Perhaps they’ve been transferred to the catering unit

Published: July 23, 2013 at 4:06pm

Under the last government, the police station in H’Attard was open every day.

Under this government it is closed every day, with court notices affixed to the front door and somebody opening up briefly on Sunday to change the notices.

Too busy cooking broth for Manny Mallia and Do You Know Who I Am Scerri, no doubt.

Attard police station

6 Comments Comment

  1. dutchie says:

    May I add that under the Mintoff KMB government the picture looked quite like this (door closed) except for the fact that it then lacked the paint job and was always filthy like everywhere else was back then.

    So we know where this is going back to..

  2. curious says:

    Jaqaw dan il-Kummissarju jferfex u jghaggel? Fejn irid.

  3. Paul says:

    If there was one reason why a new Government was needed it was this. So that One News could finally change its headlines after 25 years in Opposition.

    Every single day we used to listen to the news on One with the following headlines: Most police stations are closed, long queues at Mater Dei’s A&E, strechers in the corridor at Mater Dei, this Arriva bus stopped here and the other one there, magni tal-cancer in Delimara, boilers malfunctioning, and power outages here and there, etc etc ad nauseam.

    And now? Since March the 9th? A new beginning. Almost a Shangri-la. Wonder of wonders, not a word about these matters in the news alla jbierek . Ghax issa kollox Taghna Wkoll. Allura kollox mixi fuq ir-rubini minghalihom.

  4. observer says:

    Mallia u P.P. Zammit, possibbli ghadkom ma xbajtux taqghu ghan-nejk?

  5. ciccio says:

    Issa sew, ghax jekk Toni Abela imur l-ghassa ta’ H’Attard ma jsibx Pulizija Laburist.

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