A little something the Law Commissioner might like for his next brawl at Is-Serkin

Published: August 7, 2013 at 10:20am

rooster T shirt

This is about right for the “zommuni, ta, zommuni!” look, wouldn’t you say?

9 Comments Comment

  1. K. says:

    This is disrespectful…. to cockerels

  2. Mrs M says:


  3. Toninu says:

    Quite different from the pony we’re used to seeing him wear but this represents him better.

  4. Igah says:

    Hahaha, good one since the proper one with a printed shaft of the male genital system would be too much to show in public, even if at 5am children should be asleep.

  5. Finding Nemo says:

    He’ll only wear it if there’s a ‘poni’ emblazoned on the chest.

  6. canon says:

    The T-shirt would fit the Law Commissioner perfectly and I would suggest to put it on when in meetings to make his presence felt.

  7. ciccio says:

    Maybe it should have the following message in small print:

    “My other T-shirt was a Ralph Lauren. This one is a Cock-o-Chanel.”

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