come onn joseph muscat wadabom I’ll barra I’ll daw hmieg!!
And then he says that he didn’t instigate the current outpouring of venomous hatred, and that he has nothing to do with it.
Just read these shocking comments. Who would even want supporters like that? Yes, a vote is a vote is a vote, but really – to have your ‘brand’ (because these are the terms in which the Labour Party thinks) associated with people like this?
People who say that human beings should be thrown into a tank with a bowser of petrol and burned alive?
Seven years ago, similar sentiments stirred up by racist leader Norman Lowell – and you cannot compare him to the prime minister’s position and significance – lead to a spate of very serious arson attacks on the property of individuals seen by racists as being “favur il-klandestini”.
While others who live on streets had their front doors and cars burned, my own home was subjected to the most dangerous attack of all: lorry tyres packed with bottles of petrol, plus jerry-cans full of petrol, stacked against the glass doors leading to the downstairs bedrooms while we were asleep at 3am. By chance, one of our sons returned home just as the fire began raging and sounded the alarm.
This is just how dangerous racist incitement is because these are not normal, sane, well-balanced people we are talking about here. Normal people do not hate – I am not talking about mere fear or suspicion here, but real hate – others based on the colour of their skin.
This is abnormal reasoning and so the prime minister has to bear in mind that the abnormal reasoning and irrational hatred they manifest towards African immigrants can translate rapidly into other forms of hate and abnormal behaviour.
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Disgusting. What annoys me is that we have the misfortune of sharing the same nationality as these disgusting human beings, if they can be called humans.
Same sentiments, I am disgusted to be called Maltese just as these people are. I have always been proud to be called Maltese but I am ashamed to read these sort of comments. And JM should be responsible to incite such hatred.
Il-pulizija immissa tiehu azzjoni fuq dawn in-nies. Veru li ma ghandniex hdura fil-kampanja imma hdura fil-qlub hawn kemm trid.
Lanqas irrid nemmen li wasalna f’dan l istat. Il-htija hi tal-cowboy li qal li ried jibaghthom lura. Ara kelma kif tinstiga il-mibeghda.
Il-Malti jghid ahjar kelma nieqsa milli kelma zejda. Kieku zamma ghalih kieku ma kienx johrog dan kollu. Nitwahhax qieghed jien b’dan il-kliem.
X’injoranza grassa u xi hdura! Tapit tal-barrani? UE? X’ghandu x’jaqsam.
Well, no surprise really – research has proved the obvious – that there is a direct link between racism and low level of intelligence.
Hsibtek qed tirreferixxi ghal John Dalli u it-tifla tieghu minn Mater Dei.
So much for il-qalb kbira tal-Maltin.
This calls for statesmanship – stirring speeches and actions to rally the island in unity.
But we instead got an overweight kid who stamps his feet and boasts about it – without realizing he deserves to be chastised for this (or his poor use of the English language; or both) rather than championed.
“This is abnormal reasoning and so the prime minister has to bear in mind that the abnormal reasoning and irrational hatred they manifest towards African immigrants can translate rapidly into other forms of hate and abnormal behaviour.”
That is exactly the kind of people Joseph Muscat wants as his average voter.
Trigger a primitive emotion in these people and they’ll make you their king – no thinking required.
Ara ukoll minn ghandu l-vot bhali.
Isn’t this propogation of racial hatred against the law? Where is the police commissioner? Is Lowell the only person subject to anti-racism laws in Malta?
These people are a great disservice to those who are genuinely concerned about illegal immigration.
Violence is never the answer, all it does is make a bad situation worse and should be condemned by all.
Racist comments are not the answer either.
[Daphne – Then why did you vote for Norman Lowell?]
The problem is that people, normal people and not the violent racists are simply fed up with this situation.
Most people are not racist and not all illegal immigrants are bad or a threat but Malta is simply too small and lacks the resources both in the labour market and financially to keep bringing in illegal immigrants.
[Daphne – If Malta is too small, why did we join the European Union, throwing our borders open to any one of 500 million EU citizens who might wish to live and work here? If you want sympathy from rational people for your arguments, keep those arguments rational. If you keep mentioning size, not enough jobs etc, people will be able to boil your opposition down to the real reason: not too small, but too small for Africans who show up in the mix. As I said to a Frenchman who lives here in Malta and used the same ‘size’ argument a couple of days ago, if Malta is big enough for a Frenchman then it’s big enough for an African. I never noticed that Africans are twice the size. And at least, unlike the Frenchman in question, they’ll be working and economically productive.]
If the EU keep failing us what else can we do?
[Daphne – ‘If the EU keep failing us’: Malta is part of the EU. So we must be failing ourselves, then.]
We cannot send them to Brussels, we cannot bring them in help them and then tell them to go to any destination they want.
Its ok for the EU/EC/ECHR to preach about the immigrants rights and all but then it seems no EU country is willing to share the burden (take some immigrants). And I do not blame them either.
