69 lawyers file a judicial protest against the Prime Minister, the National Security Minister, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, the Police Commissioner and the Attorney-General
Fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Civili
Avukat Dottor Luca Amato (K.I.: 41887G);
Avukat Dottor Jason Azzopardi (K.I.: 143871M);
Avukat Dottor Reuben Balzan (K.I.: 182869M);
Avukat Dottor Austin Bencini (K.I.: 614854M);
Avukat Dottor John Bonello (K.I.: 534080M);
Avukat Dottor Kris Borg (K.I.: 10768M);
Avukat Dottor Peter Borg-Costanzi (K.I.: 247554M);
Avukat Dottor Adrian Borg-Cardona (K.I.: 538653M);
Avukat Dottor Andrew Borg-Cardona (K.I.: 818655M);
Avukat Dottor Karl Briffa (K.I.: 301879M);
Avukat Dottor Simon Busuttil (K.I.: 242669M);
Avukat Dottor Daniel Buttigieg (K.I.: 158087M);
Avukat Dottor Noel Buttigieg Scicluna (K.I.: 110751M);
Avukat Dottor Carla Camilleri (K.I.: 350779M);
Avukat Dottor Jeanelle Cachia (K.I.: 551887M);
Avukat Dottor Katrine Camilleri (K.I.: 101270M);
Avukat Dottor Michael Camilleri (K.I.: 100177M);
Avukat Dottor Peter Caruana-Galizia (K.I.: 30056M);
Avukat Dottor Kristina Cassar Torreggiani (K.I.: 31486G);
Avukat Dottor Richard Camilleri (K.I. 511756M)
Avukat Dottor Stefan Camilleri (K.I. 205273M)
Avukat Dottor Anthony Cutajar (K.I.: 482768M);
Avukat Dottor Errol Cutajar (K I 481075M)
Avukat Dottor Edward De Bono (K.I.: 592758M);
Avukat Dottor Adrian Delia (K.I.: 299369M);
Avukat Dottor Mario Demarco (K.I.: 500265M);
Avukat Dottor Norval Desira (K.I.: 430764M)
Avukat Dottor Ann Fenech (K.I. 28763M);
Avukat Dottor Mark Fenech (K.I. 573458M);
Avukat Dottor Peter Fenech (K.I. 67468M);
Avukat Dottor Beppe Fenech Adami (K.I.: 309568M);
Avukat Dottor Francesca Galea Cavallazzi (K.I. 218486M);
Avukat Dottor Richard Galea Debono (K.I. 233355M);
Avukat Dottor Matthew Galea Debono (K I 8185G)
Avukat Dottor Antonio Ghio (K.I.: 358977M);
Avukat Dottor Joseph Ghio (K.I.: 359077M);
Avukat Dottor David Gonzi (K.I.: 551078M);
Avukat Dottor Paul Gonzi (K.I.: 486282M);
Avukat Dottor Lawrence Gonzi (K.I.: 489953M);
Avukat Dottor Josette Grech (K.I.: 18679G);
Avukat Dottor Andrew Grima (K.I.: 461385M);
Avukat Dottor Christian Grima (K.I.: 64874M);
Avukat Dottor George Hyzler (K.I.: 328756M);
Avukat Dottor Josef Laferla (K.I.: 41787M);
Avukat Dottor Nicola Mallia (K.I.: 175477M);
Avukat Dottor Jesmond Manicaro (K.I.: 146078M);
Avukat Dottor Stefan Meilak (K.I.: 643162M);
Avukat Dottor Angelo Micallef (K.I.: 125286M);
Avukat Dottor Cedric Mifsud (K.I.: 196979M);
Avukat Dottor Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici (K.I.: 267360M);
Avukat Dottor Paula Mifsud Bonnici (K.I.: 6173M);
Avukat Dottor Joseph Mizzi (K.I.: 29787G);
Avukat Dottor Marthese Portelli (K.I.: 15276G);
Avukat Dottor Malcolm Hyzler (K.I.: 405168M);
Avukat Dottor Chris Said (K.I.: 18970GM);
Avukat Dottor Victor Scerri (K.I.: 366665M);
Avukat Dottor Tanya Sciberras Camilleri (K.I.: 310267M);
Avukat Dottor Richard Sladden (K.I. 158467M);
