If any of Jo Meli’s next-of-kin are still in touch with him, they really must make sure that he seeks help immediately
August 7, 2013 at 3:02pm
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I really wonder how he could ever even consider being in the same room with his daughter and grandchildren at this point.
What do Sabra and Shatila have to do with Cecilia Malmstrom?
It’s a death threat against Malmtröm.
Had she been a Muslim I would understand that it was a death threat but it’s unlikley that she is.
Actually, it’s a death threat against people interned in detention centres, open or closed.
He posted this earlier on Cecilia Malmstrom’s page, having decided that she has imposed several detention centres on Jo Meli’s territory just to spite him personally.
“Jo Meli If you want a Maltese
Malmstrom if you want a Maltese version of Sabra and Shatira there are Patriots who are able and willing to do so !”
Incidentally – and I’m sure H.P. Baxxter knows this already – the Sabra and Shatila massacre was carried out by a Lebanese Christian Phalangist militia against Palestinian muslim civilians living in refugee camps.
The massacre was carried out at night to catch people unawares. The IDF surrounded the refugee camps and fired flares to help the Christian Phalangist militia hunt down and kill their muslim victims.
Jo Meli’s threats and ambitions would be laughable were they not so tragic.
Pretty roundabout way of putting it.
La Redoute, if it is indeed what Meli has in mind, he is even more batshit crazy than I thought.
It’s not a roundabout way at all. Jo Meli threatened to round up Maltese Christians (ahem) to massacre the Muslims in detention centres.
Don’t doubt the nasty sentiment for a moment. Like-minded savages have tried to burn people in their homes as they slept.
The one thing Jo Meli will never tell you is that his grandchildren’s father is black.
I thought it was something like “beware the Ides of March”, a death threat that is not actionable in court.
Like me telling Jo Meli: “Remember the Grassy Knoll.”
When will the police start interrogating these terrorists.
What a dangerously sick freak
He’s not the only one. And don’t doubt for a moment that they won’t try something similar. The less deranged among them actually believe Malta ‘saved’ Europe from ‘the Turks’, i.e. Islam.
I’ve had it up to here with halfwits who think their world is everyone else’s universe, but it doesn’t make their stupidity any less dangerous.
I have a feeling that when Dostoevsky wrote ‘The Idiot’ he had Jo Meli in mind.
Is this the same man?
Joe Meli is a candidate with the MLP on the Valletta district. He gives away business cards of his name and an organisation called ‘Beltin barra mill-Belt’, (Valletta citizens living outside of Valletta). Mr Meli is not only known for his love of Valletta but also for his far right and neo-fascist beliefs. He talks openly of his admiration for Benito Mussolini. Until very recently he donned a badge of the Italian Fascist splinter party, the Movimente Sociale Italiano (MSI) and the last time he met a journalist he greeted him with a nazi salute and shouted ‘Sieg Heil’.
[Daphne – Yes.]
I very much doubt Jo ‘Lord Ho Ho’ Meli knows what ‘Sieg Heil’ means.
Sick f*ck.
Dan ma ahniex…….. persuna imkabbra bih innifsu u veru miskin.
Vera li trabba l-Belt imma minn veru ihobb il Belt, l-ewwel li jaghmel huwa li jiehu hsieb il propjeta tieghu u mhux ihallijha fi stat ta’ hsara kbira u ghall periklu ta’ minn ghandu propjeta hdejha.
Jien nghidlu MISKIN u mohhu spicca.
Lanqas biss nghati kaz ta’ dawk kollu li jghid. VERU MISKIN
I tell you, on the day of judgment people will render an account for every careless word they speak. Matthew 12:36
A fascist and a great admirer of Mussolini.