With information analysis like that, no wonder he had to sit up and beg for a government hand-out to survive

Published: June 16, 2013 at 2:42am

Frederick Testa, who has been given a Eur2,300 a month salary at PBS for ‘advising on television drama’, as thanks for featuring on Labour billboards and praising Muscat on the Labour hustings, thinks that Lawrence Gonzi was the worst Maltese prime minister ever.

With brains like those, no wonder he never got anywhere in life and had to sit up and beg for a grace and favour position at 60.

Frederick Testa

13 Comments Comment

  1. patriot says:

    When will these people stop being so stupid?

    I never imagined some ‘Maltese’ could be so ignorant. Lawrence Gonzi kept Malta afloat when other nations drowned. Time will tell.

  2. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    They will never stop being stupid as long as Joseph Muscat rewards them handsomely, at the taxpayers’ expense, for their clownish performances.

  3. C Falzon says:

    To be fair the question was about who was the worst party leader and not the worst prime minister.

    While I have no doubt that as a prime minister one could hardly have done better, his skills at leading the party left much to be desired.

  4. sammy says:

    Frederick, that DRAMA queen…. And who do we think is the worst theatre director in Maltese history? Mmmm we all know the answer to that, don’t we.

  5. mickey mouse says:

    Unfortunately this is the mentality of 99.99% of Labour supporters.

    No matter how many “letters” they have after their name, no matter how many privileges they have had growing up under a PN government, they are very convinced of all this.

    The point is that Malta really is in shambles if the majority share this kind of thinking.

  6. Quantum Interrogation says:

    I’d like to tell Frederick Testa that thousands of university students will be graduating this year. So Fred, has Joe brought in work opportunities for these students as in a ‘creation of jobs’?

    Come November, those kids will be unemployed, resting on social services and the tax payer. The economy will stagnate and a recession will follow.

    Thank you, Mr Hollande, for your good political example.

  7. Quantum Interrogation says:

    Jigifieri Fred, hallik minn nejk, il-gvern tieghek, sablek job, imma il-mekkanizmu tal-jobs u l-opportunitajiet ghall-jobs m’humiex kif il-mekkanizmu tal-job tieghek gie ipprovdut.

    Il-mekkanizmu ta’ kif haddem lilek il-gvern Laburista tieghek, tajjeb ghal dawk il-mitt ruh, fosthom inti, li jhobbu jittalbu imma ibqa cert li dawk l-eluf kollha li ha jiggradwaw fl-ahhar tas-sena, impossibli jittalbu,

    1) ghax ma jisthoqqilhomx,

    2) ma jistghux jittalbu ghaliex il-gvern mhux ha jlehhaq ma’ dik id-domanda kollha ghax kulhadd jaf li tlehhaq mad-demand, irid ikollok a good supply li kulhadd jaf, supply ta’ jopps m’hawnx.

    Bieb f’wicchom ha jsibu. Hekk hudu go fikom, ja mbecilli tfal li tahsbu bhal Frederick Testa. Issa tehduha t-taghlima, ma ddumux wisq.

    Fl-ahhar iz-zejt dejjem jitla. Dnub li ghadkom zghar wisq biex jidhku bikom ghax intom, wara dawk is-snin kollha ta’ studju, jisthoqqilkom l-ahjar gid fil-pajjiz. Gid li minnu l-ewwel tgawduh intom. Mhux xi wiehed bhal Frederick Testa, imhallas ghax ittallab.

    • Carthago delenda est! says:

      A very valid point! Come the first batch of graduates next November and it will be the true baptism of fire for the new government. I’m not good at making predictions (because my information is quite limited) but I can only see things moving backwards.

      If there is no new demand for the jobs our students are being trained in, I’m all agog to see Joseph’s Youth Guarantee (so much vaunted during the election campaign) in action.

      When I first heard it it reminded me of Mintoff’s electoral promise in 1971 – ‘Xoghol ghal Kulhadd fi zmien 3 Xhur’ (Work for All within 3 Months!) only to be translated in a never-ending series of Work Corps (most of them under military discipline).

      So yes, Labour has always represented CHANGE – of the wrong and retrograde kind. Joseph too has promised change and we already have a good clue of it.

      His changes in the general economy and the labour market takes a bit longer to materialise than those of the Permanent Secretaries.

  8. manum says:

    Frederick Testa is no surprise. He didn’t even have the guts to come out of the closet, and that must have bred a lot of anger and frustration.

  9. Johannes says:

    So Gonzi is worse than Sant or KMB? Unbelievable!

  10. Martin Borg says:

    As if anybody gives a toss as to Frederick Testa’s opinion .

  11. Gee I wish I was less unemployed and more like this guy…paid to post stuff on Facebook etc :)

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