Avukat Dottor Sandra Sladden (K.I. 263471M);
Avukat Dottor Michael Tanti-Dougall (K.I. 261460M);
Avukat Dottor Massimo Vella (K.I.: 411674M);
Avukat Dottor Nicole Vella (K.I.: 233282M);
Avukat Dottor Nicolai Vella Falzon (K.I.: 114474M)
Avukat Dottor Claudine Pace Zarb (K I 250878M)
Avukat Dottor Francis Zammit Dimech (K.I.: 771754M)
(1) L-Onorevoli Prim Ministru;
(2) L-Onorevoli Ministru ghall-Intern u s-Sigurta Nazzjonali;
(3) Kap Kmandant tal-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta;
(4) Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija;
(5) L-Avukat Generali
Protest Gudizzjarju ta’ Avukat Dottor Luca Amato (K.I.: 41887G); Avukat Dottor Jason Azzopardi (K.I.: 143871M); Avukat Dottor Reuben Balzan (K.I.: 182869M); Avukat Dottor Austin Bencini (K.I.: 614854M); Avukat Dottor John Bonello (K.I.: 534080M); Avukat Dottor Kris Borg (K.I.: 10768M); Avukat Dottor Peter Borg-Costanzi (K.I.: 247554M); Avukat Dottor Adrian Borg-Cardona (K.I.: 538653M); Avukat Dottor Andrew Borg-Cardona (K.I.: 818655M); Avukat Dottor Karl Briffa (K.I.: 301879M); Avukat Dottor Simon Busuttil (K.I.: 242669M); Avukat Dottor Daniel Buttigieg (K.I.: 158087M); Avukat Dottor Noel Buttigieg Scicluna (K.I.: 110751M); Avukat Dottor Carla Camilleri (K.I.: 350779M); Avukat Dottor Jeanelle Cachia (K.I.: 551887M); Avukat Dottor Katrine Camilleri (K.I.: 101270M); Avukat Dottor Michael Camilleri (K.I.: 100177M); Avukat Dottor Peter Caruana-Galizia (K.I.: 30056M); Avukat Dottor Kristina Cassar Torreggiani (K.I.: 31486G); Avukat Dottor Richard Camilleri (K.I. 511756M); Avukat Dottor Stefan Camilleri (K.I. 205273M); Avukat Dottor Anthony Cutajar (K.I.: 482768M); Avukat Dottor Errol Cutajar (K I 481075M); Avukat Dottor Edward De Bono (K.I.: 592758M); Avukat Dottor Adrian Delia (K.I.: 299369M); Avukat Dottor Mario Demarco (K.I.: 500265M); Avukat Dottor Norval Desira (K.I.: 430764M); Avukat Dottor Ann Fenech (K.I. 28763M); Avukat Dottor Mark Fenech (K.I. 573458M); Avukat Dottor Peter Fenech (K.I. 67468M); Avukat Dottor Beppe Fenech Adami (K.I.: 309568M); Avukat Dottor Francesca Galea Cavallazzi (K.I. 218486M); Avukat Dottor Richard Galea Debono (K.I. 233355M); Avukat Dottor Matthew Galea Debono (K I 8185G); Avukat Dottor Antonio Ghio (K.I.: 358977M); Avukat Dottor Joseph Ghio (K.I.: 359077M); Avukat Dottor David Gonzi (K.I.: 551078M); Avukat Dottor Paul Gonzi (K.I.: 486282M); Avukat Dottor Lawrence Gonzi (K.I.: 489953M); Avukat Dottor Josette Grech (K.I.: 18679G); Avukat Dottor Andrew Grima (K.I.: 461385M); Avukat Dottor Christian Grima (K.I.: 64874M); Avukat Dottor George Hyzler (K.I.: 328756M); Avukat Dottor Josef Laferla (K.I.: 41787M); Avukat Dottor Nicola Mallia (K.I.: 175477M); Avukat Dottor Jesmond Manicaro (K.I.: 146078M); Avukat Dottor Stefan Meilak (K.I.: 643162M); Avukat Dottor Angelo Micallef (K.I.: 125286M); Avukat Dottor Cedric Mifsud (K.I.: 196979M); Avukat Dottor Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici (K.I.: 267360M); Avukat