The jackboot power fantasies of two short, fat, bald, middle-aged/elderly Maltese men with stunted limbs and a far-right, National Front approach to ‘the inferior races’

Tweedledum and Tweedledee call a press conference to protest against Malta being invaded by inferior human beings.
The prime minister clearly thought he would try some damage limitation this morning as he is hit by the full onslaught of the Dalli scandal which has made him look weak and, by association, corrupt.
He called a press conference with the National Security Minister – a most unfortunate conjunction of mutual-mirroring physique which put me in mind of Tweedledum and Tweedledee (entirely appropriate, given the evolving Through the Looking-Glass scenario) and took it out on the very same people to whom his new friend Pope Francis will be paying a high-profile, no-pomp visit to draw international attention to THEIR, not our, plight.
Reading the reports of Joseph Muscat’s words at that press conference made me literally nauseous. He sounds like the leader of a National Front movement, not the prime minister of a civilised country and EU member state. Manuel Mallia, with his jackboot fantasies of being surrounded by soldiers and policemen, is as bad.
This is the liberal and progressive face of Labour: Jean Marie Le Pen and the ghost of Joerg Haider partying with the Greek Golden Dawn and with skinheads from the British National Front.
What price transgender marriage, when you speak about suffering people as though they are starving wolves at your gate, and talk in terms of not wanting them because there’s not enough space and they’re going to take us over with their alien ways?
So much for the token black man sitting behind Joseph Muscat at his electoral rallies, and for the mass dissemination of photographs showing him smiling at an adopted black child. So much for Manuel Mallia handing out fruit – paid for by others – to rightly suspicious black children in the camps.
So much for having a token Muslim at the Office of the Prime Minister. So much for all this hypocrisy. Do read my column in The Malta Independent today.
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Well said.
And, if I may add, read the comments below the column to see what vulgarity people support Manwel & Joseph’s ideas on the issue.
*vulgar people
Reading The Times… this made me sick:
“He (Muscat) said the immigrants were rescued because of the exceptional circumstances where a boat was sinking with women and children on board as well as two people onboard with gunshot wounds. According to intelligence, the shots were fired in Libya after the men escaped from a detention centre.
Dr Muscat did not exclude sending migrants back to Libya in the future.”
Muscat said the migrants were rescued because of their exceptional circumstances – women and children and people with gunshot wounds.
By implication, a boatload of men would have been left to drown.
Immigrants don’t have a vote. That’s one group Muscat can let down without any loss of voter support.
My thoughts exactly. Shame on you Prime Minister.
The UNHCR’s responded in no uncertain terms.
He’s getting it all wrong if he thinks Italy will show any support. Letta appointed Laura Boldrini, ex-UNHCR, to preside the lower house and Cecile Kyenge, Congolese origins as minister for integration.
But then, these Demochristians tend to be idealistic.
Why does Mallia look so angry? Something wrong with his catering business.
It is quite ironic that this press conference was held on July 4th, the independence day of the USA, a country built on immigration.
Two days ago, the US embassy organized an event to celebrate the 237th anniversary of the United States. The US ambassador delivered a remarkable speech on how Malta should embrace the immigrants, and enrich itself by weaving them into society, the way the United States did with different cultures over the last 237 years. The message of Madam Ambassador was very clear and was delivered eloquently in around 8 minutes.
Manuel Mallia was there and during that speech, I was wondering what an extremist like him was thinking and whether the ambassador’s speech struck a chord. Joseph Muscat was not there.
The ambassador’s remarkable speech was followed by the most discomforting speech by Malta’s president that lasted around 22 minutes. Apart from being delivered in the most horrible accent, the speech included numerous gaffes.
Abela’s speech focused on the cooperation between the EU and the USA (not the right topic for an Independence Day event) and the importance of blacks in America. (I am using the word black not to be offensive but simply to explain myself). Presumably the President chose the latter topic to impress the ambassador, but probably had the opposite effect. During the speech Gorg Abela referred to American blacks as ‘Afro-americans’ repeatedly, whereas the right term should have been ‘African-Americans’. Somebody should tell Marica Mizzi or one of the Zerafa sisters, that he term ‘Afro-americans’ is a no-no and is higly offensive. It is more or less equivalent to the n word. The other gaffe was the word ‘peoples’ that was also used repeatedly by Gorg Abela.
The event was crowded by various MLP ministers and there were a few interesting observations.
