Malta’s EU perm rep – perhaps she planned to nip to the beach after shedding Van Rompuy and couldn’t be fagged to get dressed twice
July 15, 2013 at 10:14pm
Exactly how is this appropriate attire for Malta’s permanent representative to the European Union, ambassador Marlene Bonnici, during the President of the European Council’s official visit to Malta?
A thigh-high yellow cotton sundress designed for somebody half her age and worn with flip-flops and VERY BARE legs, hair flopping all over the place and a nice pair of dark glasses worn indoors.
Oh, and I should have mentioned earlier that Mrs Muscat took the children with her, presumably not because her mother refused to babysit them, but because she thinks one’s children should be carted along everywhere with one, even where it is most definitely not their place to be.
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What a difference from the Italian woman in front of her.
Where did she leave the straw hat?
Tal-misthija – qisa sejra l-bahar.
L-espresjoni perfetta hija bil-Malti: kemm hi tan-n*jk, fil-veru sens tal-kelma. U bl-isfar halli tkun qisa amorin.
Sewwa jghid il-Malti – libsu qalziet ghall-ewwel darba u hraw fih.
Mid-dehra d-dress code skont l-estacode mhux għal kulħadd tgħodd. Anzi aktar minhekk, jidher li f’kull dipartiment tal-gvern inklużi fl-iskejjel, kulħadd jilbes kif ifettillu.
Ibda mill-kbir u spiċċa fiż-żgħir. Għarukaża!
Dak ilbies biex tmur għand il-president, għax ma marritx bil-bikini mill-ewwel? Dak eżempju!
This dress choice also falls under that culture gap you were trying to explain to a reader two days ago.
Maybe she was told the press meeting would be by the swimming-pool. They fooled her. There must be a book, towel and some sunblock in that beach bag.
Indeed ….. One wonders whether Mario Cutajar had a word with her!
Fucking peasants in power. Shoot the bloody lot.
Cercura – was, is and shall ever be.
What’s with those casual handbags?
Are we sure it’s she in the last photo? The legs seem different, stocky or something, whereas they seem so thin in the other photos.
[Daphne – It’s obviously the same person. There weren’t two women ambassadors wearing identical dresses. What you’re seeing is the way the camera picks up the fact that a woman is over 50 even when the mirror does not. The muscle and skin tone of even the skinniest, fittest women is completely different to that of a 30-year-old or even a 40-year-old, which is why post-50 women who are thin or slim in real life look like they have the sort of arms that could lift a beam, when those arms are exposed in photographs. At some angles, the same happens with legs. Check out Sue Rossi on the cover of First magazine last Sunday, for instance. She’s got the most amazing figure and good skin, but the forearms, chest and especially hands are a dead give-away of her real age. You just can’t do anything about those on camera, unless you use photoshop.]
have a look at the second video in that link
Even the messengers are better dressed than Marlene Bonnici.
They make you recall when Dom Mintoff went to parliament in shorts.
Third photo – With those legs I would not wear a mini-skirt and is she wearing flip-flops?
Ma tifmhux li marret is-suq tal-belt wara li ltaqat ma’ Van Rompuy.Ghalhekk hadet it-tfal.
Maybe her only other option was to resort to Michelle Muscat’s “hajjata tas-sjut tal-bizzilla”?
the video link posted by vanni and a couple of photos seem to confirm she is wearing high heeled sandals, not flip flops!