Dottor Paula Mifsud Bonnici (K.I.: 6173M); Avukat Dottor Joseph Mizzi (K.I.: 29787G); Avukat Dottor Marthese Portelli (K.I.: 15276G); Avukat Dottor Malcolm Hyzler (K.I.: 405168M); Avukat Dottor Chris Said (K.I.: 18970GM); Avukat Dottor Victor Scerri (K.I.: 366665M); Avukat Dottor Tanya Sciberras Camilleri (K.I.: 310267M); Avukat Dottor Richard Sladden (K.I. 158467M); Avukat Dottor Sandra Sladden (K.I. 263471M); Avukat Dottor Michael Tanti-Dougall (K.I. 261460M); Avukat Dottor Massimo Vella (K.I.: 411674M); Avukat Dottor Nicole Vella (K.I.: 233282M); Avukat Dottor Nicolai Vella Falzon (K.I.: 114474M); Avukat Dottor Claudine Pace Zarb (K I 250878M)
Avukat Dottor Francis Zammit Dimech (K.I.: 771754M)
Jesponu bir-rispett,
Illi l-esponenti jezercitaw il-professjoni ta’ avukati f’dawn l-Onorabbli Qrati tal-Gustizzja u li ghalhekk meta gew ammessi fl-ezercizzju tal-professjoni wettqu bil-gurament il-lealta taghom lejn il-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta u l-ligijiet ta’ pajjizna;
Illi l-esponenti gew a konjizzjoni tal-fatt li llum stess, 9 ta’ Lulju 2013, zbarkaw f’Malta numru ta’ immigranti u dan peress li skond stqarrija ghall-istampa mahruga mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni, gie mhabbar li ghall-habta tat-3.08am il-Patrol Boat tal-Forzi Armati P22 intercettat dghajsa ta’ erbatax (14) -il metru b’mija u zewg (102) persuni abbord, mil u nofs ‘il barra mill-Ponta ta’ Delimara. Din id-dghajsa giet skortata gewwa c-Centru tal-Iskwadra Marittima tal-Forzi Armati fejn l-immigranti, fosthom wiehed u erbghin (41) mara u zewgt (2) itfal gew zbarkati madwar is-6am;
Illi sussegwentement inhargu rapporti fl-istampa lokali fejn gie rappurtat li l-Gvern behsiebu jibghat lil uhud minn dawn l-immigranti lura u li saru arrangamenti fir-rigward inkluz billi saru t-thejjijiet ghat-titjiriet li se jwasslu lura lil dawn il-persuni li jinhtiegilhom protezzjoni skond il-ligi;
Illi inhargu wkoll rapporti li ghaqdiet non-governattivi li joperaw f’dan il-qasam ma inghatawx access ghal dawn l-immigranti biex jaghtuhom l-ghajnuniet immedjati u mehtiega sabiex jittutelaw id-dinjita u d-drittijiet taghhom;
Illi tali decizjoni tal-Gvern qed iccahhad lil dawn l-immigranti mid-dritt taghhom li japplikaw ghall-azil f’pajjizna u milli jirrikorru ghall-harsien tad-drittijiet taghhom. Irid jinghad ukoll li m’hemm l-ebda assikurazzjoni li dawn il-persuni mhumiex se jkunu ivvessati la jintbaghtu lura lejn pajjizi ohra. Dan ikun jikkostitwixxi ksur tal-jeddijiet fundamentali ta’ dawn il-persuni u ghalhekk ksur tal-ligi, anke in vista ta’ dak li ddecidiet il-Qorti Ewropea tad-Drittijiet tal-Bniedem fis-sentenza li tat fil-Grand Chamber nhar it-23 ta’ Frar 2012 fl-ismijiet “Hirsi Jamaa and Others v. Italy”;
Illi din l-azzjoni, minbarra li tikkostitwixxi agir illegali, hija wkoll oggezzjonabbli ghall-esponenti li fil-qadi tal-professjoni taghhom huma tenuti li jirrispettaw u jippromwovi l-harsien tal-ligijiet ta’ pajjizna u l-protezzjoni tad-drittijiet fondamentali tal-bniedem;
