Saw him this evening on Net news. He was cornered by Ivan Camilleri and then the Minister told him off mentioning Ivan Camilleri’s brother (I took it to mean Alan Camilleri of ex Malta Enterprise).
Why the hell do people bother to go to the trouble of tendering if the Minister then decides who to choose. I almost felt sorry watching him being cornered by journalists.
The comments by the Minister border on the ridiculous. How can you set up a call for applications and determine the criteria for choosing the candidates after you know who the candidates are?
In a normal situation he would have had to resign, in Malta instead the witch hunt for who gave out this information has began as ordered by the Minister.
Direct orders are part of the legal notice of public procurement and as such are legal and legitimate if one follows all the rules as established by the law
Shouldn’t Ivan Camilleri have expected this kind of behaviour from the Labour ministers when he and his wife ripped up their votes and helped raise them to power last March?
Nicolette and Ivan Camilleri, by doing so, contributed to that 36,000 majority for Muscat.
Now he seems to be flabbergasted with their behaviour. You should not have let your greed surpass common sense, dear Ivan.
He was already dismissing the laws of the land prior to the elections (number one SMS spammer) so his attitude to proper conduct was there for all to see.
Hemm bzonn li iktar gurnalisti jaghmlu x-xoghol taghhom sew u jfittxu sew x’ikun hemm ghaddej minn wara dak kollu li jghidu l-Ministri ghax issibu zgur xi haga kerha.
F’liema pajjiz Ewropew, ministru jsemmilek lil-huk meta trekknu?
F’Malta taht il-PL ta’ Joseph Muscat BISS
Saw him this evening on Net news. He was cornered by Ivan Camilleri and then the Minister told him off mentioning Ivan Camilleri’s brother (I took it to mean Alan Camilleri of ex Malta Enterprise).
Why the hell do people bother to go to the trouble of tendering if the Minister then decides who to choose. I almost felt sorry watching him being cornered by journalists.
The comments by the Minister border on the ridiculous. How can you set up a call for applications and determine the criteria for choosing the candidates after you know who the candidates are?
In a normal situation he would have had to resign, in Malta instead the witch hunt for who gave out this information has began as ordered by the Minister.
Was the previous system of choosing companies by direct order a fair and correct system?
[Daphne – We’re not talking about the system here, David, but about the direct involvement of a cabinet minister in making the selection.]
I’m not sure I get it right. Instead of direct orders will we now have camouflaged direct orders?
Yes. First he says the direct order system has to go, and then he does exactly that.
Then he says that more applicants have to be roped in for selection, then he goes on to choose from only the first 7. Is 7 his lucky number, or what?
Direct orders are part of the legal notice of public procurement and as such are legal and legitimate if one follows all the rules as established by the law
Arroganza wara biss erba’ xhur, qas nimmagina x’jigri la jkun ilu 20 sena ministru.
Shouldn’t Ivan Camilleri have expected this kind of behaviour from the Labour ministers when he and his wife ripped up their votes and helped raise them to power last March?
Nicolette and Ivan Camilleri, by doing so, contributed to that 36,000 majority for Muscat.
Now he seems to be flabbergasted with their behaviour. You should not have let your greed surpass common sense, dear Ivan.
Well said.
Too late to cry foul, Ivan.
And serves them both right. Let them eat cake now.
“Issa naraw min harigha dik.” There goes the Whistleblower Act that the PL has championed so much.
So the Minister thinks it acceptable to bring up the subject of a reporter’s brother when that reporter is hassling him.
Chris Cardona – x’ arroganza.
With any luck (for Malta) he won’t last long.
He was already dismissing the laws of the land prior to the elections (number one SMS spammer) so his attitude to proper conduct was there for all to see.
Definitely one to watch.
Note the body language: he’s nervous, angry and ready to hit out at anything. Dak il-power hi….
Ishti, Chris Cardona.
Hemm bzonn li iktar gurnalisti jaghmlu x-xoghol taghhom sew u jfittxu sew x’ikun hemm ghaddej minn wara dak kollu li jghidu l-Ministri ghax issibu zgur xi haga kerha.
Rasu qed tittondja, qisha koppla ta’ knisja.
Is that Joe Sammut in the front seat?