More negative coverage for Malta: please explain how this can possibly be “in the national interest”

Published: July 11, 2013 at 10:35am

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12 Comments Comment

  1. CIS says:

    From a Maltese, by the Maltese to the Maltese.

  2. xdcc says:

    “please explain how this can possibly be ‘in the national interest’ ”

    Very simple. It is in the national interest because Joseph says so.

  3. Unfortunately, Malta Labour Party political leaders since Mintoff’s days have consistently shown an inability to distinguish between notoriety and good reputation.

  4. Cittadin Malti says:

    Hey, but Joseph Muscat can surely protect the national interest of Malta from this wave of negative media with the following headline:

    “Disgraced former EU Health and Consumer Commissioner J Dalli BA – who has now been appointed the de facto Health Minister of the Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat – offered pro bono and voluntary services (while in office) to assist the setting up of multi-billion dollar funds in the Bahamas for ‘philantropic’ purposes in aid of ‘people in Africa.'”

  5. Rumplestiltskin says:

    The PM goes on an ego trip and makes noises to appeal to the Lowell crowd and assorted local racists but shames Malta with the world. What sort of thinking process leads to this?

  6. rounhead says:

    It’s like throwing a stone into the water; the ripples will go on and on and on…

  7. Last Post says:

    Yesterday I heard the Minister for Police, the Army and Broadcasting (what a mixed portfolio!), Dr Mallia complain that, among other things, the Netherlands only took 10 of our irregular immigrant population.

    May I suggest the Minister to use his diplomatic acumen to ask Gaby Calleja (or some other LGBT Rights official, Cyrus Engerer perhaps) to have a word with the Netherlands ambassador, who is such a fervent supporter of minority rights that he personally took part in the latest government-sponsored Gay Pride parade here in Malta.

    Wouldn’t you agree, Dottor Mallia, that in the JosephPL new style of doing politics (as in entertainment) “tutto fa brodo”!

  8. josef2 says:

    Kollha reklami tajba ghal Malta. Dak ifisser li ahna ma nitmexxewx min imnehirna. Dak hu l-messagg. Zmien il-yes sir spicca.

    • Josette says:

      Le, il-messaġġ hu ibża’ ejja hawn ghax malajr induru kontrik u għax hawn mimli razzisti bħalek.

  9. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Sadly we are back to the days when Malta under the MLP was execrated by Europe, including all NATO and Warsaw Pact countries, for its perverse, solitary “dog in a manger” obstruction to the signing of the sorely needed CSCE pact intended to end the Cold War by maximising Security and Cooperation in Europe.

    Why this obsession to present Malta in such bad light internationally by Malta Labour Party prime ministers?

  10. Fido says:

    A nice alternative for the investment in publicity campaigns for Malta as a tourist and/or investment hub.

  11. Francis Saliba MD says:

    MLP leaders behave as if they prefer to be execrated princes lording it in a Malta hell rather than respected international citizens in heaven.

    For that purpose they have no compunction about creating that hell for us here in Malta where they can prance and cavort to the applause of a foolish multitude.

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