At last we know why Franco Debono styled himself ‘Mary Mifsud’ on the internet comments-boards

Published: August 11, 2013 at 11:24pm
Hal Ghaxaq hairdresser Mariella Mifsud lights the Law Commissioner's fire

Hal Ghaxaq hairdresser Mariella Mifsud lights the Law Commissioner’s fire

There was a time when the comments-board at had its resident breaker-of-lances-for-Franco. Any time anyone wrote anything about the berserk MP, one ‘Mary Mifsud’ would come charging out of the ether, sounding very much like Dr Debono and sometimes even confusing the first and third person singular.

Mary Mifsud. Mariella Mifsud. He borrowed her name.

We also know, now, why Nationalist MP was the target of Franco Debono’s constant criticism and innuendos about his girlfriend. This was the girlfriend: Mariella Mifsud (though no longer).

Shades of his fixation on Mrs Austin Gatt, with her husband bearing the brunt of it.

19 Comments Comment

  1. TinaB says:

    Qisa silta minn xi telenovela.

    Sorry, I cannot resist – LOL

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    What a bloody weird, kitsch picture.

    Is this hairdresser a member of the traveller community?

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    It would make for a fascinating psychological study: a man has a crush on a woman and uses her name as a pseudonym, thus somehow becoming her, albeit in fantasy. By impersonating her he makes himself the object of his own attraction.

  4. Joseph Caruana says:

    Amazing what Photoshop can do.

  5. P Shaw says:

    Two women – one village (Hal-Ghaxaq)

    A telenovela about a big pony, an official bride (approved by mummy) and a social climber hairdresser who tried to ruin the wedding. The dentist witness is too drunk to star in this episode.

  6. MMuscat says:

    Chair Tribbing. Is that the independent chair we had in parliament early this year?

  7. Dissident says:

    I’m fed up to the brim being subjected to photos from people buying a €900 camera and calling themselves photographers. “Mulej Hudni” from this land of amateurs and wannabes.

  8. La Redoute says:

    Is that a dumped fridge in the background?

  9. Reporter says:

    What is exactly the symbolism of this photo?

  10. Ta'sapienza says:

    I think it was the same with Joseph Calleja.

  11. ciccio says:

    Was she posing for Napoleon?

  12. Ta'Sapienza says:

    Looks like the wheels on Boudicea’s chariot came off. Don’t know what happened to the horse either. Maybe they hitched it onto a serkin.

  13. ken il malti says:

    This is a nice-looking woman but she needs some calves.

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