John Dalli says that the general hospital is rife with abuse. He forgets, as do others, that he was Minister for Health just three years ago.

Published: July 27, 2013 at 12:55am

rife with abuse

That sleazy, shady man, John Dalli, who does business with wanted women using false passports and flies to the Bahamas to move “hundreds of millions” while his brother runs about smuggling drugs or hearing voices in prison, has seen fit to tell the press that the general hospital is rife with abuse.

The implication is that the Nasty Nationalists did it. Oh yes, indeed. The worst thing the Nasty Nationalists did was make this sleazy creature Minister for Health between 2008 and 2010, when they decided to do something much, much worse and export him to the European Commission, projecting his shadiness into an international dimension, with the inevitability that world headlines of the wrong sort would follow.

Yes, dear readers, the man who now complains that the Nationalists turned the general hospital into a den of vice was the minister in charge of that hospital for two of the last five years.

Dalli’s whining and protests might have something to do with the fact that his successor as health minister, Joe Cassar, terminated the contract Dalli had given to his disciple John Abela, who audits the private business affairs of Dalli & Daughters.

John Abela took that very badly. Dalli’s first act on becoming Health Czar was to bring back John Abela. His second was to make his daughter Louisa Dalli his personal assistant on the state pay-roll. His third act was to bring in his private secretariat aides from when he was health minister, effectively creating a rival secretariat to the real health minister’s, by recreating his old one.

Taghna lkoll. Taghna lkoll. Taghna lkoll.

16 Comments Comment

  1. Mark says:

    John Abela covered up Dalli’s mess at Daewoo.

    • ciccio says:

      Have John Abela’s audit certifications of the accounts of the business of Tyre Limited been investigated by the relevant authorities?

      Are those accounts saying the truth about Tyre Limited and its business?

    • Rahal says:

      Dalli, Horwath, Gaffarena.

  2. curious says:

    Mhux ta’ xejn Marlene hadet ghaliha. Imma hi mara waqt li l-ministru accetta din l’imposizzjoni kollha fuqu.

  3. zorro says:

    He must be a super Sherlock Holmes to have discovered all this corruption and abuse within a few days.

    Besides the hospital is full of employees from both political parties so after all if there really is abuse we don’t know who is responsible.

    I think after such a statement he should show evidence too.

  4. edgar says:

    No wonder that he is looking angry. He is discovering that he did not cover properly the mess he made when he was Minister of health a few years ago.

  5. Giovanni says:

    Is this John Abela the same one of Crowe Horwath International who was mentioned by you some posts ago?

    [Daphne – Yes]

  6. Joseph Farrugia says:

    Just to inform you if you do no know. John Abela is relative of Wistin Abela Minister of Finance during Mintoff regime of the 70’s.

  7. botom says:

    Dalli has no respect for anyone expect himself. He is a disloyal, self-centred schemer.

    He hated the same person who made him minister of health and later an EU Commissioner with an extravagant salary. He is now a fully-fledged Laburist. I am reminded of the famous quote by Sir Winston Churchill when he said that “Some people change their party because of their principle while others change their principles because of their party”.

  8. Elephant says:

    John Abela as in nephew of Wistin?

  9. Joe Fenech says:

    Rightly said! Why doesn’t he mention the scandals he was involved in.

  10. charon says:

    If I were Godfrey Farrugia I would resign from being Minister of Health.

  11. Paddu says:

    Is he referring to the years he was minister ?

  12. Last Post says:

    With hindsight it looks like it has all been planned beforehand.

    The Ministry for Health has been messy right from the start when we learned that it (the Ministry) was offered to the Farrugia partners to sort out between themselves.

    The appointed minister makes some poor shows which expose his weakness. Then comes Dalli, Bahamas and all, who the Prime Minister entrusts with the ‘Hospital Reform’ and effectively (if not officially) replaces the minister.

    Meanwhile, the Minister’s COS (also his partner’s cousin) is sacked while Dalli entrenches himself surrounded by John Abela, (who audits Dalli’s private business affairs) and his daughter as private secretary.

    In less than a week he launches his ‘reform’ by declaring that the hospital is rife with abuse (forgetting that he himself was Minister for Health as late as 2008-10).

    A real sleazy character in a sleazy government.

  13. jonny says:

    This will turn out to be Joseph Muscat’s first huge mistake.

  14. jaqq says:

    The adjective that describes Dalli most is teflon. Wonder of wonders nothing sticks to him.

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