That’s definitely not a pistol in his pocket. Too far up. So what exactly is it?

Published: July 16, 2013 at 5:08pm

The Department of Information has released photographs of the Speaker of the House meeting the Russian ambassador. What’s that black thing in Anglu’s breast pocket? Surely it can’t be a black lace handkerchief.

And oh dear, he’s got on another nasty pair of shoes, with that basket-weave-effect which is seen as somehow an improvement on plain black leather ghax daqxejn bil-gost.

Full marks, though, for learning about dark socks.




22 Comments Comment

  1. Bubu says:

    The Russian Ambassador looks positively unimpressed.

  2. La Redoute says:

    It’s a black satin handkerchief. Why can’t he wear a suit instead of a blazer?

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      That’s not even a blazer, it’s a jacket from another suit.

      That looks really cheap and common.

      • C Falzon says:

        A jacket from someone else’s suit, seeing how it fits him.

      • Min Jaf says:

        The black satin in/on his jacket breast pocket is a ‘gost’ designed to tie in with the black trousers from his other suit.

      • A. Charles says:

        In Italian, it’s called a “spezzato”, the jacket and a different pair of trousers and not something else.

  3. ciccio says:

    Did you see the collar of the Speaker’s shirt in the picture where both gentlemen are standing?

    It definitely needs some ironing.

    As for the black thing in the pocket of his jacket, it must be the piece of fabric left over after his tailor finished working on the black trousers, at which point the tailor must have realised that there was not enough material left for a black jacket.

  4. Moi says:

    Oh, dear! It DOES appear to be a hanky of some sort. Perhaps his daughter bought it for him.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The fingernails!

  6. henry pace says:

    ‘ What’s that black thing in Anglu’s breast pocket? ‘

    Maybe it is a hidden microphone . Nascosta.

  7. henry pace says:

    ‘ What’s that black thing in Anglu’s breast pocket? ‘

    Who knows , maybe its a hidden microphone

  8. P Shaw says:

    It looks like fancy duct-tape.

  9. Jozef says:

    Xi hlew ta’ sett frames fuq il-fajerplejs, minn ghand Bargains teleshopping.

    Ta’ Van Rompuy tal-Conimex ghax bil-pizzi.

  10. Riya says:

    Forsi nesa xi rcevuta tal-Petlor fil-but.

  11. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    I think it’s his wallet. Clearly did not trust the Russians with his assets

  12. Joseph says:

    That is the same jacket he wore during the debate with Dr Busuttil, when everyone was trying to guess what he had in the pocket.

  13. Ta'sapienza says:

    You guys are killing me.

  14. Tracy says:

    Nahseb dak l-istess glekk li kien libes meta mar f’Xarabank ma’ Simon u waqa’ ghac-cajt

  15. helen says:

    Looks like a spectacles case to me. Halluh miskin, kif qbatu mieghu – ma jmurx issa dan jibda jibki wkoll.

  16. james borg says:

    Ah, so that’s where his moustache went to.

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