[Daphne – There is not a single EU member state without an immigration problem, Chris. Get a grip. Do you want a part of Britain’s massive problem? Italy’s? Greece’s? Cyrus’s? Spain’s? People are pouring across any border they can, and if you think being outside the EU helps, look at Israel. Israel’s only advantage, if you can call it that, is that it has no restrictions on human rights violations because it is not a signatory to the European Convention on Human Rights (nothing to do with EU membership).]
700 or so immigrants taken by other EU countries in 5 years is a joke considering that 700 can come in as little as 2 weeks. Giving us a few millions does not help either. It helps the immigrants maybe but not the Maltese.
[Daphne – I’d like a clear answer from you: why is an African immigrant who busts his gut doing jobs no Maltese want to do, like collect rubbish from the streets, somehow more of a problem than a Maltese who has never worked a day in his life and doesn’t intend to, preferring to live off social benefits instead?]
A couple of days ago my partner and I went to Ghadira for a spot of sunbathing/sociological observation. We settled next to a couple of families of mixed race who were obviously friends and were at the beach together.
The two families consisted of two black men, whom I gathered were Nigerian, together with their Maltese wives with a plethora of children.
I don’t think I am exaggerating when I say that they were the most well-behaved group on the entire beach. They were having fun with the children, it was evident that they had great respect for their wives (contrary to the stereotypes) and they were careful not to allow their children to annoy other people.
They never once scolded the kids and although, as children, they were the usual energetic dynamos, their parents managed to control them firmly but kindly and fondly.
In contrast a few metres away there was a typical Maltese family. Just to give you the idea, I could have compiled a comprehensive list of saints just from listening to them curse for a few minutes. And a new edition of the Malleus Maleficarum from the threats of grievous bodily harm directed to their children.
Again I was embarrassed to be Maltese.
[Daphne – I’d like a clear answer from you: why is an African immigrant who busts his gut doing jobs no Maltese want to do, like collect rubbish from the streets, somehow more of a problem than a Maltese who has never worked a day in his life and doesn’t intend to, preferring to live off social benefits instead?]
Honestly I think nobody enjoys jobs like collecting rubbish from the streets be they Maltese, African or any other nationality but there has always been people doing these type of jobs long before immigration from Africa (or anywhere else) was ever an issue.
I fully agree with you on your part about the Maltese parasites who prefer registering as unemployed whilst living of our taxes and if I had it my way I would cut off ALL their social benefits and the problem would be solved. But they were born here, they are Maltese nationals and we are stuck with them like it or not.
The most opposing EU countries are the northern ones who do a lot of preaching about human rights and dignity but are the first to put spokes in the wheels whenever burden sharing is put to a discussion.
Why should you expect solidarity from Northern European countries when Malta spent the best part of forty years putting spokes in THEIR wheels. Mintoff’s geopolitical chickens are coming home to roost. Good. Perhaps we’ll start revising our history books.
“Honestly I think nobody enjoys jobs like collecting rubbish from the streets be they Maltese, African or any other nationality but there has always been people doing these type of jobs long before immigration from Africa (or anywhere else) was ever an issue.”
You are very, very wrong, Chris Mifsud – in other countries, including European ones, rubbish collecting is just a job like any other, and those who do it are not looked upon and branded as village idiots, stupid or good-for-nothingas they are on these Godforsaken islands.
You have no idea how much I hate our warped mentality and ignorance.
@Chris Mifsud: ‘Most people are not racist and not all illegal immigrants are bad or a threat …’
Precisely. Normal people are not ‘consciously’ racist. Being so insular it’s easy to feel subconsciously threatened.
That’s why any stirring of racist feelings immediately flares up.
What are the police waiting for?
There is but a thin line between obsessive love of motherland and xenophobia.
See why I turn up my nose at Maltese patriotism?
To be fair to the Maltese, while there is a lot of dangerous nonsense going on in the social media like the clips above, there is also some balanced discussion on the pros and cons of immigration.
Not everybody who is concerned about the effects of immigration “hates” the “blacks”. There are also balanced people who recognize the need to giving aid to these people in need, but also recognise that unchecked immigration, like it or not, could cause big trouble further down the line.
Of course, all this being said, Muscat should have realised the wave of xenophobia that he would release by his actions. One has to realise that, with all his fiery speeches, Norman Lowell never managed to galvanize the wave of anti-immigrant sentiment that Muscat did without even realising it.
I’ve seen the meekest of people who I’d have sworn wouldn’t swat a fly and who profess their revulsion at anything Norman Lowell, express satisfaction at Muscat’s threats of repatriation. It just goes to show what a terrible power a government has and how responsible it should be when wielding it.
There are no pro’s to immigration, just cons.
But I completely agree with you that most people who speak out against immigration do not hate blacks.
I myself have absolutely no problem with black people or Arabs and just like with any other person, Maltese, Italian, French, African or Arab etc. there are some you like and some you don’t. Simples.
But I do have a problem with large amounts of undocumented immigrants reaching our shores and bringing along with them all their problems which are pretty obvious hence I will not bother stating them.
