He should have asked HuBastjan for tips on how to get halfway across the world and back in 48 hours, and fit a meeting in between

Published: August 26, 2013 at 3:34pm

David Cameron has cut short his holiday to chair a meeting of Britain’s National Security Council on Syria, Reuters reports. I considered this in the context of Malta’s foreign minister not cutting short his own holiday to be at a meeting of EU foreign ministers on the subject of Egypt. Of the 28 EU foreign ministers, only two didn’t turn up. The rest, all presumably also on holiday in August, did.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Tracy says:

    Ma nahsibx li hu ta’ subajh f’halqu l-ministru.

    L-ewwel il-pappa imbghad l-umpappa ma toghodx ghalih ghax il-paga xorta tibqa’ ghaddejja.

  2. ciccio says:

    I am sure that in the next meeting of the EU foreign ministers George W. “Let us rein in the media’ Vella would be excused for his absence once he shows them his Kartanzjan.

  3. Chris says:

    To be fair David Cameron was in Cornwall. Our minister may have been in some far-off destination, away from planes, trains and automobiles. Incidentally does anyone know where he was exactly?

    • Grezz says:

      When there was the Libya crisis in February 2011, John Dalli dd not comment on the matter because, being on holiday (in Gozo), he was not following the news – or so, I believe, he said.

      • Qeghdin Sew says:

        For all its crassness, I love that Maltese expression: kulhadd irid jah*i ‘l ommu.

    • anthony says:

      Cameron can only afford to spend his summer holidays in Cornwall.

      He and his wife are only just multi millionaires.

      Our foreign minister is only worth around a third of a million euros according to the declaration of assets.

      So I assume he and his family were spending their summer holidays in Zejtun or at San Tumas.

  4. Eve says:

    George Vella was always against Malta joining the EU.

    When compared to their Nationalist predecessors, they are letting Malta down very badly. But who cares. As the English say – ‘All right me bu—er you Joe.”

    Switchers we’re reaping the result of your voting for change just to spite the PN.

    Sallabtu l-Malta wahda sew.

  5. carlos says:

    U iva bih u minghajru mhux xorta. Tghid se jaghtu kaz xi jghid il-Ministru taghna.

  6. Mo says:

    What is especially shameful is that an essential cornerstone of our foreign policy is to act as a ‘diplomatic bridge’ between the north and south, and east and west of the Mediterranean region, and this entails being an active voice for the southern Mediterranean in the EU.

    As members of the 5+5 forum this also questions our commitment to Euro-Med affairs. If our foreign minister wasn’t present at such an important meeting, then exactly what is his role meant to be?

  7. Paul Bonnici says:

    Perfect, Daphne.

    I like this post. It’s a disgrace that our foreign minister failed his duties.

  8. Edgar says:

    Malta was better off with George Vella not being there. Brutta figura anqas.

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