Iced Bun Week for Jesmond and Karen Mugliett

Published: July 27, 2013 at 12:42am
"Hello, Karen? If I'm home in 10 minutes, will you pussy-whip me some more?"

“Hello, Karen? If I’m home in 10 minutes, will you pussy-whip me some more?”

In today’s Government Gazette, Karen Mugliett is appointed to the Malta Council for Science and Technology, under the chairmanship of her best friend Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

In last Friday’s Government Gazette, Jesmond Mugliett was appointed to the board for the Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools.

And this morning, my husband’s law firm, which has been working for the Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools for the staggering, princely sum of around Eur2,000 a year (divided between four lawyers) received a telephone call saying instructions had been received to terminate the contract.

The Labour Party seems to be a magnet for middle-aged men with the psychology of bitchy girls. Count them. You will be truly astonished.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Mark says:

    He finally got a job and can shut the f*ck up.

  2. edgar says:

    Board for the Foundation of Tomorrow’s Schools? I was hoping that he would be appointed to look after the bridge to be built from Cirkewwa to Gozo. He has enough experience to appoint friendly consultants who would help him out.

  3. GiovDeMartino says:

    Kullhadd 23/07/06 Jes.Mugliett jipprova jahbi t-tahwid ta’ ufficjal gholi ta’ l-ADT ADT Racket ta’ korruzzjoni

    Torca 27/05/07 Kunflitt ta’ Interess ghal Mugliett?

    Orizzont 11/07/07 Korruzzjoni u Tixhim. Gonzi jiddefendi Ministru li jinqabad jigde3b dwar zewg impjegati hatja ta’ tixhim.

    Times 9/07/07 Joseph Muscat A parody of accountability Mr Mugliett’s position has become untenable.

    Alfred Sant: Mhux denju li mjkun fil-parlament (J.M ugliett)

    Orizzont 13/07/o7 Agir ta’ l-akbar dizordni Alfred Sant

    • fenek says:


      Insejt il-pont Manwel Dimech – ekemm qalu affarijiet fuqu

    • miguel says:

      U dak ic-cuc ta’ Lawrence Gonzi mar johrog ghonqu biex jiddefendi l-hmieg li kellu ma saqajh.

      • GiovDeMartino says:

        Not exactly. As far as I know JPO had lied to Dr Gonzi. When Dr Gonzi became PM he did not make JPO a minister and we all know what happened. Dr Gonzi paid for his honesty.

  4. Pandora says:

    What astonishes me is that so many people accept this as normal routine and do not question the intent or reasoning behind such appointments. And most people are blissfully unaware and are happy with commenting about their “first lady’s” photos.

  5. Paddling Duck says:

    Can they just terminate the contract there and then without any penalty fees?

  6. lorna saliba says:

    This loser is always going around scavenging for work, having been reduced to compiling reports which try to justify planning breaches.

  7. seksieka says:

    Il-ħmieġ tal-P.N. ħadu miegħu l-P.L. kważi kważi tibda taħseb li l-miżbla tal-Magħtab sabet ruħha l-Ħamrun.

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