Illi l-intimati, jew min minnhom, kemm-il darba jibqghu ghaddejjin bil-pjan taghhom li jibghatu lil dawn il-persuni lura jkunu qeghdin jagixxu bi ksur flagranti tal-ligi, kif fuq inghad;
Ghaldaqstant, l-esponenti, fil-waqt li jgibu l-premess a formali konjizzjoni tal-intimati, jiddifawkom, jew min minnkom, milli tesegwixxu l-intenzjonijiet taghkom li abbuzivament u illegalment tiddeportaw l-immigranti fuq imsemmija u jqieghdukhom in dolo, mora et culpa ghall-finijiet u effetti kollha tal-ligi.
Esponenti: Il-Qorti, Valletta
Notifiki: (1) L-Onorevoli Prim Ministru, Berga ta’ Kastilja, Valletta
(2) L-Onorevoli Ministru ghall-Intern u s-Sigurta Nazzjonali;
Il-Palazz, Valletta
(3) Kap Kmandant tal-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta – Luqa Barracks, Luqa
(4) Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija, Kwartieri Generali tal-Pulizija, Floriana
(5) L-Avukat Generali – Il-Palazz, Valletta
68 Comments Comment
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I feel we are back to the 1970s and the 1980s – the Golden Years. When we had to fight for our rights, every day.
Very true
Yes, you are right. Do you remember when a number of lawyers had to sign a pettion, if I am not mistaken in the case of the “Blue Sisters’ Hospital” for a similar cause?
And yet another one in the case of the frame-up of Peter Paul Busuttil. Although, frame-ups were the order of the day in those ‘golden’ years. May the God Almighty deliver us from this incompetent lot.
YES I remember. That was when my brother Dr. Frank Portelli wrote in The Times to say that the Judge Prof Cremona should refrain from judging the case of the Blue Sisters, when he had already suggested another line of attack to the prosecutor. For this Frank was held under arrest for 48 hours in a cell. 99 lawyers had signed a protest. Oh yes I remember how afraid we were for him, but nobody seems to have remembered this. I cannot understand the hatred that is coming from the mouths of some persons.
[Daphne – Why are we expected to be shocked about that when Frank himself finds the Labour Party so engaging nowadays, Mrs Dimech? If he doesn’t bother, I certainly shan’t.]
This is so good on so many points I don’t even know where to begin. Point form then:
1) Maltese lawyers who cherish justice and not just the law.
2) Maltese citizens who put their names to an indelible thing.
3) Maltese citizens who go all the way to the top and name names.
This is one hell of a turning point.
And this just after 4 months. Deja’ vu.
But I bet won’t be easy to take him down as it was with Dr Sant. The man has one direction. He is the boss. He is the decision maker.
And he wants everything under his power to control everything and everyone.
Hope the Maltese citiezens will realise what is wrong and what is right and as a nation we stand up for our rights and our islands. Malta is not a one-man show, Dr Muscat.
He is not a decision maker.
