“I’ve seen them sitting and lying on the grass!” Can’t have that, can we. Black people sitting and lying on the grass like everyone else. Whatever next.

Published: August 29, 2013 at 1:17pm

If only we could push back all the Maltese troglodytes to their subterranean caves, life would be so much better here. But you know, wherever I go I see them: in shops, cafes, sitting and lying on the grass, shoving about, filling the air with their mating yells and war cries, peppering the internet with their fascinating views…THERE IS NO ESCAPE.

I mean, do these people even UNDERSTAND how pig-ignorant and backwoods-bunny they themselves sound? Africans lying about on the grass, OMG. And they leave a mess behind them, not like all those neat and tidy Maltese.


20 Comments Comment

  1. Marlowe says:

    Unfortunately this is pretty tame stuff as far as Facebook and the racists go. The worst offenders would probably be a bunch of swine on a group named ‘Daqshekk ghall-Immigrazzjoni Llegali f’Malta’ which is led by Charles Sammut, whom I think is associated with Lowell’s Imperium Europa.

    Last I checked they were maligning that poor Eritrean who perished in an accident for ‘not even knowing how to drive’.

    I’ve reported them for racism numerous times but alas nothing has happened.

  2. Paul Borg says:

    I was at St. Helen’s Feast in Birkirkara. One would think that litter bins never made it to this island. The main square was completely covered with litter.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Maltese men are not cave-dwellers. They are descended from ancient extraterrestrials long, long ago in a galaxy, far, far away, according to this genius Lowell.
    We are speaking here of 3 billion years ago – but even this is not the real origin of Man.
    The Great Battle and start of HE-SHE predates this by billions more years – millions of Light Years away.
    Man was here on earth 40 million years – Distinct races appeared in different parts: as against the Jewish Lie that “We are all Africans”.

    They, the Rodents know very well where and how they originated.
    They appeared first as a chandala, dirty, parasitic people in the Gobi Great Civilisation.
    The Gobi was a luxurious, rich vast land, before it became the desert we know it, today.

    All this is known within the esoteric literature.
    The great Book about the origin of these Rodents, written by Wirth of the Ahnenerbe, disappeared 2 days before he died.
    It is a tragic loss, comparable to the burning of the Library of Alexandria – but We will find it.

    The Golden Dawn

  4. Melissa says:

    Well, it’s the closest thing we have to parks…..at least they are enjoying it.

  5. Jozef says:

    Jigifieri, wara li ma jkunx hawn aktar suwed mas-saqajn, suppost nifrah ghax kull ma se nara malli nirfes barra l-ghatba tad-dar, huwa s-sabih wicc ta’ dawn il-Maltin?

    Xi pjacir.

  6. George says:

    When I read these comments full of hatred from these bunch and their likes, I realise that I’ve become a racist against these racists. I can’t stand them.

  7. Foggy says:

    You are being unkind to pigs. Most have a higher IQ than this lot.

  8. Natalie says:

    “They even give you a look that says, what the f*** are you looking at!”

    Frankly, they’re right. What the f*** are they looking at? Haven’t they ever seen a black man before?

  9. Erasmus says:

    This is truly the pits. How dare they sit and lie on the grass? Unless we gird our loins and flex our muscles, we’ll be seeing them in church on Sunday with us next.

  10. Matt says:

    “What an eyesore!!”

    Christ, how racist.

  11. Neriku says:

    Shame on you, Lita! I expected an educated person pushing 60 to be a tad more charitable and humane than this! So are the foreign students that turn Paceville into a skip invaders too.. or are those ok because you teach them?

  12. relax says:

    I envy them because when I was young I was not allowed on the grass…but they can.

  13. Alex says:

    i saw them this afternoon and the only thing that bothered me was that i never have the time to relax just like them!

    [Daphne – ‘I saw them this afternoon’. How do you know they were the same people? Or do you think of Africans in terms of wildlife? Why should you be bothered by the sight of other people relaxing, whoever they are? What you should be is grateful that you never had to endure what they had to endure.]

  14. ciccio says:

    OMG, they are damaging the grass. Let’s call the FAA, shall we?

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