Follow Twitter #Malta to see just what is happening to Malta’s image. Brave people who stand up to be counted and are not pushovers? Ha.
luna_rossa @una_rossa
#Malta, un appunto: quel barcone non era solo un simbolo di politica estera;
su quel barcone c’erano persone, stronzi!
Stefano Borioni @BorioniStef
Proprio brava #Malta che ha tenuto 102 naufraghi fermi 3 giorni e 3 notti. Orgoglioso di vivere nel paese che li ha accolti. @EnricoLetta
luca fiorentini @lucafiorentini1
totale disprezzo per #Malta e il suo governo nazista: quanti crimini contro l’umanità servono per essere espulsi dalla #UE?
Fabrizio Tronka 反對 @iosonofabrizio
Per quel che mi riguarda, #Malta, insieme al suo esempio di inciviltà e disumanità, può andare affanculo.
eleonora rogato @eleonorarogato
I 102 migranti rifiutati da #Malta. Storia triste e vergognosa. Muscat parla di un “segnale forte”,io vedo solo un paese piccolo piccolo
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To Ms Fiorentini I say that the moment we leave the EU things will only get worse over here.
Muscat’s just screwed our reputation. He also gave Letta Malta’s territorial waters on a plate.
Matters of state are not for rats.
Simon get on the phone please, now.
Can I pass on a message, Jozef?
‘Il-PN jinnota b’sodisfazzjon li is-sitwazzjoni giet solvuta. Jibqa’ jaghti l-appogg lil gvern ghal solidarjeta’ Ewropea’
U kif, ezattament se ngibu s-solidarjeta’? Enrico Letta dahhlu, anzi, dahhalna, f’but u harigna minn iehor.
You should see Rai Tre this evening.
‘Malta conferma le sue porte chiuse all’accoglienza…….Malstrom ha emesso un messaggio dicendo che sarebbe bello se tutti i 28 membri faccessero la loro parte, una poca velata insinuazione all’agire della Valletta…’
Jozef, what reputation are you talking about? You mean, at last someone said something about a completely transparent country?
Colostomy bags are transparent.
That’s how I saw it. Letta like all the other Italian prime ministers is stealthily taking responsibility of Malta’s territorial waters: Search And Rescue first, then air traffic control and then “il colpo di grazia”, Malta’s oil drilling rights.
There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.
“Malta’s oil drilling rights”
Someone might as well drill for oil in our territorial waters.
Don’t forget Edison and the offshore terminal. Locating the second one in our waters would have been a win-win for both.
Muscat’s lies and non-committal is leading to everyone by-passing him. He thinks he can stretch it until it’s his game.
I doubt the Qataris will compromise their agreement with Italy to sate Muscat’s ‘grand design’. There goes Muscat’s strategy for offsetting an oversized regasifier.
Dr Busuttil, for the love of God do something or hand over the leadership to someone who is willing to hold this government to account. You would make a great Commissioner and you made an excellent MEP (one of the best the EU has ever had) but so far you are not fitting into your role as leader of the opposition. You are very talented. Your supporters are asking you to step up. You have our support if you do. Do what is right. We know you are evaluating the situation first and being cautious. We know, it has been a shock how bad this government has been so far to us too. Possibly you are letting the PL do the hard work for you before acting. Yes, they are shooting themselves in the foot but for now, at least until the electorate wakes up to what is going on, you must oppose the unjust things just the same.
There is lot of damage control to be done here. It will take months if not years for Malta to redeem its good name. The problem I see is that the competent to do this work are either powerless, in opposition, or they have long left Malta.
The mob has been unleashed. Who will restrain it? The Media? Ha-ha! Maybe the PN? Yes, wishful thinking! Unfortunately, the PN lacks two important Bs…Brains and Balls.
Shaming a country in the name of national interest. It only looks contradictory away from our perimeter.
We have been degenerating fast and now we have tarnished a cultural reputation of a nation who has always showed sensitiveness to all that is humanitarian aid, solidarity and sharing. In the international scene, we showed that we have lost the meaning of being tollerant, sense of altruism and the basic sense of Christianity.
We try to show how strong we are by using yet again the most vulnarable situations where men, women and children are in danger.
A government’s strengths are best illustrated in clear arguments, diplomatic discussions and in persuading & winning the points and objectives which our nation should be making.
It should not matter if the problem in question is a political, economical, social, financial or whatever. In my humble opinion, our Government is lacking these abilities and the reputation of our dear island in the international domain is getting weaker.
I am afraid that we are isolating ourselves in the same pace that we have been degenerating.
I may be wrong in my observation but only time will really prove whether I am wrong or right. Hope I am proved wrong and Malta will not degenerate or is isolated.
During Gonzi’s years in government Malta was respected internationally.Now only 5 months of Labour and Malta is being despised, criticized and abhorred . L-aqwa li jissemma.
So as not to lose face with the Maltese racists (which are in the majority), Muscat deems it fit to ridicule Malta with the rest of the world.
Intelligenti t-tifel, u Simon iccapcaplu.
It was done with notable success when Dr Eddie Fenech Adami wrested the reins of government from the hands of KMB stained with the disgusting “Tal-BarranI” episode and the Raymond Caruana political assassination.
It can be done again.
Disagree – Under whose watch did this happen-:
Being a MLP supporter doesn’t make you a screw-up; being Maltese makes you a screw-up.
Events over the last days have truly made me ashamed to be Maltese. This is the first time in my life that I’m honestly considering leaving the country.
We let trash elect trash, and this country deserves all it is getting. Pity for those who believed the collective aspirations were more sophisticated than this.
All this fuss about illegal immgration is just in preparation to next May’s EP elections. Muscat has done five years campaigning against Gonzi and now he is working on people’s sentiment (even though in this case it is despicable xenophobic sentiments) in his bid to win next May’s EP election. What he is looking for is local support and is ready to risk even Malta’s reputation in so doing
Exactly. Judging from the Maltese public sentiment on irregular immigration, I would predict 4 MEP seats for Labour. Despicable; but Muscat’s ONLY concern is the local power of winning votes, while the future [what future?] of the country is sacked, plundered, and burned.