And….here we go: a Facebook campaign for a referendum to take Malta out of the European Union
This kind of thinking could have come out into the public domain any time in the last few years, but that it is only now people feel comfortable talking about pulling Malta out of the EU is significant.
It’s not because they were scared to bring up the subject under the Nationalist government (they brought up so much else); it’s because NOW they think there’s a real possibility of having their wish granted. That’s because they are the signals they’re picking up off the government and various Labour Party speakers.
The subtext of so much this government says and does is anti-EU. People are not blind to that, and they are not meant to be, either. Our government is quite happy to be perceived as EU-hostile. It’s the image it actually wants.
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“Since the Maltese Government did not do an official referendum on whether Malta should remain or option out of the E.U Zone.”
We can safely assume that this is a club for sub-literate, racist voters who don’t know the difference between the EU and the Eurozone.
I’m surprised it took them a whole three months to put up this page.
Incidentally, is there any way of finding out who the individual/s behind it are? I wouldn’t be surprised it turns out to be someone “tal-qalba”.
It’s someone with racist sentiments. Same difference.
They all think they’re pure bred.
Sadly, the Labour Party has sought to brainwash people’s minds with the idea that the issue of irregular migrants seeking asylum is inextricably linked to EU membership.
Even if Malta were to be out of the EU, it would still have international obligations to uphold the legal rights of those seeking asylum.
Malta will still occupy the same geographical position and any perceived immigration problem is not likely to go away overnight.
The situation will be worse, as EU funding to deal with the issues will be non existent nor will burden sharing be a possibility.
Ooooh, early days! I never expected this so soon.
The natives are waking up as the 1970s-rutted Lady Deafley stocks up her 1990s trench with 2003 ammunition.
Don’t get too excited, Kev. No one’s picked up on your consipracy theories.
This is just the resident racists getting all worked up because Gowzef – whom you and your lot voted in – has not held a referendum to on pulling out of the EU as a magic way of excluding immigrants.
Early days are early days, La Redoute. Nothing to be excited about, I’m sure, especially when it’s not clear whether the proposed referendum is to leave the Eurozone or the EU, but since the natives are not conditioned the way you and your ilk are they’ll soon be onto the details of the situation when it gets dire, and that’s when immigration turns into economisation.
Ahleb, Deaf! Ara x’qallek Baxxter with crystal balls.
Don’t get too excited, Kevin. Sharon will need some tonight and at your age the tank needs a bit of time to refill.
Mela mhux il-Partnership kien rebah?
A wonderful case of “iddardar l-ilma li trid tixrob minnu”
I’m not alarmed at all. If you were to look at at all parties, big or small, having a right wing stance to immigration with very xenophobic propaganda in the EU, it is always also very euro sceptic and equally determined to pull their country out of the EU.
U Joseph illesti l-BATCHES tal-kandidati ghal MEPs, miskin. Ghatu naqra cans lil Alfred Sant forsi imur Brussels u jurihom id-dokument tal-vot tar-referendum.
Well done Malta,
“Every night you see them around here, drinking and making a mess,” said Raymond Zammit, 51, pointing to stains on the pavement near his tyre business which he said were caused variously by beer, wine and urine.”
Has this nutjob ever been to Paceville on a Saturday night?
Hands off EU membership. It took a referendum and an election to re-activate the application.
And it will have taken an election and an upcoming referendum to de-activate membership.
Face it, we’ll be out of the EU by 2019.
Face it, it’s democracy.
Funny thing that, but in other countries it seems to work.
I suppose it really is genetics.
Simon Busuttil is obviously quite happy to go along with this.
Ghax ma rridux politika tal-konfrontazzjoni, wouldn’t you know.
Actually the Moviment told Simon Busuttil li the PN is negative in order to silence any kind of opposition.
To our disappointment Busuttil is happily obliging just in case the MLP labels him as negative – god forbid.
He’s happier ‘doing’ festi and ignoring reality.
At the end of the day, that is the real reason George Vella did not attend the important EU meeting. It was a snub.
He would not have missed a meeting with a Chinese delegation, irrespective of how low level.
A snub?
Puuu kemm bqajtu tfal zghar, jahasra.
Another hate campaign – expect many more of these. They are so useful to alienate the people from the real problems.
Joseph Muscat said that he knows what he’s doing. That scares me much more than if he didn’t.
Ma nahsibx li Alfred Sant ha gost biha din il FB page. Kemm hu bezzul, miskin.
Anti-EU, anti-euro, anti-Sweden, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-Africans.
I love Malta and Christian tradition. For us Bohemians, the 1980’s mean communism and ripression. Malta out of the EU will mean unthinkable conseguences if people with extreme socialist ideas like Mintoff will mean a Cuba in the Mediterranean, a den for barbaric and vicious political criminals. It seems that Malta has forgotten how many people died in Praha in 1968 when socialist communism crushed liberty and freedom of speech. God bless Jan Palach.
