It appears even L-Orizzont doesn’t think much of the return of the National Song Festival in the 21st century

Published: July 26, 2013 at 12:56pm

Josette Hamilton

In yesterday’s L-Orizzont:

“Riduh bis-saħħa, iżda attendew 25 persuna biss”

miktub minn Victor Vella

Sala Isouard fit-Teatru Manoel kienet mimlija siġġijiet – madwar mitt siġġu. L-istennija kienet kbira f’dik li hi attendenza ta’ kompożituri u awturi.

Ir-riżultat iżda kien li għal-laqgħa li saret għalihom u li fiha ingħataw dettalji għar-ritorn mill-ġdid tal-Festival Internazzjonali tal-Kanzunetta Maltija, attendew biss madwar 25 persuna.

Ma setax jonqos li Norman Hamilton, wieħed mill-organizzaturi ta’ din l-inizjattiva jesprimi d-diżappunt tiegħu għal din l-attendenza fqira.

Norman Hamilton sostna li “ninsab diżappuntat li l-kompożituri u awturi li tant xtaqu li dan il-festival jerġa’ jibda jsir, m’attendewx”. Hu ddeskriva din l-attendenza bħala “fqira”.

Iċ-Ċerpersin tal-Kumitat li se jorganizza dan il-festival hi Josette Grech Hamilton. Il-festival se jsir nhar is-Sibt 9 ta’ Novembru.

Għalkemm ma kienx hemm fondi disponibbli għal dan il-festival, is-Segretarjat Parlamentari sab il-fondi biex dan il-festival tant mixtieq jerġa’ jibda jiġi organizzat. Dan il-festival kien beda jsir fl-1981 u twaqqaf ħesrem fis-sena 2002.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Calculator says:

    Mela fondi għal dan sabuhom, għal affarijiet aktar ta’ ġid għal pajjiżna u/jew il-belt kapitali tagħna le.

  2. La Redoute says:

    How much is this rubbish festival going to cost and what was sacrificed to make it happen?

  3. Klara says:

    Mela se nibdew nergghu nisimghu ”mietna ghal barrani”, ”dal-gens qed jghix mill-gdid” etc.

  4. Catsrbest says:

    Skond min riedu bis-sahha. Forsi xi erbgha bhal Laiviera, Privitera, KMB u issa wkoll Alfred Sant? – Kollha f’keffa wahda qeghdin.

  5. Wistin Schembri says:

    Hemm il-fondi ghax il-Pulizija se jiehdu hsieb il-catering.

  6. Socrates says:

    L-Orizzont tirraporta li ma kienx hemm fondi ghal dan il-Festival. Is-Segretarju Permanenti sab il-fondi. Minn fejn? Kif? U x’se jsri minn dak li ghalih kienu merfughin dawn il-fondi?

  7. Follower says:

    So, that is why the project in San Gwann has been discarded. So that the funds which were to be used for it, now they are going to be used for this exciting and very much expected national festival.

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    The committee has a “ċerpersin” so our national language is in good hands.

  9. Pacino says:

    They just wanted to compete with Indifest biex ma nhallux lin-Nazzjonalisti biss jaghmlu festival u nippruvaw neqirduhom.

  10. Gahan says:

    Min riedu b’sahha?

    Kif kienu jafu li rieduh b’sahha?

    Jista’ jkun li hadd ma’ jrid jidher qrib dwn in-nies?

  11. Franco's Neighbour says:

    Mela se jkollhom jiehdu ‘il-leaff’ l-eccelenza tieghu, is-sur Hamilton u s-sinjura tieghu ibex jorgannizzaw the festival to beat all festivals.

    Jesus help us out here, we need a miracle to get us out of this mess.

  12. gigi says:

    Nixtieq nerga nisma “GENSNA”, ghax dalwaqt nibdew inkantaw “ghatuna x-xoghol ghatuna l-ilma ghatuna dak li ivvutajna ghalih”. Imma kollox f wiccna se jibqa.

  13. johnUSA says:

    L-isbah “Cerpersin” .. the bastardization of two languages.

  14. Let there be light says:

    Confident William Mangion will scribble down a song or two and participate in this freak show. So very Eighties.

  15. AE says:

    Jesus they really do want to turn the clock back and pick up where they left off

  16. Mikiel says:

    I have lately opted to just read, and keep back from commenting, laughing or crying alone. But today after learning about the reintroduction of this abysmal festival I had to shout ‘DAWN BIS-SERJETA?’

    Is it my impression or are we living in a country of a mixture of 40+ boys who still want to play with their dinghies and ponies and of 60-somethings who seem to have a deep ingrained feeling of lost opportunities or nostalgia?

    I get the feeling they are trying to re-live their past ideas and lost moments from Sant with his moaning still about VAT, Leo and Il-Guy hanging onto cabinet seats, to the ambassador to France and his dancer consort, and now the Hamiltons and their wow song festival.

  17. Stella says:

    Let’s light the eternal flame again instead of spending money on such a drab spectacle appreciated only by hard Mintoffians.

  18. Tracy says:

    The Spanish Cultural Centre in Valletta is closing down due to financial problems. Can the government help them by paying their annual rent?

    The Permanent Secretariat had no problem with money to reorganize the National Song Festival.

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