Why did Malta need an interim injunction by the ECHR to be told that seeking asylum is a right and not a privilege?
July 15, 2013 at 11:34pm
“I don’t understand why in our community of values, intervention by the Court of Human Rights is necessary to tell member states that (seeking) asylum is a right and not a privilege,” Hirsch said.
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Fejn irridu kemm inzattuh fin-nofs lil QT Il-Papa Frangisku! Ara fil-kwistjoni tad-divorzju tal-abort ecc. Nghajruh injorant u ma jifhimx. Mhux hekk? Anke x-xitan jemmen li jezisti Alla.
They knew for sure. But they wanted to play ignorance is bliss.
Now IF the authority of the land had said that this is a difficult situation but laws and obligations MUST be respected (perhaps for the simple reason that we aspire to be humane and civilized and not encourage lawlessness) THEN we might not have needed this intervention. BUT just read the comments to this article and note how it is suddenly hip and macho to find someone to be superior to!
They simply thought they could get away with it.