He says he wrote to the Chamber of Advocates to complain about me, but doesn’t say they’ve written back to him already

Published: July 25, 2013 at 4:54pm

Franco Debono ghax m'hemmz bzonn nkun espert tal ligi kostituzzjonali

Franco Debono is busy boasting that he wrote to the Chamber of Advocates to complain that I am “inciting hatred” against him. He has not said the most important bit of the ‘news’: that the Chamber of Advocates has written back already and told him – though not in so many words – where to stuff his complaint.

What a sad, sad man. And how totally unfit for the dual role in which the prime minister has cast him. But then that makes two of them.

48 Comments Comment

  1. helen says:

    Dear Franco, I don’t need Daphne to incite me to hate you. The feeling has been there for ages.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Unfit or immature…I don’t know which one fits best.

  3. paddy says:

    Franco aka immature kid

  4. di says:

    He stopped talking against the concept of the klikka, because now he is part of one. Gives him a relief to have some feelings of belonging, not excluded. What a price we had to pay for such narcissistic insecurities. He’s in!

  5. Ed says:

    This bravu deserves a monument. Wait, he’s already got one in London.


  6. Catherine says:

    How nerdy. Reminds me of when I was little and someone would “jugzak” to their mummy, not realising that their mummy had no sway over you.

  7. M. says:


    “The body of murdered drug trafficker Mario Camilleri l-imnieħru was exhumed on Tuesday to settle a conflict between investigators and medical examiners on the cause of his death.

    The police have independent declarations which state that Mr Camilleri died after he was shot at and proceeded with charges against two individuals on that basis.

    However, medical examiners are insisting that the bullet that hit Mr Camilleri probably only grazed his head and did not penetrate the skull, which means that he would not have died from the shot, sources said. Instead, they put forward the theory that he may have died from a heart attack.

    As a result, the inquiring Magistrate Doreen Clark has asked to have a second opinion through a re-examination of the body.

    The development comes after l-imnieħru, 51, and his 21-year-old son Mario Jnr were buried on Saturday, less than 36 hours after they were discovered partly buried in a shallow grave in field in Qajjenza, Birżebbuġia.

    The heat and the fact that they were buried in manure from a cow farm next door accelerated the bodies’ decomposition, complicating the autopsy.”


    • francesca says:

      Ta’ minn jiccekkja jekk Franco Debono kienx ghadu jahdem ma’ Mallia meta dan kien id difenzur ta’ Mario Camilleri.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      The latest scenario seems to be that Camilleri Sr died of cardiac arrest when he heard/saw a bullet travelling in his general direction but only grazing his skull without causing any brain or other damage – a forensic medical eventuality so obvious that it did not merit any prolonged examination but indicated the expeditious interment of the cadaver before any questions would arise that would necessitate an exhumation with the widow’s “permission”.

      If that scenario is not bewildering enough one may add, for good measure, the speculation about the possibly fortuitous death of his son soon after, but this time due to a multitude of actually spotted perforating wounds.

  8. curious says:

    Franco, aren’t you feeling relaxed after the trip to Sicily?

  9. La Redoute says:

    He flatters himself. Most people don’t hate him. They think he’s ridiculous.

  10. ciccio says:

    Did he write to the Chamber of Advocates to explain his trip to Sicily and to explain what steps he plans to take so that he eliminates the inherent conflict of interest that exists between his roles of part-time criminal lawyer, part-time Law Commissioner and part-time Commissioner for Constitutional Reform?

  11. Neil says:

    I’d also wager that the egotistical moron has also since replied, in order counter the Chamber’s reply. After all, he’s so much more authoritative than they are in such matters. Stupid Chamber. He probably sent a scan of his Form 2C school report to prove it too.

    • ciccio says:

      It is most probable that in his letter to the Chamber he made references to his form 2c report, to his being a “top student,” and “tifel biezel,” and how much he “suffered,” especially in the Fifth Electoral District where he was elected at the expense of long established PN candidates Helen D’Amato and Louis Galea.