Thanks, pavel, for bringing back the memory of Jan Palach. He was the forerunner of Czechoslovakia’s velvet revolution for which he paid with fire (literally).
The problem is that, unfortunately for us, the vast majority of Maltese don’t have the dimmest idea who Jan Palach was and what he stood for. What is worse is that they wouldn’t even give a s*it.
Those who don’t learn from history are bound to repeat it.
I think we should be safe until Malta’s turn for the EU presidency is over in 2018. Muscat portrays himself as too ambitious a character not to be in that driving seat.
He will probably then use that experience as an excuse to say that his hands were tied and it is difficult even for the president to do anything worthwhile. The excuse becomes a rallying cry for “the only way is out” of the EU.
At that point, probably, the 2018/9 local election will be fought for remaining within or exiting the Union.
Malta’s EU six-month presidency ends in June 2017, hanini, and it does not mean much politically, even if it will cost us dearly.
But look on the bright side: it’s a good opportunity to show off our kaxxa infernali and by the time we scrape through our tourism industry’s lifespan would have been boosted by at least a couple of years.
Finally, if your predictions are as good as your reasoning I wouldn’t worry much. Have you ever tried container-spotting as a hobby? It should be most satisfying for you.
Ahleb, Guz! Ghax il-bravi aktar hmir mill-hmir.
Well Kevin, let’s hope you are right – surely an election in 2018/19 fought on staying or exiting the EU would mean a considerable win for the party wanting to maintain membership.
The benefits that people have experienced since joining, and the lifting of all economic restrictors, cannot be denied. No party political propaganda can ever reverse this reality.
A considerable win for the party wanting to maintain membership?
Would that it were.
Just about the only time there was a majority in favour of EU membership was April-June 2003. Since then, the balance has been tipped.
Simon Busuttil had better steel himself for another EU membership crusade. And this time there’s no ‘Mintoff traditur’ sentiment to help the PN along.
Raphael old chap, in a couple of years WE’ll be the ones seeking asylum in Europe.
Meanwhile, Simon Busuttil is busy “developing his own style of politics.” And what would that be? Screw EU membership and all hail reconciliation?
If you think that Joseph Muscat will at any time propose leaving the EU you are completely misreading the man and his actions.
In any case, the majority of PL voters have now been conditioned to believe that the EU is our salvation, including many of those who’ve been sending Malmstrom to Coventry.
It will take a number of events over a long period of time for this nation to wake up to the truth, by which time it will be too late, for we will not even have the full control of our police force, let alone our economy and our basic freedoms.
Ahleb, Guz! La gharfu l-ispirtu tal-USSR, u wisq inqas dak tal-EUSSR.
Kemm int bravu, Kevin. Niehu pjacir nisimghek titkellem.
Let’s all be honest.
Let’s all put our right hand on our sternum and proclaim in unison :
“We should never ever have been in the EU in the first place.
It was all the result of Eddie’s OCD.
We belong in the Maghreb.
That is where we fit like a glove”.
This is the honest truth.
The sooner we all face reality the better.
They should start by asking the MLP EU politicians to step down… especially dak il-pastas/injorant ta’ Cuschieri.
What a bunch of losers.
Only losers and good-for-nothings want to take Malta out of the EU because they’re too stupid to realize what a great opportunity it is.
I for one have already benefited from an Erasmus grant to study in Italy. My present job is directly thanks to the EU and from this job I’m earning and saving enough money so that hopefully next year I can spend it to further educate myself in the UK where it will be cheaper for me to study because I’m an EU citizen.
Moreover, if this government is serious about educating its citizens it will work to allocate further EU funds for study grants. Hopefully after that it would be easier for me and others to build up job experience abroad thanks to our EU citizenship. Malta taken out of the EU! HELL NO!
Let them try – maybe they will wake up the Nationalist Party from its post-election slumber.
Wake up, my arse. If you think the PN is pro-European, think again. The enthusiasm subsided after 2003, replaced by the usual Maltese-Phoenician mercantilist ‘x’se nerdghu mill-Ewropa’, led by the alms-collector-in-chief himself.
Now it is led by an ex-MEP who thinks European institutions and European Union membership will endure, even if good men do nothing.
European dream? Balls. It was nothing but the age-old Maltese dream: kif se ndawwar sold.
Halli nfakkarkom dwar ‘Flyer li tqassam fid-djar ftit jiem qabel ir-referendum dwar l-UE: Kien hemm miktub hekk.
In-naha l-ohra: kien hemm stampa turi wicc b’Malta fnofs il-halq. u l-kliem: FUQ: ” yes please! Never mind the colour !” U isfel:
U GRALNA L-KONTRA. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Daphne – Ara min rega tfacca. Mela ergajt irxuxxtajt, Privitera?]
Aghmlilna pjacir u mur strieh fil-glorja ta’ dejjem, Privitera.