If you want to work at Lidl in Gozo, apply c/o Minister Anton Refalo
August 6, 2013 at 7:33pm
Lidl is opening soon in Gozo. The Gozo Ministry is taking applications from those people who wish to get a job there.
Watch this news video. Towards the end, you will find instructions on how to do this. You go to the Gozo Ministry, you leave your name, and Anton Refalo’s people will pass your name on to Lidl as somebody who wants a job there.
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Since when does a Ministry takes applications on behalf of a private company?
Does the Lidl management know about this?
How could Lidl management NOT know, once the Gozo Ministry is itself passing the names of the job applicants to the company. Lidl is only interested in its bottom line. Having the local big cheese on its side is a big plus to that end.
We do shop at Lidl but if this is the case I will definitely boycott Lidl . That’s not how things should be, the minister should not involve himself into who gets the jobs. I hope people reading this will do the same, boycott Lidl.
Ghax dejjem tridu tikkritikaw?
Tal-anqas dan mhux lotterja b’job mal-Gvern bhala premju…ghalissa!
I have no words
They’re opening up a Lidl in Gozo so that the Police Minister has somewhere to shop when staying at his Ta’ Cenc villa.
I have written to the mother company and also posted the letter on the Facebook page of Lidl Malta, Lidl UK and Lidl Germany.
When the Opposition party seems to be unable or unwilling to react vigorously to such abuse, it is up to common citizens to defend their rights even if it doesn’t touch them directly.
Do not speak too loudly, you will wake the Opposition up from its deep slumber
Shame shame shame Mr Minister
Gozo – a division of Lidl Inc.
In Gozo, more than in Malta, everybody knows everybody, so anybody who is not PL does not stand a chance.
Unless Lidl management issues a statement denying this, this chain of stores should be boycotted.
[Daphne – They have issued a statement.]
As far as I know, Lidl has not issued a statement but only responded to my Facebook comment by posting a short reply on their page.
This was in no way satisfactory as they simply said they were carrying out intervews but did not confirm or deny whether they had received a list of names from the Ministry for Gozo. They did not say whether the persons on this list would be held in special consideration of treated like other applicants.
They probably do and like most brownnose-to-survive commercial entities they play the game.
The following is from the Lidl facebook page:
**Press Statement**
Lidl Malta would like to take the opportunity to correct some misunderstandings regarding our recruitment process. Lidl Malta is an equal opportunities employer.
All available positions are published on the Lidl Malta website (www.lidl.com.mt), where candidates can apply online by filling in the application form.
Regarding the vacancies in Gozo, so far only candidates who have applied via ETC or online have been interviewed. Interviews were held at the ETC premises in Gozo.
An open recruitment day is scheduled for August 26th. This event will be announced using all main Maltese media channels in the next few days.
The Lidl management has to assure us that they have shredded the list that the Minister for Gozo has already sent them.
The art of sublime German understatement, or an accidental masterpiece?
“Equal opportunities employer”
Read: We’re not just hiring Laburisti.
Hmm somewhere I read (TMI or ToM) that Chris Cardona said in some speech that the government was planning to act as an intermediary for the private sector (can’t freaking find the article). Disregarded it at the time but if this is to be taken as an example then it looks like its going to be applied in the literal aka communist sense… nice.
Why would LIDL want to be in the Ministers’s good books? Would it, by any chance, mean someone close to the Minister is in charge of if?
Appalling! All the work done by previous NP administrations to decentralise power is within no time, back to square one.
This is such a typical characteristic of a corrupt third-world country. A minister handing out job recommendations.
Go on raising the pedestal for “god the almighty minister”.
Just when you think rock bottom has been reached, you find newer depths.
Whatever next? I guess one may have to apply for an internet connection through “the minister”, after he personally checks your name with his “most-likely-labour” list.
Not taghna lkoll and you don’t get online.
u le- lura ghal korpi dalwaqt ha mmorru
As a regular client of Lidl I expect Lidl’s management to issue a statement on this news so that I will be able to decide whether to switch supermarkets.
Ah, sweet totalitarianism.
Dan juri kemm is-sitwazzjoni tax-xoghol f’Ghawdex hija wahda ta’ disprament, sfortunatament.
[Daphne – They can always get work on the mainland, evelyn. It’s not as though they’re moving to a different country.]
Sorry, evelyn, imma kemm int stupida. Is-sitwazzjoni tax-xoghol hija disperata ghal kullhadd. Jekk ma tafx, id-dinja occidentali tinsab f’nofs l-aghar krizi ekonomika ta’ zminijietna.
Imma xi whud minna ma kellhomx ministri korrotti jxahhmu lil kumpaniji privati biex ihaddmuna. Ghax ma jdahhalhomx jahdmu “mal-gvern” dalbravu ministru, u jhallashom mit-taxxi tieghek? Eh, hija, imma ma jistax, ghax hemm l-EU b’ghajnejn ta’ seqer tara li ma naqbzux 3% ta’ deficit fil-budget.
U imnalla.
Allahares ma konniex fl-EU.
evelyn, the only more desperate than average people in Gozo are those whose aspirations of a job with Anton Refalo have been dashed.
He sent some 50 of his most loyal and brainless followers to an MCAST maritime course, which they all passed with flying colours, obviously.
His plan to instate them into Gozo Channel has so far failed. He had also planed to employ many more at the General Hospital and Education Department, but these were unceremoniously chopped out of his portfolio, leaving many of his followers lining up outside his house at 5am insisting that he not forget them or they will defect to Franco Mercieca.. ‘Ferst kum ferst serf’
Isn’t Polidano not an extension of government?
Excuse me but aren’t all public and private companies first meant to go through ETC, or have things changed so drastically already.
Do you think Lidl have a choice on this new employement procedure?
Take it or leave Gozo, they will leave anyway if forced to take the usuall rifraf that politicians of the Labour type are surrounded with.
Back to the golden years – this is exactly how it worked then.
To the switchers who are not billboard boys and girls and therefore not getting any iced buns or gateaus – Enjoy!
Gozitains have a really stupid approach to this. Maltese people should be employed from the mainland to stop all of this small minded bickering.