      I’m curious to know if he attached a copy of his dissertation on political party financing, his draft of the law on political party financing with all the correspondence he had exchanged with GRECO, a full copy of his list of “riformi fil-qasam tal-gustizzja,” and finally, a copy of all his speeches in Parliament, especially those he made during the votes of no confidence in the PN government or its ministers. Maybe even a copy of his “priedka tat-tifel” which he had made at the age of 6 when he had to stand on a soap box.

  12. AE says:

    Franco please do not blame Daphne (not that she cares) for what you yourself are doing. Its your own words and actions that incite others to dislike you intensely (hate is a failure of the imagination to quote Gaham Greene). No more no less. Get it.

  13. P Sant says:

    As if the Chamber of Advocates regulates Daphne! It should be Daphne who should complain about Franky Debono to the Chamber.

  14. Rocky says:

    Franco is feeling the heat and he is not up it.

    He thinks he knows it all. ZATAT.

  15. Clifford says:

    I don’t really hate him. I just pity this miserable baby

  16. where are we? says:

    Both fit like a glove!

  17. Neil says:

    Read this while on the toilet if possible, because when you do you may pee yourself laughing!


    Today’s flustered, paranoid rants are classic Franco – we’ve missed him!

  18. The Psychologist says:

    I think Franco should appeal to the Prime Minister. The route should be a familiar one, even if it takes years and all hours of the day and night. Persistence is somebody’s reward.

  19. botom says:

    Franco Debono must be very upset because yet another Prime Minister is ignoring his SMSes. He sent thousands to Dr Gonzi even during the odd hours of the night.

    It seems that Joseph Muscat is now getting much of the same treatment, though Franco has lost his leverage with his seat in parliament. Indeed the Prime Minister is learning at his own expense that what goes around comes around.

  20. A. Charles says:

    How’s this for a headline from http://www.thetimes.co.uk fashion.

    Are you a true blue blood, or a red-trouser-wearing wannabe?

  21. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Incredible really when you think of it. This is the person who is meant to take on the responsibility of updating our laws and clearly in a manner that it operable within a democratic and free country.

    This means that the laws will always need to ensure that they are impartial and do not restrict our rights as residents of this country.

    By definition this should mean that the person drafting these laws has an excellent grasp of the laws as they stand in Malta, in addition to an excellent grasp of international laws that could be more robust than ours. More robust in the sense that they give us mire rights, whilst also ensuring that those people who break the laws are punished within the confines of the law.

    Looking at Franco, who does not seem to grasp the basic difference between ‘ inciting hatred’ and freedom of expression, it is clear that this exercise is going to fail

  22. Pontius says:

    Daphne, does this idiot think that I need your incitement to make me hate him? The very sight of him makes my stomach turn. And when I think of the way he took for a ride the party which I have followed for fifty years, I feel sicker still.

  23. Village says:

    Tajba Franco.

    .Drajt taqa ghan-nejk.

  24. Infurmat says:

    How loyal of Dr Gonzi to shoulder the trouble of this idiot for five whole years to safeguard the interests of his country.

    How disloyal of others to be seen in his company after the uncertainties he has caused in these last two years.

    The only pride they have is ‘imma kaxkarnihom’. So what – better to go down with dignity than ‘up’ as a hypocrite.

  25. Natalie Mallett says:

    Franco hekk hu go fik. Kont, ghadek u tibqa irrelevanti ghalija.

  26. ciccio says:

    Can I bet Manuel Mallia’s half a million euros in cash that the reply of the Chamber of Advocates said “Hu Go Fik, Franco”?

  27. thehappyone says:

    What an annoying man. It is irritating and sad that a man of his age has not yet grasped that although we are technically quite free to do what we want, we have to bear the consequences of our actions.

  28. M. Cassar says:

    Do you think we could write to the Chamber asking it to tell us where we can find the spirit of the law and to let us know if the Book of Loopholes, so dear to some (and so very lucrative) is in print?

    Do you think we need to attach our form 2 report to make an impact?

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