He has over the last four months taken decisions that have forced him into untenable situations: the Marlene Farrugia/Godfrey Farrugia quandry, Manual Mallia as Minister of Justice for all of 3 months; Dalli and his appointment as Minister of Health; Jason Micallef’s appointment; Lou Bondi’s appointment; extension of use of heavy fuel oil for a further 12 months; this disaster, to name but a few.
Wait for September, Delimara tender and international regulations.
Good show.
Now that’s what I call ‘a ton of bricks’ falling on Joseph Muscat.
Wahda jghidilha ‘briksa’ u tunellata x’jghidilhom? Briksiet?
Tunellata briks, mela ma tafx bil-Malti?
Hemm bzonn li iktar nies juru l-ghadab taghhom ghal dan l-agir tal-gvern. Il-PN iridu ikunu iktar fermi fil-kummenti taghhom.
And now, I expect the Church to pronounce itself, clearly and unequivocally.
It did
Dr Muscat will make the PN look bad for their indifference toward illegal immigration. Most of the immigrants come from safe African countries and they should be returned to where they came from.
Somalia safe?
Oh really!
Are you that much familiar with these countries? Illuminate us please.
@ Paul Bonnici – are you for real? Safe? Do you read any news or are just trying to be funny.
The sort of safe he’s talking about is the out-of-sight-out-of-mind kind.
Why don’t you go to test how safe these countries are, personally? Put your money where you obviously big mouth is…
And maybe one of these countries might decide to keep you … safe
It is quite stirring that formal action has been taken.
This is a very important moment.
And all this after just 4 months at the helm.
I don’t want to imagine what we have to face till the next general election.
And dear people who voted for him, how do YOU sleep at night?
Joseph Musact has brought shame to our Nation. His actions are only fit for dictators in totalitarian states. Inhuman, undemocratic, insensitive, heartless, shameful and utterly disgusting !
The people in Malta did not vote for this filthy politics. This Nation is known for its humanity and its hospitalibity. JM has wiped away our reputation in a mere 4 months in power !
His shameful action is none the less serious than the infamous ‘Final Solution’ of the Jews by the Adolf Hitler’s Nazis.
The government is up to its neck in filth after just four months.
This boat people mis en scene is just a chaff dispensing system to deflect an onslaught of criticism which is boring to the core of the administration.
Let no one be fooled.
Totally agree.
Heard on TVM, live, Tweedledum very clearly insinuated that the fact that the NGOs got the ECHR to prohibit the Tweeds’ plan to push back irregular immigrants means that Government now has one less card to negotiate with when they sit round the table with their European counterparts.
This from a ‘leading’ lawyer who knows it is illegal, knows there is legal precedent and knows it is not an option. Unbelievable, pathetic that this is who is leading this country.
He always had that one card less. The EU knew that the ECHR had declared pushback as illegal.
Maybe it’s the Minister who did not know, and from the looks of it, this seems to be the case. I suspect that when some time last week Muscat declared he would use push back, he did no know that it was illegal. Otherwise, why is it only now that he says that he will comply with the ECHR’s ruling?
The threat of the John Dalli story was worth this cock-up, and its full consequences, for Joseph Muscat?
I heard it too.
Good point. How can the threat of acting illegally ever be considered as a bargaining chip?
It is incredible that a supposedly ‘avukat bravu’ would put forward such an argument.
What do we have in store in the next five years I wonder? This must only be the start. It started with defenseless migrants. Who’s next?
Thank you to these lawyers for standing up to this situation. They are absolutely right to have done so. As a Maltese citizen, I am embarrassed by the stand being taken by my country’s government.
Hmm, many names are conspicuous by their absence from this list, lawyers who are usually very vociferous and holier-than-thou on the issue of human rights. So much for principles …
I can’t see the name of Franco Debono. Dak li tghidx kemm bata, miskin. Min jaf x’jahseb dwar it-tbatija ta’ dawn l-immigranti? Imbaghad halliha ghalih biex jiftahar bir-riformi TIEGHU fil-gustizzja, u bil-kostituzzjoni u li ghandha tintbaghat go kull dar.
