Maybe the Police, Army, Prisons, Films and Broadcasting Minister didn’t appreciate the joke about the cable extending all the way to his house up the road

Published: July 25, 2013 at 3:41pm



Yesterday I reported, together with a photograph, the fact that the men working on repaving Melita Street are getting their electricity via a cable that runs out of the Ministry for the Police, Army, the Prisons, Films and Broadcasting.

Somebody then joked that perhaps the cable runs all the way up to Manuel Mallia’s house at Hastings, and that he has found a cunning way to get free electricity as well as free water.

Today, the cable which has been there for days has gone and instead the men are using a portable generator.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Galian says:

    Daphne, so now you are putting even the ‘On The Dot’ column in The Times out of business.

  2. Lorry says:

    That shows how powerful this blog is. Keep it up.

    • Jozef says:

      Yeah right, one inspection from the OHSA and that thing’s gone.

      This blog will not assume responsibility for generators and/or other electrical equipment which are well past their service life or made use of when lacking any protective covers.

  3. GiovDeMartino says:

    Bl-Ingliz ma nafx nghidha: Jien ma nhobb nimla bix-xema’ lil hadd, u mhux dejjem naqbel ma’ dak li tikteb is-Sinjura D. Caruana Galizia, imma, sincerament, allahares ma kinitx hi.

  4. where are we? says:

    If Mallia were a gentleman he would have realized that he should bow out; but of course, these days gentelmanly behaviour is very rare.

  5. r meilak says:

    You’re a STAR

  6. mewho says:

    Oops just noticed a grammatical mistake

  7. Maradona says:

    Keep up the good work, Daph. You make the Labour years more bearable and hopefully people on the other side will one day start to appreciate you…..from Buenos Aires.

  8. ciccio says:

    Daphne, qed thawdilhom il-wires.

  9. Ninu says:

    Did the gentlemen hire the portable generator from Nexos by any chance ? Entrepreneurial spirit at its worst..

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