What price data protection?
June 24, 2013 at 12:51am
Pamela Seychell, Mrs Michelle Muscat’s personal assistant (pictured here with the prime minister) worked until last March at the Inland Revenue office in Merchant Street, where notaries pay stamp duty and tax collected on contracts.
Somebody pointed out a fact that didn’t occur to me earlier: that this means the personal assistant to the prime minister’s wife has a pretty good idea who bought and sold which pieces of real estate over X number of years, and may still have access to that ongoing information.
Given the nature of Labour, lots of people ought not to be comfortable with that knowledge.
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Data protection has been an issue for many years. How is it that expats – who have lost their right to vote due to being away for half a century – get pre-election junk mail from both parties?
People like myself have no affiliation with Malta or any Maltese bodies – we simply visit the island on holiday. Who is leaking the information?
In the UK? No… it comes from when I visit Malta.
Allura ghadha impjegata mal-gvern issa? Minn fejn qed tohrogilha il-paga? Minghand il-Gvern? Jew minghand Mrs Michelle Muscat?
Mela Mrs. M.Muscat ghandha xi posizzjoni biex ikollha personal assistant? Qallu tant li mhux veru illi ghandha xi job go Kastilja . Veru ta minn jitwahax b dawn il karigi veru li il pn kien ghamel kuntrumbajsa bil honoraria imma dawn ser jonfqu wisq aktar
Who is paying for the PA?
We are.
Mrs Michelle Muscat’s personal assistant is on the public payroll.
Victor, that is out of order. Time for you people over there to start planning some anti-corruption protests.
Now that Mrs Seychell has been skyrocketed into the Auberge de Castille, I wonder whether she still arrives late for work, spends most of her time on the phone chatting, out shopping or else smoking and drinking coffee instead of sitting at her desk attending to clients.