Not to be missed: an interview with a most dreadfully unprepossessing Law Commissioner and Chief of Constitutional Reform
July 8, 2013 at 8:45pm
Not so highly strung and twitchy anymore, is he? Four months ago he was as tightly wired as a man who’d been kept away from anything remotely resembling a woman for five years with his hands tied behind his back.
Now he’s like the same man released into a brothel and left there for a week.
The Law Commissioner and Chief of Constitutional Reform talks about his passion for keeping birds in cages, a passion learned from his uncles who trapped them.
It has come to this.
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Why is this ‘not to be missed’?
I can’t imagine anything I’d want to miss more.
Jinnammra ma l-ghasafar? I think the correct construction would be li “kellu in-namra ta’ l-ghasafar”…
Where is Roderick Galdes when you need him… Save the robins!
“kept away from anything remotely resembling a woman for five years with his hands tied behind his back”
Brilliant…..subtle, but not TOO subtle.
“Now he’s like the same man released into a brothel and left there for a week.”
Well, he did admit that he locks himself upstairs in the room with the birds for hours on end.
Sorry just saw till 1.02 seconds and already blood drained from my head.
John Bundy had better interview himself about his relation to Dr Farrugia family, then we see if some truth will emerge.
Do we have to see it ? He can SAY whatever he likes now.
Yesterday I bumped into this but didn’t even bother to flag it:
I prefer the Sudoku Level 4 on The Malta Independent, that’s logical and always a perfect solution.
Tried to watch this video but had to give up. This creep brings back horrible memories and the sooner I forget about him the better. Also was about to smash my I pad against the wall.
I have friends in UK who are now using the phrase “he looks like a right Frankie” as a euphemism for “a right cunt”.
They don’t know who it actually refers to.
Tliet sieghat ma ‘ l-ghasafar, tliet sieghat il-bahar, imma l-process metikoluz. Dawn Ir-rivezjoni tal-ligijiet bil-mira ta’ 2018.
He may be twitching a bit less, but otherwise, he hasn’t changed a bit. “Tajjeb?” He talks only about “me.” “Tajjeb? And stuck in the past. “Tajjeb?” Obsessed with those who criticise him. “Tajjeb?”
I’ve heard it all before. “Bir-rispett kollu.”
I watched five seconds of it and shat my brains out. Now I’m scraping them off the carpet. Grey matter is such a persistent stain.
“Grey matter is such a persistent stain.”
Tell me. I’m trying to scrape fifty shades of it off my carpet.
Tsk, tsk. Use a sock next time.
That mobile phone again u issa bir-rey bens ghax is-Sajf! To save your stomach-turning, go straight to 12.12.
Issaportejt nisimghu siegha shiha. Gesu Hanin, x’antipatija ta’ bniedem. Wara siegha jghid kontra n-Nazzjonalisti ma riedx jghid liem jippreferi bhala festa nazzjonali biex ‘anke minhabba l-kariga tieghu, ma jizbilancjax ruhu’.
Ilu li zbilancja, ma kellux ghalfejn jistenna din il-mistoqsija biex jinkwieta fuq hekk,
Rigward il-gustizzja u l-intern bil-mod kif kien jitkellem Dr. Debono fi zmien gvern Nazzjonalista (ghax kienu maghqudin) kont nistenna li jikkundanau mhux jiskuza lil gvern ta’ Muscat ghax kien ghadu fil-bidu tieghu?
Muscat kellu ic-chance kollu jahtar zewgt ministri mill hafna li hatar u jisseparhom. Dawn huma affarijiet li jindikaw vensikazzjoni ta’ qabel l-elezzjoni. Sakemm il-hatriet il-godda li tawh ma servewx ta’ gazaza biex ma jaghmilx aktar xenati u jaghlaq halqu.
What a horrid little man.
Not interested. Will never get back those minutes lost listening to this idiot. Have better things to do with my time….like slagging him off….
Intervista bejn zewg gakbini.
Why didn’t his uncles just trap him and cage him? Would have saved us a lot of grief.
I made an active decision to pass on Frankie Tabone’s vid there. Sorry but I really couldn’t take his smirking self-satisfied trainwreck of a face.
I followed cps’s advice and went to12.12 there’s only so much I can stand of this poor example of a human being. The one bit that was music to my ears – that he dreams to work abroad. One dream I hope materializes. It’s our dream too.
[Daphne – Why does he keep dreaming about it instead of just doing it? The man is 40, for heaven’s sake. Time is running out – has run out, if you’re talking major career moves. And he has nothing to keep him here – no proper relationship, no children, nothing. He just doesn’t have what it takes. This is a man who can’t even leave his parents’ house, and still lives there in middle age. Imagine him fending for himself in some metropolis.]
You just said it Daphne. He won’t go because he can’t cope on his own away from familiar people and surroundings.
I think most of us dream of him working abroad, preferably on Bouvet Island.
But if he really had the guts to leave his mummy and was capable of taking up a post away from Malta, he would have already done so by now.
He should really work a broad. It would do him good.
You couldn’t have described him better. He’s proud to come from a typical Maltese, quiet village – feels protected and cosy. He lives a simple life – playing with birds for hours. He’s still locked in his narrow-minded village mentality.
He finds it difficult to make up his mind on what he wants and worse he thinks he’s the smarter for it. He says he excelled in the sciences and yet he chose a legal career. Even though he thinks himself a top criminal lawyer he took a book on ‘Pure Maths’ on his trip to Italy (of all places) to discuss party financing!
I tried to watch the video but I couldn’t bear more than a few minutes. As you say he now feels (and looks) slightly more at ease with himself. It’s probably the same feeling he gets when he moves from one extreme (the legal and ‘literary’ complexities) to the other (the straight-forward certainties of mathematics).
He may indeed have been born to people who vote PN (minn guf ommu) but his ego-centric and narrow-minded village mindset is typically Labour. The good (and bad) thing about him is that nobody is safe with him on his side.
The height of stupidity, of Debono’s vice of breeding birds in cages, is for him to go around with a 20cm X 14cm X 14cm cage called “gabjetta” under his arm parading around the village square.
There is a Sicilian saying about these song birds in cages; birds sing in cages as an act of desperation and not as joy to life.
Imagine him having a coffee on Piazza Navona with the gabjetta under his arm…
He still has police security at his house in Hal Ghaxaq. Wonder why he needs them now.
Ghax issa sar ‘importanti’?
It’s the pizza delivery guys still waiting for their tip.
I am hoping against hope that the Nationalissts will have nothing to do with this scum and his Commission.
If they do, they can call at home and collect my PN membership card. Joseph Muscat dedfied the Nationalist feeling when he put this man on this Commission, and I am sure he had a feeling that the Nationalists will cooperate – as they had always done, except on rare occasions.