Herr Flick the Environment Minister should commission a ‘shocking report’ about this
Right in the middle of the John Dalli/push-back furore, Leo Brincat tried to seize some media attention for himself by saying that he had a ‘shocking report’ in his hands, though he failed to mention that he had commissioned it from IDEA Consulting, which is basically that Labour lackey and former newscaster Silvio De Bono.
I felt a bit sorry for him, his having spent so long waiting to return from the political dead after his most recent incarnation as the finance minister who changed VAT to CET (that went well…) after Lino Spiteri resigned. So I thought I’d give him a bit of attention myself.
It turns out that Leo Brincat has given his chief of staff’s daughter, Michelle Borg, a rather comfortable full-time executive position at the state waste management corporation, WasteServ, which is in his portfolio.
Her cousin had already been appointed WastServ chairman. Rather cosy, wouldn’t you say.
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“Hadd m’hu ghar-rimi.” I think Alfred Sant (Herr Flick’s boss at the time he changed VAT into CET) used to say that.
How fitting for the appointments dished out by Herr Flick, the Minister of Waste.
In government, like any other enterprise, the most important thing is placing persons who are capable and who can be relied on and trusted, in all the important positions.
In fact I hope that more spring cleaning is carried out especially in the Civil service. The sooner the better.
You must have forgotten that we are in summer. Spring has just gone.
Capable, reliable and trusted!
As is the case with the deluge of JosephPL appointments, perhaps?
Is-sigra tingharaf mill-frott li taghti.
Silvio, don’t think your definition of spring cleaning coincides with mine. Mine includes the removal of cobwebs and not the laying of dirt
And lo and behold, all capable, reliable and trustworthy persons come from the same family. Malta might be small but this is carrying it a bit too far.
Why not call a spade a spade? It’s pure nepotism.
I don’t know you, Mr Loporto, but you sound as if you have a huge chip on your shoulder … be careful, the only person who will be harmed by it is you.
You do know it’s summer, don’t you.
M’hemmx taghmel, trid tkun Silvio Loporto biex tohrog b’xi hmerija.
CAPABLE, right Mr Loporto.
Haven’t seen much of that lately, have we?
I love you Mr Loporto, and I want to have your babies.
Leo Brincat walked into a bar and was surprised to find it staffed by a dinosaur.
“Bloody hell, I thought you were supposed to be extinct!” exclaimed the dinosaur.
The series is back:
All in the family.
It looks like the American Serial: – .
Cosy? Shocking, I would say. Can you give us the rundown on Familja Borg’s stream of appointments? Weren’t there also the other brother, father and brother-in-law, also meritocratically appointed?
‘damning report’ please mhux ‘shocking’ ghax jiehu ghalih…
Meanwhile, maybe Herr Flick can get his boss, the Pied Piper of Burmarrad, to clear the beaches from rats. We don’t want them to harass our tourists.
Four months in government and all we’ve had in terms of CHANGE is ministerial visits, ‘damning’ reports, and all sorts press conferences to show us how things were mismanaged under the previous administration.
Other than that we haven’t seen an iota of actual (as opposed to perceived) improvement, be it at Mater Dei, Health Centres, public transport, job opportunities, education, tourism, energy etc.
On the other hand we’ve seen the mushrooming of commissions, monitoring boards, investigations, listening sessions, etc. Unfortunately all this has been overshadowed of late by the Dalli (mis)saga and the infamous ‘stamping of feet’ on immigration.
They promised that once elected they would hit the ground running but to the casual observer it is obvious that the country is run on the ‘inertia’ of the previous administration.
They seem to think they’re running a family-and-friends business.
No roadmap whatsoever, just amateurs.