John Dalli’s adventures appear to have inspired a massive pool party this Sunday

Published: July 25, 2013 at 7:01am

Olympia 2


OLYMPIA GOES TO BAHAMAS – and look at the promotional visuals: private jets, dollars, big houses (unfortunately, the only girls in the equation were the Dalli sisters, who really look nothing like those two charmers).

2 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    If this is a unique opportunity for me to meet Mary Swan aka Lady Bird, then I’m going.

    I’ve got some philantropic projects in mind and I’ve just learnt about someone who just happens to have half a million in cash for which I can propose a good use and a nice ‘return.’

  2. Mustaċċun says:

    Oh, and one of the “special guests” is Johnny Black… għal naqra mhux Johnny Cash

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