Don’t you know who he is?
Silvio Scerri, who owns Nexos lighting and now has it run by a member of the Police Board while he serves as head of secretariat to the Police Minister, has told the press that he did not know who Charles Iz-Zambi is.
So, first he makes the news for asking us whether we know who HE is, and now he makes the news for telling us that he doesn’t know who somebody else is.
It doesn’t help, of course, that the somebody in question spent 14 years in prison for stabbing the then prime minister’s personal assistant, and that Scerri is the Police Minister’s aide and meant to be hyper-aware of these things, or that his boss Manuel Mallia knows exactly who Iz-Zambi is because he defended – in his other life as a criminal lawyer – the man put on trial for commissioning the stabbing.
What a freaking mess.
And so hard to believe. What is Scerri trying to tell us here, that he is really, particularly stupid?
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1998, US, Bill Clinton: “I never had sex with that woman.”
2013, Malta, Zero88: “I never knew iz-Zambi.”
No he is not stupid but he thinks that Maltese voters are. Perhaps he has a point.
He should have made it his business to know who he was!
Apparently from comments in the Times, iz-Zambi signed in at reception and went off to see the minister, and ended up with Scerri.
Qisu midhla tal-post ir-ragel…
I challenge anyone, anyone who has not served time that is, to walk into the Home Office, sign in at reception and walk straight into the minister’s office or that of his chef de cabinet.
Try it.
Go on.
Iz-Zambi did it even though he had served time – plenty of it.
O my God, who do they think they’re kidding. Can’t they realize they are making a fool of themselves and making things worse, when trying to justify their actions.
Silvio dan ix-xoghol mhux ta idejk. Ahjar tkompli twahhal Id-dawl.
A person who digs himself into a hole, realizes it and yet keeps on digging does not need to tell us that he is particularly stupid. We can figure that out with the least effort.
To be fair I believe he said he did not know him, not he did not know of him.
He’s telling us that the Chief of Staff is not even aware who the most notorius criminals in Malta are. He is not aware of such a high profile case which involved a treath to national security. Some competence!
Out of point in relation to the subject above
I do not know iz-Zambi personally but of course I remember the nickname. Now that I am old and and of course forgetful, I do recall the time when this nickname was being mentioned all over Malta.
Such a big thing that happened cannot be forgotten easily.
You can tell they’re lying when they go over the top – Scerri claims that Mrs. Borg’s affidavit ‘proves that he did not know Attard’. It does absolutely nothing of the sort.
If he’d simply said that the affidavit didn’t prove that it was him that engaged Attard to bring DL Borg to speak to him, and stopped at that, then he’d have been closer to the credibility.
All the Maltese know who Charles iz-Zambi is except Silvio tan-Nexos and his boss, criminal defence lawyer Manuel Mallia.
Does Silvio Scerri want us to believe he was not in contact with his boss on the matter?
Silvio ‘Do you know who I am? Scerri’ is either ‘particularly stupid’ or he is lying blatantly.
Incidentally it happens to be particularly stupid to be lying on such a public stage but that is not the point.
His statement that he did not know Iz-Zambi is absolutely irrelevant. It is nothing but a feeble attempt to distract from the evident involvement of Iz-Zambi at the behest of the Gov/Police Minister’s bumbling gang.
Silvio Scerri probably is saying the truth when he says that he did not know iz-Zambi. But then to reconcile the versions of Scerri and Daryl Borg’s mother, one has to ask who was it who asked iz-Zambi to seek out Daryl Borg and take him to the ministry of home affairs to speak to Silvio Scerri in the absence of the minister?
This person must be a bigger fish than Silvio Scerri and one who must have known iz-Zambi in confidence for years.
By making his sworn statement, Silvio Scerri has shown that he won’t be the fall guy for this serious error in judgment (to put it mildly) and won’t take the blame for something which in all probability, he was talked into doing (questions about Insp. Taliana etc.)
Then, the question that has to be answered is: who sought out Daryl Borg through the good offices of iz-Zambi so that he will testify before the Police Board?
Some persons may have built an aura about their professional abilities in the past but this does not necessarily translate into political nous and may be showing great clumsiness in the handling of hot potatoes and even greater clumsiness in covering up the tracks of their manoeuvering.
The aide to the Hon Minister for the police should know all about someone with a notorious conviction for sticking a knife in the back of Cachia Caruana a very close aide of a previous prime minster.
He should not wait for another attempt on members of the present cabinet unless he believes that these are immune because of some previous associations of the current minister i/c the police when he was defence counsel for potential assassins.
Dan jghix Malta jew?
We know perfectly who Silvio Scerri is and was. His friends call him Il-Peccliqa.
Silvio Scerri expects a security officer at the Isle of MTV concert to know who he is, but then he expects it to be obvious to everyone that he has no reason to know who Charles iz-Zambi is.