The National Commission for the Promotion of Equality says that the government’s talk makes worse an already bad situation of discrimination towards African immigrants

Published: July 12, 2013 at 3:32pm

The National Commission for the Promotion of Equality said this morning that push-back policy is “intrinsically discriminatory, particularly in respect to the right of life and safety for all”.

“The NCPE believes that just as the government has been a promoter of positive changes in matters relating to other grounds of discrimination, such as sexual orientation, its policies in relation to migration should be equally sensitive,” it said.

“The phenomenon of irregular migration policies that address irregular migration should also reflect an unwavering commitment towards the respect and upholding of the fundamental rights and intrinsic human dignity of every human being irrespective of race or ethnicity. It is the firm view of NCPE that any decisions taken to tackle the issue of irregular migration should not include any push back measures.”

The NCPE said it will support and promote any government initiatives to fight against racial discrimination, saying that much needs to be done to challenge the mindset of those who disregard human dignity and fundamental human rights.

It said the government should take positive measures to counter expressions of racial hatred made on newspaper comments-boards, social media and elsewhere on the internet.

11 Comments Comment

  1. jack says:

    I’m surprised that there hasn’t been a pledge to reduce illegal immigration by 25%, so far.

  2. ciccio says:

    I agree with the NCPE: “The government should take positive measures to counter expressions on racial hatred made on newspaper comments-boards, social media and elsewhere on the internet.”

  3. J Camilleri says:

    By the time the dust settles on this one, Lady Bird will have been whisked out of the island and there will be no evidence to indict Dalli.

    Just ignore this charade and keep the focus on the real issue which is troubling Joseph.

    • Last Post says:

      Joseph has brought in Libya as part of the solution to our immigration problem.

      Dalli might still have a few friends there and sure enough he would be happy to intervene in striking a deal between the EU and Libya.

      Especially if such a deal involves the transfer of large sums of money.

    • Victor says:

      Totally agree.

      Joseph has succeeded in redirecting everybody’s attention, while the Dalli case has been forgotten.

  4. mark says:

    Kif qal tajjeb Dr.L.Gonzi fil parlament….SHAME ON US. Jiddispjacini pero is socjeta maltija il-bahar marret. Ma nafx kif, kemm il Prim Ministru kif ukoll il cabinet tieghu ma jisthux mil familjari taghhom.

  5. Denis says:

    The pledge that has been made is with their friends in Libya to raise the influx , in return some sort of deal will be concucted to release their millions being held in Malta.

  6. rpacebonello says:

    I thought that Labour had all the answers

    • sunshine says:

      Of course it does. Maybe you don’t understand because you don’t get British humour?

    • M. Cassar says:

      Are those who voted for Joseph Muscat still very impressed by the fact that he has a roadmap (konret u kostit)?

  7. lola says:

    So Daphne are you in favour of all these immigrants coming to Malta and keep them here with us for ever after?

    [Daphne – I am in favour of the rule of law, and also in favour of anything that forces lazy-minded Maltese people out of their bubble and into reality. Too many live in a hamster’s cage, moving from wheel to bowl.]

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