And while we’re on the subject of public drunkenness and disgraceful behaviour by the heroes of Malta Taghna Lkoll…

Published: August 6, 2013 at 11:03am

August Moon Ball 2013_Kurt Farrugia_2

I have received reports from several eyewitnesses that the head of government communications and Mrs Kurt Farrugia were so drunk at the Isle of MTV concert that Mrs Kurt Farrugia passed out and had to be taken to hospital in an ambulance.

The head of government communications, in his cups, made a dreadful scene because he wanted to join her in the ambulance. Don’t you know who I am & c & c.

He was informed that it is standard procedure for family members to follow behind the ambulance in their own vehicle. It is not known how the head of government communications got to the hospital, as he was unfit to drive himself there.

The head of government communications and his wife were in the VIP enclosure at the concert, where there was a free bar. The drinks being free, they knocked them back. And Mrs Farrugia ended up in that ambulance with Mr Farrugia don’t-you-know-who-I-aming outside it.

What trash.

The smaller you are, the less you can drink (this is not a sarcastic remark but a biological fact), and people in their position shouldn’t be having more than one or two drinks anyway, to avoid the risk of indiscretion.

28 Comments Comment

  1. TinaB says:

    Imisskom tisthu. Pajjiz gibtuh zibel f’temp ta’ ftit xhur biss.

    U imisskom tisthu bil-qabda aktar, intkom li tajtu il-mandat lilhom u afdajtu pajjizkom f’idejn dawn il-qabda dilettanti.

    • cikku says:

      Naqbel mieghek. Il-PL ma telax mix-xejn. Sinjal li kien hemm hafna NAZZJONALISTI li vvutaw kontra. Issa niehu pjacir nara dawn l-affarjiet, forsi jiehdu risposta.

    • CGrech says:

      Naqbel mieghek perfettament! Kull haga li jaghmlu biex iwaqqghu lil Malta ghac-cajt!

  2. Josette says:

    And the higher your position, the less you should drink particularly if you cannot hold your alcohol. Discretion isn’t exactly a drunk person’s forte.

    When are these persons going to realise that they are no longer ordinary persons, that they represent the Maltese government and the Maltese (which unfortunately includes you and me)?

    I wonder what kind of an impression they are giving of us all on their many jaunts abroad particularly if the fact that they are somewhere where drinks are free, to them, is an excuse to over-indulge.

    • La Redoute says:

      Why do middle-aged people feel the need to get drunk, anyway?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Why do married people with steady lives and futures planned out feel the need to get drunk?

        [Daphne – The answer is in your description. They are not suited to that way of life.]

      • Josette says:

        Because they appear to want to forget how empty their lives are. Some of these middle-aged people got married fairly young, had kids young, no real career and are now at a loss what to do with the 30-40 years they have left.

        In this case, these two are not that old. I think it was simply a case of b’xejn, ħa napprofitta ruħi kemm nista’.

    • Pint Size says:

      Josette, the problem with drink is that it is not a question of position. If you are short, as in the case of this couple, they should know that they are physically unable to hold alcohol.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      They don’t represent me, thank you very much. I make that very clear to anyone who passes comments on all this daily stupidity. I suggest you do the same. The more people show their disagreements with these actions, the more likely it is that they lose the next elections.

      If I have learnt one thing in this whole mess it’s that people are like sheep. They are more likely to agree if they hear the same thing over and over.

      What they need to hear is that these people are an embarassment who will ultimately fuck up so badly that we will end up with less money and more problems.

  3. Jozef says:

    Ghidli San Gejtanu u Tal-Grazzja x’se jaghmlu.

  4. edgar says:

    Now is she kneeling down or is she also very short?

  5. Denis says:

    Indiscretion! As if this lot know what that word means.

  6. Mark says:

    ” to avoid the risk of indiscretion” I wonder if they know what it means

  7. Volley says:

    Irresponsible lot!

  8. Alexander Ball says:

    Anyone asking “Don’t you know who I am?” should be instantly replied with (SHOUTS) “There’s a bloke here doesn’t know who he is – does anyone recognise him?”

  9. TROY says:

    ….follow the yellow brick road.

  10. Neil says:

    Like a pair of 14yr old kids raiding the fridge and drinks cabinet. At their age this is absolutely pathetic. How old are they, 32-35 maybe?

    What an absolute embarrassment – I wonder if our equally embarrassing PM had a go at him about it?

  11. Bubu says:

    How undignified.

    I’m probably two feet taller than Kurt Farrugia (at least), and I can probably take more alcohol, but I still never drink more than one or two drinks, simply out of self-respect.

  12. Finding Nemo says:

    I think she was also drunk when she put on this hideous eyeshadow

  13. Stella says:

    Of course they get drunk! Kollox b’xejn, x’tistenna.

  14. Selit says:

    Is she wearing heels? Goodness..if she is she must be quite short. I bet these people make use of a cushion whilst driving. Otherwise one would think that the car is moving forward alone.

  15. stiefnu says:

    @ Josette
    How can he be in a high position? Maximum he can be 1.50m above the ground

    @ Edgar
    No, he is wearing her high-heeled shoes.

  16. Augustus says:

    The shorter you are, the faster alcohol goes to your head.

  17. Felix says:

    How proud I am of my decision at the last elections not to trust Labour. Not that I had any doubt!

    There is only one criteria which should be dominant in our minds when it comes to voting. First it was MA TISTAX TAFDAH, now it is MA TISTAX TAFDAHOM!

    Il-hanzir taqtaghlu denbu, hanzir jibqa, u l-hamalli taqtaghlhom x’taqtaghlhom, HAMALLI jibqghu! …. and there’s more and worse to come.

  18. seksieka says:

    Naqbel mija fil-mija li dawn in-nies iwaqqgħulna wiċċna l-art. Iżda ma naqbel xejn meta tgħaddu kummenti dwar it-tul jew il-qosor tal-persuna. Dawn huma kummenti fil-vojt. Id-dinjita’ ma tiġix skont kemm għandek pulzieri. Jien persuna qasira iżda dinjituża daqs jew iktar minn kull min hu twil. It-tul la jagħmlek intelliġenti la edukat u lanqas dinjituż.

  19. Brian says:

    These are the people who got voted in gov! Enjoy the change/switch now.

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