How convenient, to be Magistrate Herrera’s boyfriend. He’s in! (not that she would notice)
I really wish everyone would stop talking about ‘Robert Musumeci this and Robert Musumeci that’. The only reason he’s favoured by the Labour Party and is really in with it is because for the last five years he has lived with Magistrate Consuelo Herrera, a Labour Party stalwart and part of the Super One/Labour crowd, and sister to Labour MP and now parliamentary secretary Jose Herrera.
He wouldn’t be getting these appointments otherwise because there are plenty of architects around and many of them are more skilled and experienced than he is. He just happens to have slept his way to the top, a practice of which women are usually accused but now we see that men are not immune to it either.
It’s not as though he was picked out as the government’s advisor on MEPA reform through through a public call for applications, in which he proved his merit and beat all the rest. And now we know why the government has stalled repeatedly on releasing details of Robert Musumeci’s salary for this work, saying that the contract is still being negotiated. Malta Today reports now:
The government’s advisor on the reform of the Malta Planning and Environment Authority is paid €24,535 for his part-time appointment, €6,535 more than MEPA’s own chairman Vince Cassar.
All snouts in the trough, I see – even Miss Piggy’s and Kermit the Frog’s. How very predictable.
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Robert Musumeci has a major conflict of interest, no limits on his private practice.
Clear where the decision to keep suggestions anonymous, read agendas hidden, came from.
What gets to me about Musumeci is his aversion to commitment. Which is what limits his professional capabilities. Onto law then, conflict formalised.
How will he ever admit the spirit of regulations, uphold good design?
So given that Robert Musumeci is now Mepa’s advisor and since he is still going to have his private practice going, he now has an advantage over all other Malta-based architects as he has full access to all of MEPA’s files and other information.
He’s had that type of access for a very long time, thanks to his buddy the senior planning technician who ‘s always photographed at Herrera’s parties.
Ghadu kif gie elett Antoine Borg biex jiehu post Lawrence Gonzi. What a pity! Seta’ gie elett xi hadd aktar validu.
Immagina fejn tasal l-intelligenza tieghu meta fuq il-FB jikteb status bhal dan: Nahseb il-chordless phones nisa! Irid idoqq kull ghaxar sekondi biex jghidlek li low battery…..bhan-nisa, jirrepeti l-punt tieghu kull ghaxar sekondi!!
Ara veru triq tkun ghajnbaqru!!
Imam calls for referendum on civil unions:
“Although civil union was part of the package, it was of minor interest for the majority of the Maltese, who were mostly interested mostly in the electricity issue, he said.”
The Malta Taghna Ilkoll dream team is breaking up….. too many policies for too many people. Environmentalists vs Developers, Hunters vs Bird lovers, Conservatives vs everyone else, all suckers who believed what they were being promised… and now look what we’ve got.
He’s in! (not that she would notice)
Try closing one of the barn doors.
All traces of shame have been lost by this administration led by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.
Robert Musumeci has a glaring conflict of interest. How can he be an advisor to MEPA while simultaneously running an architect’s practice that requires the submission of applications to the same organisation?
In other jurisdictions this could be interpreted as professional misconduct since it could bring the profession into disrepute.
I wonder what the Kamra Tal-Periti thinks about this.
Many of them probably use his services.
Article 7 might be of interest here. He might not be on a board. However there is clear conflict of interest here.
Musumeci is a law student, too. How is he coping with all that studying, when he is such a busy man?
An architect turned lawyer? What the hell is this country coming to?
If he goes in for an MD he’ll become Sauron.
He is going to graduate in law in November. How is that a conflict of interest?
Dan jikkoregulu l- karti avukati li jkollhom klijenti komuni?
KTP should stop him from writing MEPA watch, enjoying such wide exposure.
It just shows to what depths our country has sunk when Consuelo Herrera is considered “at the top”.
This sort of conflict is rampant throughout especially at local council level where all consultant posts are being taken (by literally a direct order) to professionals at the top of the Labour Party consequently with direct connections to the government which are one.
iva possibbli pajjiz jitmexxa b’nipotizzmu qawwi? Ta’ fuq jithanzru u ta’ taht jitwewbu.