friends

Published: June 29, 2013 at 7:32pm

From an interview with Manuel Mallia, published in Malta Today, 20 May 2001:

In fact, it is often said that Dr Mallia is seen walking in Delimara in the company of a famous politician…is this true, I ask him with a smile?

“Over the last 10 years I have often been invited to lunch by the former Premier, Dom Mintoff and we do meet from time to time and walk together to his favourite spot where he has his daily swim,” he answers. “Although there are some things which we do not agree upon, Mr Mintoff is a very interesting person to talk to, one can learn a lot from him, whether or not you agree with him politically. And of course, he also has such great personality.”

8 Comments Comment

  1. observer says:

    It seems that Manwel has learned much more than a lot from the perit-salvatur.

    I would even say that not even il-ginger has, to-date, learned as much,

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    ‘When you swim with sharks….’

  3. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    Hadn’t he tried to join the Nationalist Party?

    [Daphne – He succeeded.]

  4. Adrian says:

    The Maltese proverb is so right: “ma’ min rajtek xebbahtek”.

  5. CLINTON says:

    Jekk kont tmur ghand Mintoff, iservik go kikkri imsewija bis-super glue, l-art miksijja bil-gazzetta L-Orizzont. Il-mara tieghu kienet tmur tixtri minghand tal-grocer zewg bajdiet biss.

    Manuel ghandu lil min jixbah, bhalma qal dak is-sinjur: ma minn rajtek xebbahtek. So true.

  6. Gahan says:

    Mallia and Mintoff have one thing in common: both are stinking rich and both had their water services cut for not paying the bills.

  7. tal-gzira says:

    When the Nationalist Party Club was officially opened in the mid-seventies Eddie Fenech Adami was greeted at the door by none other than Manwel Mallia in his capacity as club president.

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