A security guard. Lovely.

Published: July 23, 2013 at 7:28pm

So George Galea (as distinct from Jason Galea, who was the one first in the news) has been charged with shooting and stabbing the Camilleris, hiding the bodies and stealing things off them. And he is a SECURITY GUARD.

It makes you wonder what sort of security checks are carried out on security men.

Jason Galea was already arraigned on Friday and charged with killing his own nephew and brother-in-law. Now he is also accused of killing Matthew Zahra – one of those rare cases in which we have a murder trial without a corpse being found. The scrap of foot found by the police has yet to be identified as his through DNA testing.

Also accused of the murder of Matthew Zahra is one Ronald Urry, who is reported to be Jason Galea’s step-brother. Presumably, that also makes him a step-brother to the mother and wife of the Camilleri victims.

Urry’s Facebook profile picture (one of two profiles) is that of Al Pacino is his iconic role as the Cuban immigrant cocaine trafficker in Scarface. The one with his real face has just 58 FB friends. They include Carmen Pullicino Orlando, the Labour Party’s Deo Debattista, Joe Grima (the Fat Controller), Marie Louise Coleiro, and Jeremy Portelli, the poseur-man some of you might remember as the ‘fake hunter’ who accosted Simon Busuttil on a walkabout in Paola (I think it was Paola) during the election campaign.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Now why would Carmen Pullicino Orlando be friends with someone like Urry?

    ONE’s in a panic, they’ve retrieved the story about L-Imniehru’s wife’s cleaning services company.

    Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici it is.

  2. Min Jaf says:

    Qieghed tassew f’idejn tajba pajjizna, grazzi ghal dawk l-opportunisti u imzzazen kollha li vvutaw Labour.

  3. Vanni says:

    Ronald Urry is not a very common name, so might be this fella here:

    He works (worked?) for Sedqa

    ‘Lawyers Tony Abela and Patrick Valentino were defence counsel’

    • Sera says:

      Yes he used to work as a care worker for Sedqa while he was supposedly reformed, until he relapsed again.

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    We have all experienced the ‘WWW, World Wide Web’. Now we have the ‘MWW, Malta Wide Web’. Somewhat more insidious and not necessarily reliant on computers.

    However, the internet (Daphne and her blog) has exposed a frightening entanglement between criminal elements and the current government and its’ Ministers.

  5. Aunt Hetty says:

    My God! What sleaze.

  6. Mandy says:

    Ronald Urry is GEORGE Galea’s step-brother. George Galea is no relation of Jason Galea.

  7. Aunt Hetty says:

    I think that those two are half -brothers (same mother) not step -brothers. That is what one television station reported.

  8. maverick says:

    Ronald urry is known as Il-Lira, and yes, Jeremy Portelli was the one who accosted Simon Busuutil in Paola.

  9. Alf says:

    You are absolutely correct. Jeremy Portelli accosted Simon Busuttil in Paola (opposite the market place).

  10. Manhattan says:

    There seems to be some confusion as to who is related to whom. According to the Times and the Independent Urry is George Galea’s half-brother whereas TVM reports that Jason Galea is Urry’s step-brother….

  11. Pacino says:

    Proud to have voted Labour


    [Daphne – I mean, come on, are you surprised? They all did, including the victims.]

  12. john says:

    One of the reports stated that Jason Galea and Ronald Urry share the same mother but have different fathers. That would make them half-brothers rather than step-brothers.

    [Daphne – Times of Malta reported that they are step-brothers, without going into the details. I forget that step-brother is taken to mean ‘half brother’ in Malta, the way grandchildren are ‘nephews’. In any case, half-brother must be wrong too. On the ‘santa tal-mejtin’, Mrs Camilleri’s father (and therefore also Jason Galea’s] is given as Nenu Galea, still living. That means his wife, now dead, can’t have had a son by another man, with a different surname – unless, of course, he was born before she married Galea, which might well be the case.]

    • john says:

      An apocryphal family story relates how, when an unmarried mother went to register her newborn, and was asked if she knew who the father was, replied ‘mhux ta’ Urry, dan’. She had been seeing a sailor called Harry. The boy was duly registered as Giuseppe Urry.

  13. Beingpressed says:

    I missed something.17 police officers reinstated?

  14. Butterfly says:

    That Jeremy Portelli seems to have a son with one of l-Imniehru’s daughters.

    However, she seems to have deleted her Facebook account.

  15. Aunt Hetty says:

    The Royal Family of the Maltese Underground.

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