Headline and picture combo: a total classic

Published: July 26, 2013 at 12:52pm

rife with abuse

The report says:

Former EU Commissioner John Dalli is doing a good job at Mater Dei Hospital taking stock of the situation, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said this morning.

Dr Muscat was asked by timesofmalta.com whether it was appropriate for Mr Dalli to appoint his daughter as his personal assistant at Mater Dei. He was also asked whether Mr Dalli’s Bahamas venture was case closed following a meeting he had had with him a few weeks ago.

The Prime Minister skirted both questions, insisting that Mr Dalli’s actions will be judged by the output of his work.

Dr Muscat said that Mr Dalli’s first step was to take stock of the situation and will shortly release a report showing how the hospital system was rife with abuse and possibly theft.

Muscat puts Dalli in charge of sorting out abuse and possibly theft. Terrific judgement, what.

26 Comments Comment

  1. george grech says:


    J DALLI BA int ser titfa l-ewwel gebla ?

  2. chair says:

    As they say, set a thief to catch a thief.

    • Str8 says:

      yep! well said. But to be fair on John Dalli, I cannot imagine Minister Farrugia able to tackle problems of management, organisation, systems and controls.

  3. Candida says:

    Tha tis the sentence that hit me most too “how hospital system was rife with abuse and possibly theft”

    And John Dalli is the creator of this report and in less than 3 weeks he has stock of the situation?
    Incredulous …………… Preposterous

  4. Osservatore says:

    Yes, I am sure that the PM is right and that the hospital is now rife with vermin.

    Even Barroso and Kessler would not hesitate to agree with him.

  5. helen says:

    hahahaha Set a thief to catch a thief !

  6. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Most probably Muscat is acting according to the maxim “Set a thief to catch a thief” in an endeavour to put a stop to the alleged “hospital system rife with abuse” and because of the experience gained by Dalli in the Bahamas. In that case Ms Swan, under one or other of her various aliases, could have been a better choice to assist him with the MDH “problem”.

  7. Last Post says:

    “Dr Muscat said that Mr Dalli’s first step was to take stock of the situation and will shortly release a REPORT SHOWING HOW THE HOSPITAL SYSTEM WAS RIFE WITH ABUSE and possibly theft.”

    B’min iridu jitmejlu dawn? Ilhom hemm 4xhur u nofs u ghadhom ma ndunawx li issa qeghdin fil-Gvern mhux fl-Oppozizzjoni. S’issa hlief b’rapporti biex jikxfu ‘l-abbuzi’ li kien hemm (f’kull qasam) ma smajniex.

    Jidher car li din se tkompli tkun it-tattika ta’ JosephPL – li jkomplu jiskreditaw il-Gvern u t-tmexxija tal-PN taht Lawrence Gonzi – l-istess bhalma kienu jaghmlu fl-Oppozizzjoni.

    Tibzax – din it-tattika tista’ tibqa’ tahdem sa budget iehor. Facli hafna twaqqa’ u tkisser, imma kemm hu aktar difficli tibni u tohloq mill-gdid.

    Issa li spiccat l-iskola se jkun hemm numru ta’ zghazagh ifittxu x-xoghol ghall-ewwel darba. Is-sinjali ga qeghdin hemm u kif irrappurtajt inti kulma jista’ jaghmel JosephPL f’dan l-istadju hu li jhajjarhom jidhlu fil-fabriki tal-manifattura.

    Gvern u tmexxija bla vizjoni, bla direzzjoni u bla idejat cari. U dan ghadu biss il-bidu. Ahseb w ara x’hemm lest ghall-futur.

    Il-parir tieghek biex iz-zghazagh li jistghu ma joqghodux jahsbuha u jitilqu minn hawn malajr kemm jista’ jkun huwa wiehed li jxomm tajjeb il-prezent u janticipa l-futur. Oghqodu fuqu.

  8. So, the prime minister is being kept au courant with the work that John Dalli is doing. That is better than the performance when John Dalli was EU Commissioner and flew to the Bahamas claiming that he was going to Malta.

    However, by evading questions that are still very relevant, the prime minister is far from reassuring.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      And the best of Maltese luck to the new Malta Prime Minister so that he would perhaps succeed where previous bosses of Dalli, even as Malta’s European Commissioner, did not succeed to keep themselves au courant about Dalli’s whereabouts at any particular moment, let alone about his performance there.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Once a liar, always a liar. Applicable to both.

  9. Edgar says:

    It takes a thief to catch a thief.

  10. Angus Black says:

    Honour amongst thieves.

  11. rpacebonello says:

    What does the health minister have to say? Well, no matter, it’s irrelevant anyway.

  12. Rixtellu says:

    U hallina, ja halliel.

  13. jojo says:

    Someone has got someone by the goolies.

  14. Josette says:

    “Dr Muscat said that Mr Dalli’s first step was to take stock of the situation and will shortly release a report showing how the hospital system was rife with abuse and possibly theft” – so the the situation has not been taken stock off but the conclusions are already known.

    Fine way to report – start with the conclusion and then fit the facts to it.

  15. M... says:

    He’s doing a good job at demoralising health workers by calling them thieves that have been abusing the system.

    Fast forward 3 years and there won’t be many nurses that speak Maltese and then we can blame it all on EU membership.

    • ciccio says:

      He is either calling the health workers thieves and abusers, or else he is calling the patients as thieves and abusers.

  16. Bubu says:

    Will this report be a ground-shattering at Herr Flick’s?

    In that case I might as well go on sleeping.

  17. Ketchup says:

    I was asked to bring some medication personally as they were not provided at Mater Dei Hospital. So far so good, no problem.

    When dismissed 2 days later, I found that 3/4 of the pills were missing.

    When I asked the nurse in charge, he checked and told me that NONE of the patients were prescribed those particular pills, meaning that someone from the staff just helped him/herself to them rather than buying them for his/her personal use.

    The thieves, in staff clothing, are robbing the patients too.

  18. ken il malti says:

    I am sure Johnny Cash Dalli will figure out how to make extra money to put in his pocket with this new gig.

    Don’t let any new opportunity go to waste when it comes to making a personal financial profit is his motto.

  19. Tracy says:

    Has John Dalli become a storekeeper ?

  20. Caramel Camel says:

    Daphne …. you are my Queen!!

  21. ciccio says:

    “Dr Muscat said that Mr Dalli’s first step was to take stock of the situation and will shortly release a report showing how the hospital system was rife with abuse and possibly theft.”

    Was Mater Dei and the hospital system refunding expense claims for return trips to the Bahamas submitted by any of the hospital staff?

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