What a great birthday for the Police Commissioner

Published: June 28, 2013 at 6:44pm
I wonder what this stingy old man gave the police commissioner for his birthday, after he fixed such a nice supper for 300 people at short notice.

I wonder what this stingy old man gave the police commissioner for his birthday.

Turns out it’s the Police Commissioner’s birthday today. That’s why he’s called Peter Paul – after the feast tomorrow and not the two little sparrows sitting on a wall, one named Peter and the other named Paul.

So perhaps that’s why he has not replied to any press questions yet: he’s too busy celebrating with last night’s leftovers.

Beyond pathetic.

I wonder if his new business, Cops Caterers, baked him a nice big birthday cake in the police kitchens. U ftit pastizzi ukoll.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Adrian says:

    I wonder if the Police Catering Services are certified by the Health Authorities like other catering establishments.

  2. Min Jaf says:

    Xi z*bb f’s*rmu kif jidher, bil-mod li gab lill-Kummissarju u l Korp tal-Pulizija kollu zibel bil-mod li ttratthom tal-bidilli tieghu f’ikla tal-Girgenti.

  3. doris says:

    Mela sew il pulizija bandisti nehijhom u min flok dahhalhom koki u waiters dan jilaghbhom fi musical chairs qieghed

  4. raba saqwi says:

    Tipo b’naqra sandwiches tricolor, panini tuna, zebbug mimli, pastizzi, qassatat, sausage rolls, pizza, timpana, koxxox tat-tigieg u gelat.

  5. Dizastru says:

    Fejn hi l-assocjazzjoni tal pulizija?

    Xejn ma tghid fuq dawn l-affarijiet li qed isiru?

    Tghid meta ser issir union ser tgerger meta jkun hemm biss gvern Nazzjonalista bhal ma wriet li taghmel?

  6. Selit says:

    Cops Caterers speciality: qassata friska minn ta’ Manwel.

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