Imma Franco Debono ihobb hafna l-ghasafar. Fil-fatt ihobbhom jew go gagga jew imgellda bhas-sriedak.
I am just glad for the 69 who had the guts to do this … as for the others, can we all take note and take whatever custom we might have elsewhere.
Prosit one and all! This morning I was despairing of the average Maltese man. Now I am happy with our average – actually most better than average – Maltese lawyers.
That’s the first thing I did when I saw the list and can frankly say that some names are conspicuous by their absence.
I was surprised to note that the name of the great constitutional thinker Dr Francesco li jghaxxaq is missing from the list of lawyers above.
He is usually at the forefront to show off when such high legal issues such as the European Court of Human Rights cases come up in the news.
OK then, I will be waiting to see him on the other side of this issue defending his boyish PM and grumpy Interior Minister. Hu go fik Franco issa.
On a more serious note I cannot understand how our lawyer Mr President has not yet uttered a word on this goverment charade and have some moral spine to address the xenophobia of this last week.
Imbasta mmorru bir-razza u redikla udjenza mal-Papa. X’ipokrezija.
Mr. President is vociferous when it comes to people with eating disorders but silent about people who have nothing who could be sent back to a living hell.
Why is it that Labour has this irresistible trait of electing leaders who at best despise the rule of law and at worst ride roughshod over the rights of others?
First we had Mintoff with his chequered history stating proudly that he doesn’t give a damn when speaking of our Constitution. Nitn….k mill-kostituzzjoni” he told us.
Then came KMB and true to his colours, he shamelessly presented the ‘Gaddafi Human Rights Prize in Tripoli’ – a travesty of the first order.
Alfred Sant followed and keenly reassured us all that it’s not a problem after all to bend the rules. You know …. inbazwru ftit ‘l hawn u nbazwru ftit ‘l hemm.
And now Joseph Muscat comes along and regals us with a real pearl of far right wisdom selecting the men from the women and children and deporting them preferably to kingdom come. Shades of
Gen. Mladic …. only he wears a broader smile.
Why couldn’t they come up with a decent leader for once? A statesman who could reform the worst elements in his party and lead rather than be lead by them? Why not … for Malta’s sake?
They never can have a decent leader since they have the old rubbish still around. Well i have a feeling that the bets are open…… How long he will still be in power?
The Maltese elected them Prime Ministers.
I blame it on the binary system. To me it is logical as well. The good is attracted to one side, the bad to the opposite side.
Because Labour isn’t about Malta. It’s an agglomeration of those who, in this microcosm of a place, manage to feel outdone.
Labour is about another Malta, one that doesn’t belong to ‘anyone’. Whatever that means, if it can ever mean.
Muscat just followed this constant when he formed the movement. He simply reworded that which blocks people from their potential calling it GonziPN.
Labour potentially exists when not in power, kontra, but it becomes a paradox when faced with the idea of nation.
Being part of something, read borghese, causes guttural panic and the vocation to ‘break free’ is then mistaken for a geographic predicament. Force will replace authority, the urgency imposed by physical constriction justifying it.
Small Island states or with a degree of autonomy where politics take on the local, always suffer this distortion of the left.
Material need as an ideological raison d’etre and limited landmass soon come to a head.
The EU, funnily enough, was primarily a potential competitor to Labour’s role as opposition to the PN in government.
Malta taghna lkoll, opposizjoni u gvern, partiti u movimenti. They’re basically scared and Muscat knows it too well.
The PN’s mistake was to emphasize the problems out there.
@Betty In all fairness the President did try to pre-empt the PM from putting his foot in it. But given the anorexic problems of our country, unfortunately hydrogen is heavier than Mr. President’s words.
