Silvio Parnis: feeling the heat on Facebook

Published: July 8, 2013 at 8:11am

The man who never got his job as Ministru tas-Sawt is having a tough job fending off his many Facebook friends who are hassling him for their pound of flesh.

And that’s just on Facebook. Imagine what his front door and telephone must be like.

Silvio Parnis 2

Silvio Parnis 1

17 Comments Comment

  1. Mike says:

    Last comment in first image:
    ‘Min ghandu poter jrrid jiftah widnejh’

    So much for Gvern Li Jisma.

  2. Joe Micallef says:

    I “like” the solutions he’s proposing. They are the epitome of sustainable economic theory.

    Qabda dilettanti.

  3. mattie says:

    Hawn il-problemi hawn Malta.

  4. dudu says:

    Sandy il Lilly ghanda l-flus ghal tattoo imma mhux biex thallas il-kont tad-dawl:

  5. mattie says:

    No problemo.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    “Xihaga tragika” (sic) being what? An electoral reversal?

  7. Rumplestiltskin says:

    No job. On ‘relief.’ And yet enough money for the Internet to be able to spend time on Facebook.

  8. Volley says:

    And from her comments on Facebook, it seems that she intends to have another tattoo done.

  9. SA says:

    What a pity many people like her are so disappointed now, because they were promised heaven on earth. Bitterness is due to increase in five years time.

  10. Gek says:

    Closer to election they will probably be given a job and some perks … And will be eternally grateful to Joseph.

    It’s amazing how low people’s expectations are of this government when compared to the previous.

    But it seems that no one is bothering to complain.

    Also, it is shocking that all “traditional” media is practically silent, with the occasional article from The Malta Independent as exception.

  11. TinaB says:

    “Sandy meta trid ejja l-ufficju u nara ftit il-kaz tieghek.”

    I hope that Silvio Parnis realises that what this woman probably needs is to learn how to get her priorities right.

    Giving people like Sandy il lilly freebies when there may be others who are genuinely in need would be totally unfair and irresponsible, as well as an INSULT to hardworking people who struggle and make many sacrifices to give their children a decent upbringing.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      The point is: x’ufficju?

      Silvio Parnis is just a private citizen. Not an MP, not a government official, not a Ministru tas-Sawt, not anything.

      Does anyone have a spare granny? Ciccio? Jozef? I’d like to carry out the dropped pill experiment. Just to check if it works post-election.

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