There appears to be no anti-tobacco conference in Sweden right now

Published: July 1, 2013 at 6:01pm

I might not have scoured the internet properly. Can anyone help? I can’t believe the journalist who spoke to Dalli didn’t ask him which blessed conference, when they know he’s such a habitual truth-twister.

So please, if you can find details of this conference, send them in.

Oh, and as expected: he’s the victim of persecution. And there goes Malta Today to the rek-syoo.

persecution mania

36 Comments Comment

  1. Delta says:

    This might be it

    “The independent think tank Tobacco Facts has invited John Dalli to participate in a seminar on lobbying at the European level on the Beach hotel in Visby at 10:00 to 11:30 on July 2.”

  2. Neil says:

    Are any of the below in Sweden:


    They have health related conferences this month. Maybe Saviour got his hemisphere’s mixed up and Dalli & daughter really jetted off downunder?

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    The closest to a health-related conference is a congress of psychology to be held on the 9 July in Stockholm.

  4. mark says:

    Da John Dalli u l-MaltaToday jahsbu illi l-poplu jew hafna mil poplu malti iblah u se jemminhom. Kif trid temmen x’jintqal u jinkiteb meta hemm tsunami ta’ dnubiet u tahwid.

  5. Gahan says:

    Saviour Balzan defending Dalli is looking more and more like Eddy Spiritieri defending Manuel Mallia’s gaffes.
    A day is a long time in poitics.

  6. Natalie says:

    The closest conference in Sweden that I could find, will be held on 9th July, but it’s a Psychology conference. (Search words on Google: conference seminar meeting Sweden July 2013)

    Then the nearest anti-tobacco conference will be held in Australia on the 6th July. (Search words on Google: conference seminar meeting campaign anti-tobacco July 2013)

    If there is an anti-tobacco conference in Sweden, I can’t find it.

  7. Sparky says:

    There was a conference on May 22, “21st International HPH Conference” in Gothenberg. India will be hosting an international anti-tobacco conference in September.

  8. Cittadin Malti says:

    Daphne, like the International Herald Tribune, Times of Malta and all of us have interpreted the Commissioner wrongly, again.

    The anti-smoking conference will take place in the business class of a plane of Scandinavian Airways flying from Munich to Sweden. As you can imagine, it is a very high-level conference.

    • curious says:

      Din il-gimgha ghac-cajt giet.

      A friend phoned me and told me that she was going to pick me up and go for coffee at the Valletta Waterfront. She said that there was a super vessel which we should see.

      Nice try but the coffee was good.

  9. Gary Jameson says:

    There is this one, but it was held in May 2013.

  10. Tax says:

    British airways have the most direct flights to Nassau. The flight leaving this evening arrives in Nassau, Bahamas tomorrow at 9.23 am local time. Who knows anyone in Nassau?

  11. ciccio says:

    There is another ambiguous statement reported by The Times:

    “Mr Dalli said on the telephone that he had gone to meet unidentified friends.”

    Why would anyone have “unidentified friends,” unless one is talking about one’s thousands of friends on Facebook?

  12. anthony says:

    If this great philanthropist thinks he will succeed in turning the whole country into a nation of paranoid schizophrenics, he is in for one great disappointment.

    All the people I know do not believe he is being persecuted or that he has persecutors for that matter.

    I happen to know quite a lot of people.

  13. Prue Freeder says:

    This is all I found. Maybe he got his countries mixed up, miskin. And the date. All this jet-setting from Cyprus to the Bahamas via Malta and London must be very confusing

  14. anonymous says:

    The only medical related conferences in Sweden which I could find are psychology-related, from 7th till 9th July and from the 9th till 12th July.

    • ciccio says:

      Maybe they will be dealing with “psycho-social exposure” conditions? Dalli’s experience there may prove helpful.

  15. ron says:

    Ma nafx kif ghadhom ma ghamluhx beatu. Din il-persekuzzjoni kollha.

  16. Owen says:

    The only anti-tobacco conference that I could find will be held in Delhi between 10-13 September.

  17. Owen says:

    The only anti-tobacco conference I could find will be held in Delhi between 10-13 September.

  18. Len says:

    How philanthropic. He is a true gentleman and Malta should award this man with a medal of honour. Charitable work should be encouraged and we should show gratitude to Mr Dalli.

    He travelled all the way to the Bahamas because it is the safest place to wire-transfer money to third parties. You never know bugs do exist, money can be eaten by pacman on their way to poor nations.

    And then there’s the secret service to think of, and all those evil people in Malta who are spying on him with the aid of secret agents, hacking his communications.

    Mr John Dalli and his brother show acts of valour beyond the call of duty to help Africa. Mr John Dalli transfers money to poor African nations via bank accounts in the Bahamas and his brother Mr Bastjan Dalli helps African economies by buying stockpiles of green soap to help poor nations.

    If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck …… never mind, you can always pass the buck.

  19. matt says:

    This Dalli makes Lorry Sant an armature. I believe absolutely nothing that this man says, nothing..

    Democracy in Malta is very weak because the press is very weak. We all suffer when the press is timid. No one is safe when the press is toothless.

  20. where are we? says:

    There are people who do not know what the word “shame” means

  21. Calculator says:

    The comments beneath the article are atrocious.

    The PN’s international super-power via the Free Masonry network? The PN controlling OLAF, the EU President, the New York Times and IHT (hopefully this one was a joke)? Dalli’s morality and dedication to the health of all Europeans making the IHT and NY Times articles based on supposition and/or a smear campaign?

    Mulej, ħudni!

  22. Neil says:

    I wonder if and when he’ll be returning to Malta. And have we had any word from The Great Emperor/Il Duce yet?

  23. Galian says:

    And yet Radio 101 buried all this in the middle of its news bulletin.

  24. Felix says:

    Would it be possible to find one journalist who is able to find out when he would be back, then go and interview him at the airport?

  25. AG says:

    John Dalli qalibielu ‘l San Bastjan bil-vlegeg li qala’.

    Nahseb il-quddiesa ta ringrazjament ghamilha kmieni wisq. Ahjar jibda jitlob ghal xi indulgenza plenarja.

  26. Rita Camilleri says:

    And he keeps on lying, keep on digging Dear John..

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