Bravo. I wish to join this legal action.
Joseph Muscat is a bluffer.
Like I said, I would not trust any political party on Malta.
He is not only a very cunning bluffer but a dangerous manipulator of individuals\masses and the media.
He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing!
But he is still spinning around in circles.
He has got to deliver and not play make-believe if his voters are to take him seriously.
He has not solved any of the nation’s problems with his bluster,
he actually created more problems.
Even a child can play his game and that is not even faux statesmanship we are talking about here.
And you can’t keep on blustering for a solid 5 years and expect a pat on the back and bronze bust in Valletta.
Grazzi u prosit lil dawn l-avukati kollha.
What no Franco Debono? So much for his commitment to human rights. Confirmation that he is a self-obsessed windbag.
Well done, all of you.
Well done. Our primary and overriding allegiance is to human rights and justice.
Where were these lawyers when Gonzi did the same?
[Daphne – Perhaps you should ask them, Henrik. There was no ECHR judgement then, and it’s the ECHR judgement which forms the legal basis of their protest. But I don’t quite follow your argument. When people stand up to be counted, you don’t ask them why they didn’t stand up to be counted 11 years ago. What are you suggesting exactly – that because nothing was said then, then nothing should be said now? I certainly spoke out back then. So did several others.]
Dear Daphne,
While I appreciate that people can evolve and change their mind, it is leaving me puzzled to find Dr Mario De Marco’s name in the list of lawyers when his government till last year did not have any problems considering push-backs.
It is correct that back in 2002, there was no ECHR judjement, but internatial laws and the rights for asylum already existed, no one bothered to file a case with ECHR, not like yesterday when the NGOs actually called up ECHR.
Try to understand – if there was no judgment there’s no court case one can quote, a precedent.
So if a court states that in the case of Italy’s push back of migrants to Libya the migrants’ rights were not respected, it goes without saying that in the same scenario Malta would have breached ON PURPOSE the migrant’s rights.
Italy tested its case in court and lost, any country in the EU which tries to breach a migrant’s right will be rebuked and sanctioned by the European Court.
Basically Joseph cannot do what Mintoff did when the latter sent two anti Gaddafi hijackers of a Libyan Arab Airlines plane which landed in Malta, back to Libya.
Mintoff guaranteed that they won’t be prosecuted by the Gaddafi regime, and the gullible hijackers believed him. At least that’s what we were told by Xandir Malta then.
I suspect they preferred a twenty-year stay at Corradino rather than being sent back to Libya.
One should add a note that there were other lawyers who wanted to subscribe but could not be reached in time:
I can think of, at least, 30-40 lawyers more, who would have signed it had they known about it. Time is an issue in these cases.
Back to the seventies. For anyone who loves history this was done by the Labour government in 1958 with Maltese Egyptians who were not let ashore and were repatriated in the UK.
This was done to our brothers in Egypt so imagine today’s situation. And above all, it’s a gimmick to divert attention from the John Dalli scandal.
A big thank you goes to all the above lawyers, who had no second thoughts to fight for what is right. They prove that Joseph cannot simply do whatever he feels like doing and that the system of checks and balances is still in working order.
As defining actions are crucial, and true, genuine leaders are made of these alone, I believe Malta’s new moral elite are represented by the lawyers who signed this Judicial Protest and not at all by the cretins in Government, try as they may.
It is too late for LP. Their foundations and basic principles are rotten to the core. What is there to build on, when the bottom comes crashing out on every occasion?
Even a stink will out.
Thanks for providing the list – I also took note of the lawyers working in this field who are absent from the list (excluding those who specialize in commercial law).
[Daphne – Don’t draw conclusions from the absence of certain names. Many lawyers simply couldn’t be reached in time. But others, yes, refused.]
I wonder what Dr George Abela’s opinion is on this one.
Probably some idiotic tautology about how these “people are also humans”. Do we ALWAYS have to put cretins in top positions in Malta?