More Malta Taghna Lkoll appointments: the Employment and Training Corporation board

Published: July 27, 2013 at 12:28am

In last week’s Government Gazette:

Mr Alfred Grixti, B. Educ (Hons)., PG DEAM., DSS (Oxf)., M.Sc (Mgt. IR) (Oxf).

Deputy Chairperson
Ms Pauline Miceli, Dip. in School Admin. & Management, BA (Youth & Community Stds).

Ms Gabi Calleja, MA Yth & Comm. Studies.

Mr James H Pearsall, MSc Trg & Perf.Mgt (Leic). CMIPD; I. Eng (CEI) MIE.

Mr Philip E. Rizzo, FCCA, FIA, CPA

Mr Anġlu Fenech

Dr Marie-Elise Agius, B.A, LL.D

Ms Alexandra Gatt

Mr David Bonello, MSc in Ed.Ld. (CELM), UK,B.Ed (Hons) in Mech Eng, LML trainer/consultant, HTD (Mech) Plant Maint; Cert. Ed. Inst. (Mech Eng)

Ms Claudine Cassar, BSc, MSc, Mphil

Mr Paul Debono, B.Ed (Hons.) P.G.D.E.A.M

Mr Gejtu Tanti

Mr Michael Parnis

Board Secretary
Mr Andrew Triganza Scott, MBA (Maast), M.Ed (Melit), BPsy (Hons), PGCE

ALFRED GRIXTI (chairman) – former Labour politician who for many years served in different roles in the Malta Labour Party, including that of education secretary. Here’s a quote from a 2002 interview with him: “I can say that I received my first ‘political education’ on Nannu Duminku’s lap since he used to go on and on about how better off they were under the Mintoff-led Labour governments after 1971, in comparison to the hardship he had grown up in,” he says.

PAULINE MICELI – for many years, she was part of the Alfred Sant/Mary Darmanin/Evarist Bartolo/Gillian Bartolo circle.

GABI CALLEJA – well, we all know why she’s there. She lobbied for the Labour vote among the LGBT segment of the electorate, and basically told everyone to vote for Joseph, then gave him an award.

JAMES PEARSALL – General Workers Union man.

PHILIP RIZZO – in the election campaign, he divided his time between Labour’s igloos and Labour’s television station, elling us to vote Labour because Joseph Muscat (who cares about nobody but himself, natch) really cares about people with Down’s and people in wheelchairs. As if.

ANGLU FENECH – Toni Zarb’s extremely militant predecessor at the GWU, where he was secretary-general for many, many years, leading the demonstrations against VAT and one strike after another, most notably at the Phoenicia Hotel, which reacted by closing down.

DAVID BONELLO – I have no idea who he is, but he needs a good slap for that ridiculous string after his name.

CLAUDINE CASSAR – appointed to this board last week and to the Malta Council of Science and Technology this week. They must have run out of ‘nisa importanti/ta’ success’ who spoke for Labour in the last general election.

11 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    Not even ‘pigs at the trough’ is adequate enough to describe them.

    The new, progressive way of doing politics.

  2. Aunt Hetty says:

    Qlafat of the world unite.

  3. Mark says:

    Claudine Cassar, daughter of Joe Spiteri, director of contracts and proud owner of many a burned front door.

    • Infurmat says:

      ……..and publicly acclaimed Joe Muscat (on a TV programme with Reno Bugeja) for organising the largest cabinet ever because now Government will be able to get things done.

  4. Spy No.213B says:

    Let me fill you in on David Bonello the deputy director at the mechanical institute at the MCST. I will be short because I am currently being persecuted by policewomen in pink bikines.

    Regarding the ‘string’ after his name, please do not point that out anymore as we would love him to continue flaunting it. We have been laughing our arses off for the last years seeing the bewildered faces of visitors whenever they read the ‘string’ when they know that he cannot express himself properly in English.

    Let me add also that he exhibits all the symptoms of full blown narcissism.

    • M. Cassar says:

      Your link produces a super cringe moment….

      ”In my opinion education will always be struggle where all those of a good intention will feel a bit oppressed by the social context they live and work in. However, it is hoped that in the future all those who are involved in the educational field will be treated in better manner by the society since they provide knowledge for the economy.”

      I guess this is why Labour are now saying that qualifications do not mean anything, clearly they went to places to get theirs where one does not learn anything! I can just hear an echo repeating: ”this for exam miss?”

  5. Kevin says:

    Alfred Grixti, whose parents thought schooling under Mintoff’s strategy for education was so great that they sent their son to St Aloysius’.

    Philip Rizzo, who hollered about the rights of disadvantaged children but didn’t let out a peep in public during the threat of ‘push-back’.

  6. Jozef says:

    Seems Bonello has an issue with not being a warranted engineer.

    Miskin, dawk l-ittri kollha u jrid jiffirmalu haddiehor.

  7. mark says:

    B’dawk l-ittri kolla wara ismu ( David Bonello )……dnub qieghed Malta. Probabli in NASA ma jafux bih.

  8. jaqq says:

    James Pearsall was appointed director on the ETC board also throught PN administrations, so much for Malta Taghna Lkoll, he was also a director that sits on recruitment boards to recruit ETC employees.

    One wonders if he used his political affiliations to recruit Labourites at ETC.

  9. joseph muscat says:

    David Bonello was also appointed member of the Students Maintenance Grants Board on 1st July 2013. This board is now made up of staunch Labour supporters. Check the Government Gazette for the names of the other members.

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