You have it from the proverbial horse’s: Kenneth has nothing against queens

Published: July 25, 2013 at 11:49am

“I have nothing against queens”, Kenneth Zammit Tabona says in his column today. I might have guessed what sort of queens he’s talking about.

No sense or irony or self-awareness – hence the support for the Magnificent Muscat.


18 Comments Comment

  1. Sarkozy says:

    Hemm xi coff jew?

  2. Joe Micallef says:

    Now that he is finding it hard to justify his support for the little boy Muscat, he’s entertaining us with a set of long-winded baloney.

  3. charon says:

    As for me I would have said “It’s a girl! Thank God …

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    He’s against the reform of the succession law for British monarchs, but he’s for gay marriage? This man redefines zaniness.

  5. Joe Fenech says:

    What a drag!

  6. European says:

    What difference does it make if it’s a male or female may I ask?

    [Daphne – That’s a silly question to ask Kenneth, isn’t it.]

  7. TinaB says:

    You don’t say, Kenneth.

  8. Josette says:

    What world does this person live in?

    And most European monarchies have already changed their laws of succession and there are currently quite a few females heirs to the throne. None of these monarchies appear to be weakened by this fact. If they are weakened it is due to other circumstances.

  9. Paddling Duck says:

    How bloody sexist: a gay man discriminating against women for the purposes of “tradition”.

    • charon says:

      No, he is not discriminating against women for the purpose of “tradition”. Keep in mind the adjective.

  10. one of us says:

    I think that since the beginning of the year, Kenneth has lost so many friends and followers (on his FB page and below his articles) that he’s now writing absolute rubbish just to attract attention. He thrived on people telling him how clever, astute, talented he was and now it’s all gone.

  11. Antoine Vella says:

    Yes, the expression is “from the horse’s mouth” but sometimes I think this particular horse communicates through his other end.

  12. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Ironic really, given that Elizabeth has been Queen for the last odd 50 years, and this has not damaged the UK in the least. It’s her sons who have managed to create havoc.

    Interesting also how the adage don’t change for the sake of change is valid for the UK monarchy, but not valid for his own country.

  13. Aunt Hetty says:

    He is obviously in favour of the old law re primageniture where the eldest son inherits everything, title, castle and all, even if he is born after half a dozen sisters.

    Here we have a man to whom daughters are worth less than sons.

  14. P Shaw says:

    Another gone case on this tiny and insular rock – the only difference being that while Franco is completely vulgar, Kenneth is slightly polished.

    However, they are exactly the same and that is why they fit so well with the MLP. Deep down they both suffer form an egomaniac mentality in a Lilliput context.

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