Now we know why they’re so keen on rushing the Whistleblower Bill through parliament
July 16, 2013 at 10:10am
“Issa naraw min harigha dik.”
That’s Chris Cardona, threatening journalists and their sources at a press conference about the way he interfered directly to have a Privatisation Unit tender awarded to a law firm which the adjudication committee had not chosen.
His major concern is finding out who told on him.
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He was quite disgusting all through that press conference. He was really fuming, at one point almost having to restrain himself, such was his anger at being ‘caught’.
Also, he’s another one who is really putting the beef on these days. A cabinet of Fat Cats indeed.
Not to mention offending journalists by using family relatives. What an incompetent sod.
Id-dnub ma jorqodx – jghid il-proverbju. Il veru ma nafx kif ma jafux jisthu dawn in-nies. Jghamlu tajjeb ghal Malta (miskina!!) jekk imorru jinhbew.
Never quite understood the allure of lap dancing.
Ask the guy – he’ll enlighten us all.
For starters, you don’t need to issue a call for tender or quotations.
Chris Cardona said he seeks “transparency”. What could be more transparent that a stripper’s clothing?
She can blow my whistle any time.
That’s my ribald comment for the day.
Surely the unsuccessful law companies will go to court where the involvement of the minister should be exposed.
The minister talked a lot about what used to happen under the previous administration. Can he or somebody in authority tell us what procedure was adopted when the law firm of the president’s son got the Mepa consultancy contract?
Nice try Saviour, but the PN promised a referendum on hunting, will respect the court’s decision regarding Armier and had already concluded that the only feasible bridge would pass right over the blue lagoon, ergo never.
No wonder your readers sound vacant.
You had it for Lawrence Gonzi, now that he’s going your misguided panic the PN might consider xenophoby a value of the Maltese is tangible.
Sweet, fond of the PN’s principles, willing to sabotage every one of them in favour of what you call AD.
And you’ll support a coal fired power plant.
Kemm tqarqac is-sur Cardona min meta ghandu daqxejn ta’ poter f’idejh.
Miskien, ipprova jiggustifika ghemilu izda hareg ta’ mazetta.
They did promise a new way of doing this, sod the rules, keep the unit for show and fill friends’ pockets. When questions are asked try seething anger, personal attacks, ridicule and if questions persist simply do not answer. Evil pays and some are more evil than others.
Truly a new way of doing things.