Perhaps Muscat could have handled the situation better but the P.N are in no position to criticize in the way that they did after having so many years to try and find a solution but accomplishing nothing.
I would love to ask the 69 lawyers and the NGO’s how they would handle this situation had they been running the country ?
Because honestly the only answer I could imagine they would have is rescue them, bring them in and keep them here and hope that one day a miracle will somehow happen and everyone will live happily ever after.
“There are no pro’s to immigration, just cons”.
A xenophobe would say that, wouldn’t he.
Chris, why do people point fingers at the immigrants? And then, how do you think they reach these shores?
Most are mum about the people who make money off these people who immigrate to – hopefully – have a better life.
There are pros to immigration.
It’s called learning to be a global citizen.
Look it up.
Basta jighdu Maltin dawn in-nies, anqas mill-lingwa t’art twielidhom ma’ jafu jghaddu erba’ kelmiet sura.
If this is how he negotiates with the EU on migrants, imagine how he’ll be negotiating for the new power station.
I’m investing in candles.
Waddabhom ‘il barra lil dawn il-ħmieġ.
The people commenting in such an atrocious disregard of human nature and the plight of fellow human beings, are the absolute paradigm of how ludicrous democracy can be… and their vote counts exactly as mine.
In the meantime, Gonzi will be speaking in parliament for the last time tomorrow.
A great statesman is about to leave the building. The timing is sad.
Din, certu Sarah J Aquilina, qeghda tibza’ li se jittantawha l-immigranti skont dan il-posting taghha fuq facebook:
“Push back !!!!!! Amlu kull maw taghhom daw ta u minfuq jadu min jdrjk jitantawk u ax ma tijomx wicc jajruk jew ihebu alik ahseb wara lqudiem ana nifqulom ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ISSA U MALAJN QABEL IKUN TART WISQ”
Note the first post. It’s from Jo Meli again.
Classy couple!
Zadok the Priest
PM Joseph Muscat has a lot to answer for. These bigots felt encouraged by his pushback threats. With friends like these the PL needs no enemies.
Edward Zammit Lewis should ask her to delete the photo of him posing with her on her Facebook page.
Taqra dawn il kummenti ma l-ewwel tinduna illi hafna mil-miljuni ta’ flus illi nefqu gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti fuq l-edikazzjoni marru ‘down the toilet’…..tal-misthija. Back to square one.
He’s changed his socks too!–Anġlu-Farrugia,-Speaker-of-the-House-of-Representatives,-receives-a-courtesy-call-from-HE-Boris-Yu-Marchuk,-Ambass.aspx
Gladestini? Ghal ftit mhux “Gladiators”.
Ahjar iwaddab lilha f’xi skola u ma johrogiex minn hemm qabel ma titghallem tikteb bil-Malti sewwa, Joseph.
I am with you 100% on this issue. What I don’t agree with is the generalization by which you seem to imply that all Labour voters/supporters behave and act like that. It is not true and it is not fair to perpetuate this stereotype. I know plenty of Labour supporters who are disgusted by these racist comments and are able to discuss this issues from a different perspective.
It is true that Malta is facing a problem and something needs to be done. Muscat needs to be aware that a section of the population, unfortunately, is illiterate with a “mohh ta’ tigiega” and therefore he should be very careful how he phrases his thoughts and course of action.
I enjoy reading your articles especially when you expose these idiots because they need to be exposed and legal action needs to be taken against them. But please do not perpetuate this stereotype because it is not fair. It is not ALL labour supporters, but some of them and some PN supporters too.
Not all, obviously – but it is a definite trait with supporters of the Labour Party.
Generalization becomes necessary when explaining the general reasoning behind what makes a section of society vote one way or another. Necessary because we’re dealing with basically half of the nation, not individuals.
Ahjar jara kif ser jaghmel il-gvern biex dawn in-nies illitterati, specjalment dawk li jiktbu fuq il-FB bil-lingwa maltija, jitghallmu jiktbu….mhux mohhhom biex jikkritikaw biss tajbin
Disgusting is putting it mildly. What astonishes me is the fact that the PN administration always gave top priority and vast importance to education.
However unfortunately, it seems that idiotism is increasing not diminishing. Somewhere, the education system in Malta has failed. I tend to attribute all this to brain-evolution gone wrong.
Living in Canada we are integrated with different cultures.
We just see them as regular folks.
Maybe some of these people should come to live in Canada for a few years to open up their minds with regards to living in a country that is a multicultural nation.
It’s a matter of numbers when there were only a few hundreds it was ok for me. When the number ran into thousands I go worried. Now there are still a lot of people who are not worried yet, but I can assure you , that as the number grows and grows, so will the number of people who would want to stop this invasion. I snapped when the number was around 5 thousand,others will snap when the number reaches 10,000 , 20,000 ,30,000, finally everybody will snap. This is not racism, it’s, pure and simple common sense, which unfortunately is not so common.