What did I just say to you? Mrs Michelle Muscat has given her own ‘first 100 days’ interview
The Joint Prime Minister has given her own ‘first 100 days’ interview: to Daniela Attard Bezzina of the General Workers Union media.
Villa Francia, faux Chanel, high heels, glamorous posturing, 10 layers of make-up and consummate Photoshop skills have been left behind, because today, the selected look and feel is ‘homely’ (and no, I don’t mean that in the American way).
We are wearing a Plain Jane jumper in granny’s dusty pink, and almost no make-up. Our hair is mussed to look casual, and we have assembled ourselves in a demure and unassuming position, to suitably the fit the interviewer’s description of how we served her coffee and biscuits which we made ourselves, in a yard littered with happy toys and cheery pot-plants.
Are these two personas – Walmart Jackie O and chirpy biscuit-maker – going to be repeated ad nauseam for another five years? Roll on Mrs Michelle Muscat the working mother, who busts out of the front door while yelling over her shoulder, “And for God’s sake get off that sofa and pull your weight, because if you think you’re going to have a ruddy batman all your life, you have another think coming.”
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And every morning, she makes sure Joseph is wearing a vest.
[Daphne – No, the batman does that. Didn’t you watch the pre-electoral publicity video of their home life, with the batman putting on Muscat’s jacket in the hallway and dusting him down, while Mrs Muscat looks on? Of course, in normal life, a woman whose husband has a batman would be either in her boudoir or in another town altogether.]
All that money and they didn’t buy the instruction manual. See what comes of all this equality nonsense? Up the monarchy, down with the republic, what.
There was a time when Jason Micallef acted as Joseph Muscat’s batman. We still seem him on some videos arranging his tie and positioning the microphone before a tv appearance.
Din l-istess wahda li kienet fuq il-magazine ta’ xi gimgha ilu?
X’differenza ta’ ritratti!
It seems they’ve both abandoned the idea of recorded interviews because they look and sound so coarse it undermines their image.
I don’t think it’s just that. I think that they don’t like anything that can’t be edited. Look at how evasive Muscat himself is whenever faced with a journalist/cameraman … his furrow always make an entrance when the questions/answered are not set ones which are rehearsed.
And manages to look like his mother rather than his wife – that’s fifty something with expensive soap.
I see that she doesn’t find the time to iron the creases out of her sleeves. I detest ironed-in sleeve creases on adults’ clothes. (Smaller clothes are another story.)
A. “Nippruvaw ninvolvuhom kemm nistgħu fl-impenji soċjali li jkollna, u huma adattaw ruħhom tajjeb ħafna għall-ħajja tagħna.” Please tell me (unless I am so daft) how can a couple – particularly since these are the PM and his wife – involve two five-year olds in their social events.
B. In this interview Michelle Muscat makes reference to an “abandoned garden” (in the Style magazine she referred to it as “secret garden”) at Villa Francia. She should clarify whether this garden is part and parcel of the Villa or whether this is a field which is legally looked after by a full-time farmer.
C. And who gave her the right to use the “royal plural” throughout the interview when referring to Government business. Some examples are (a) “Aħna bil-għaqal, u l-għaqal ifisser deċiżjonijiet f’waqthom biex ma jbati ħadd u ma jsirux inġustizzji ġodda”, (b) “Inħoss li waħda mill-akbar sfidi tagħna hi….”, (c) “dak li ġie traskurat fl-imgħoddi rridu nindirizzawh”, and (d) “dan hu dak li għamilna b’enerġija kbira”. She was not far from saying “My husband and I”.
There is a strong rumour that she runs most of the show.
There was Silvio Parnis on One Radio this afternoon apologising Labour’s first 100 days in government and talking about ‘ugieghat tan-nies’, ‘pedimenti sodi’ and ‘swarijiet fin-nofsinhar ta’ Malta’. I was embarrassed in his stead. He can’t even speak Maltese.
The 100 days have certainly taken their toll on Michelle.