Sending the wife instead: the new Labour habit
July 8, 2013 at 11:51am
A reader emailed to say that last Friday she was at the opening night of an exhibition by a young artist based in Gozo, Justin Falzon.
The Minister for Gozo, Anton Refalo, had been invited to open it, and he had accepted. But on the actual night, he failed to turn up and his wife came in his stead.
There was no speech, nothing – she just turned up and graced them with her presence while her husband saw to a subsequent engagement or just sat in front of the television.
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U iva, mhux xorta? L-aqwa li mar xi hadd.
X’arukaza. Il-vera imisshom jisthu, almenu minn min ivvotalom.
U mbagħad jghidu għax in-Nazzonalisti arroganti.
Tini fakin brejk.
You know, typical Labour culture: “Haqq A**a, xiz-z*bb immur nghamel. Nibghad lila, Ikollha daqsxejn cans tiddandan ftit u tibla xi zewg sendwiccis.”
Maybe he needed to spend some quality time with his birds.
Soon it will be the Maltese Prime Minister who will be sending his wife to official events.
He is so keen to avoid the journalists right now.
Imma Muscat kien wieghdna l-aktar Gvern femminista. Dak u r-rizultat, mhux aktar ministri jew PS nisa, imma rowl akbar lin-nisa tal-prim ministru, ministri u PS.
It seems it is becoming a habit for Ministers to send someone in their stead for an occasion. Has anyone heard anything yet why Manuel Mallia was absent yesterday (Sunday) for the Mass and the laying of a wreath on the grave/s of deceased policemen?
He was probably busy getting ready to greet the Chinese Ambassador.
Jimxu fuq l-ezempju tal mexxej, ehles mir responsabiltajiet ministerjali u ibaghat lill mara , x’rispett lill familja.
Is this what they meant by ‘a more feminist government’?
L-ghasfur li hemm fil-gagga tassew intelligenti: lanqas biss irid ihares lejn Anton Refalo.
So now Karmenu Vella is the Transport Minister.