Oh no. John Dalli is now being persecuted in French, too.
July 5, 2013 at 12:05pm
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John Dalli seems to be imparting a holy blessing in that picture.
Zut alors!
Très bien.
I wonder how long it will take for Dalli to try to present this as proof of the PN’s worldwide network and its use against him.
It won’t just be the PN but a whole network of International Evil Forces and Cliques, this blogger included! (Reminds me of Franco, ‘sans l’Internationale’.)
A Bahamas cést la vie en roses et je ne regrette rien.
Les dernier mots de Dalli: ‘C’est ma vie et je ne regrette rien.’ On verra.
Nahseb ahjar Fr. Gorg jerga jqaddislu quddies din id-darba ddedikata lil Santa Rita tal-Impossibbli biex tohorgu mill-isqaq li dahal fih. Miskin vittma ta’ kulhadd hux.
Infamy! Infamy! They’ve all got it in for me.
He is going to need more than a thanksgiving mass from his brother Dun Gorg to get out of this bloody mess
Well the issue will get confusing for French journalists and anyone checking out the story if they go by French Wiki which still has John Dalli listed as a Nationalist Politician.
Would they not, then, be contacting the Labour Party press for details rather than any Nationalist party – or (any) NP leaning – press?
Is this an ‘oversight’?
Just in case it disappears, this is the extract as at time of posting:
“John Dalli, né le 5 octobre 1948 à Qormi, sur l’île de Malte, est un homme politique maltais. Il appartient au Parti nationaliste (PN/NP). Il a occupé le poste de commissaire européen chargé de la Santé et de la Politique des consommateurs de 2010 à 2012, au sein de la Commission Barroso II. Impliqué dans une affaire de corruption liée à l’industrie du tabac, il a démissionné le 16 octobre 20121.
Il est mariée à Josette Dalli, née Callus. Le couple a deux filles.”
Mon Dieu…what a name for Malta. Thanks