Franco Debono and Pierre Calleja – an important point raised by a reader

Published: July 25, 2013 at 10:01am
The Law Commissioner, seen here being carried shoulder-high by Labour supporters outside a village Labour Party club, during the celebrations on 10 March.

The Law Commissioner, seen here being carried shoulder-high by Labour supporters outside a village Labour Party club, during the celebrations on 10 March.

Pierre Calleja (left) at a press conference with the Police Commissioner (centre)

Pierre Calleja (left) at a press conference with the Police Commissioner (centre)

A reader has just raised another point. Franco Debono is not just the Law Commissioner and Chief of Constitutional Reform. He is also – crazily – still working as a criminal defence lawyer.

That’s an even more important reason why he should not be hanging about with an assistant police commissioner soon to be made deputy police commissioner – or rather, why the latter should not be hanging out with Franco Debono.

A criminal defence lawyer seen boarding a businessman’s yacht with an assistant police commissioner?

And we have to explain what’s wrong about this.

12 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    That’s the third scandal this week, or were there more? I’ve lost count.

    Where’s the Minister of Justice, Joseph Muscat? He should be out here, explaining what’s going on and telling us what he’s going to do about it.

  2. JPS says:

    Pathetically the Prime Minister will justify this by referring to previous MPs or ministers from the PN administration that also did the same. Yet, how can one look people in the face and stand upright when he constantly attacked individuals for such actions?

    [Daphne – The Law Commissioner and the assistant police commissioner do not form part of the government.]

  3. Joe Micallef says:

    Great work Daphne

    This is MLP all over again. As Burke once said “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.”

  4. J.Aquilina says:

    And then it was a gentleman who had to bow out of the scene altogether so that these fools and idiots could run the show.

  5. Paddling Duck says:

    I bet One news won’t run any “Skandlu: Kunflitt ta’ Interess” headlines tonight.

  6. TROY says:

    Pierre should know better than to hang out with this ‘low life’

  7. Jar Jar says:

    What has Calleja done to incur your wrath Daphne? I thought he was a professional man with an excellent pedigree (i.e. his father) and very good track record.

    [Daphne – Where does ‘wrath’ come into it, exactly? If I have it on good authority that the top man at the CID, an assistant police commissioner, has gone on a jaunt with businessmen and the Law Commissioner who is also a criminal defence lawyer, that is news in the public interest. Am I supposed to keep this information to myself out of consideration for the consequences (there will be none) to the man in question? I did the decent thing in ringing him for his side of the story, and I would have reported it verbatim. He refused and was hostile. I reported it verbatim. I think you are very, very confused about the role of the press in a democracy, let alone about the role and status of a crime investigator and a law commissioner, ditto.

    Going on jaunts like this is UNprofessional. There is no such thing as a police pedigree. These things are not hereditary.]

    • Alexander Ball says:

      He was bred for the role, was he?

      What is this – The Maltese Crufts?

      • Jar Jar says:

        Bred in the role as Beppe would be by his father. In your case, no doubt your father is a smart ass with a good line in sarcasm.

        [Daphne – Beppe Fenech Adami wasn’t ‘bred’ in any role. He has several siblings. None of them are politicians. Presumably, they were ‘bred’ the same way.]

  8. ciccio says:

    “A criminal defence lawyer seen boarding a businessman’s yacht with an assistant police commissioner?

    And we have to explain what’s wrong about this.”

    The point you make is obvious.

    But let us see it from another angle. Let us say I am a client of the criminal lawyer and that the Police is proceeding against me in a case in front of the criminal court. What am I supposed to think in this case? Why should my lawyer be seen to be consorting with the police?

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