Just a little correction its not British National Front but British National Party – which ironically have their finances and leaders living in Malta.
[Daphne – I meant what I said: the British National Front, or perhaps I should have said, the National Front in Britain, or Britain’s National Front ]
The Prime Minister should take the opportunity to go to Lampedusa and kiss Pope Francis’s hand as a sign of appreciation.
They would love to be liberal and progressive, but deep down, they are soooo far right.
In case Joseph Muscat has forgotten, this is Malta 2013 not Alabama 1913.
His populist whining and growling may go down well with the more extreme xenophobic elements in Malta but the sane – the genuinely moderate and progressive – part of the Maltese population find his tone unacceptable.
So I, for one, want to make this very clear: JOSEPH MUSCAT IS NOT SPEAKING IN MY NAME.
We know that even the devil quotes and twists Scripture when it suits him. Fortunately a wise Pope has already spoken clearly on this issue:
[Daphne – That was another pope, David. A German one, raised in the Hitler Youth. And you make the fundamental mistake of assuming that sub-Saharan Africans are all Muslim. They are not. Many of them are Christian or neither thing. In any case, who cares what they are? I’m not technically a Roman Catholic myself, but being surrounded by them doesn’t bother me in the least.]
It is all a show for public consumption.
Labour has been sold and bought just like the Nationalists.
They are all in on it.
Strings are pulled from the EU and their Jesuit backers.
The reality is that nationalism has to be destroyed and chaos and division is the way to do it, it is the plan of the near future.
The EU can stop illegal migration in a heartbeat if it wants to but it does not want to as it serves a purpose to the new world order.
Study ‘Practical Idealism’ by Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and you will understand exactly what this social engineering project that no one voted for is all about and also why things are happening as they are. Nothing happens by chance in this world.
So you voted Labour to hasten the arrival of the Day of Wrath? You people never cease to amaze me.
I don’t live in Malta although I was planning to fly over for the election. I come from a die-hard Nationalist family.
We ended up leaving Malta precisely because of Mintoff’s first government in the 1950s.
I never made it to Malta as I had family obligations to attend to in Texas (my wife is American) and then business to take care of as my sons are swamped with work in the family firm.
What is happening to tiny Malta is criminal and I would not trust any political party on the island. They are all rubber stampers of EU policy now that is all they are.
The EU bit is a tired old argument.
To start with, the EU is not some Abstract Entity that issues orders. It is a union of members states. Malta is a member state. It can and should work – if it sees fit – to shape EU policy in its interest.
Secondly, you have just written a greater truth than anything else – that political parties in Malta cannot be trusted.
It follows that it is far better to “rubber stamp” policy made by the 28 EU nations, by men and women with a trifle more honesty, integrity and intelligence than our sorry specimens, than to be free of the obligations of EU membership and mess up our own lives and country. You had to leave because of that vile despot Mintoff. Believe me, if it weren’t for the EU, whose fetters we’re forever trying to be rid of, many more Mintoffs would flourished. The only thing that’s keeping Joseph Muscat from following in his hero’s path – and you correctly identified what is happening as “criminal” – is precisely EU membership. That’s why I voted for it. Because I don’t trust Maltese politicians.
I’d rather be governed by faceless bureaucrats in Brussels than pompous asses in Valletta.
I think you are giving these nameless EU bureaucrats in Brussels too much credit.
They certainly do not have the interest of the Maltese people at heart or any other people because that is not how bureaucracies work.
The nearest comparison to the new EU red-tape makers was the old Soviet Politburo and these all quickly debase themselves to: always appear to follow orders, don’t rock the boat, and most important: always cover your ass.
Big Corporations run on a similar principal in the west and to a lesser extent in Japan.
In time the old adage of the emperor has no clothes will eventually come to light and the whole mess will collapse on to itself.
If Malta did not have rinky-dink politicians you would clearly see this as it is only a matter of perspective and comparison subjectiveness for want of quality and honest leadership which was last seen with Dr. Giorgio Borg Olivier in Malta.
That quality or genuine-ness never appeared again unfortunately, and now it seems quaint and from a vastly different long ago era.
Joseph Muscat does not hold media conferences for the likes of you and me. Such conferences are just a charade to provide vote-catching, vote-retention propaganda material for the intellectually stunted captive audience that hoovers up all that ONE TV and radio spew out to the exclusion of all else.
Somebody should remind the prime minister that he quoted Francis of Assisi for campaign purposes, though not where Africans were concerned.