Just five months on, and it’s a bunch of lies already (well, it was a bunch of lies back then, but some people didn’t believe me)

Published: August 16, 2013 at 2:35pm

51 Comments Comment

  1. ron says:

    Kburi li ma blajtx il-lixka tieghu!

  2. Lorry says:

    Oh boy, this is making me sick.

  3. Oscar says:

    Sorry Daphne, but I’m puking. Fejn hu tac-coff u shabu issa ?

  4. sammy says:

    Gidba wara l-ohra! Hlief vendikazzjonijiet ma rajnix s’ issa. I have no words.

  5. Lorry says:

    “Singer William Mangion, who represented Malta at the 1993 Eurovision Song Contest, has been appointed coordinator for the promotion of local bands.” The Times


  6. Joe Fenech says:

    Words are cheap. What PL didn’t realise was that when you set the bar very high you need to make sure that you’re able to reach it.

    And why on earth is he going on about “kburin li twelidna Malta”? People hardly know about it (save some old Brits).

    And talking about ‘hell’ in 2013?


  7. Makjavel says:

    I refuse to hear somebody raping the intelligence of the Maltese people, not if I can help it.

    • Mo says:

      He didn’t rape the intelligence of the Maltese. Those who didn’t vote for him saw through the refractory rhetoric he employed throughout and the scaremongering tactics that are typical of his previous job as ‘journalist’ with the Labour media.

      He appealed to the insecurities of the masses in times when external factors (as well as internal factors) made this incredibly easy and possible – such as, most recently, the whole ‘smell the coffee’ incident.

      He disassociated himself from those involved quickly enough, once he had planted the seeds of mass hysteria, and that’s where he’s dangerous. He’s not stupid, actually quite cunning in ways, yet overall unethical.

      I believe he views most of his supporters with contempt – but they are a means to an end, and a handy tool when they are so susceptible to the ‘antics’ of mob hysteria.

  8. rc says:

    I managed 1 minute 12s. How far did you go?

  9. Augustus says:

    Billy liar.

  10. Kevin says:

    The resemblance is uncanny:


    [Daphne – You would think that people couldn’t be fooled as easily in 2013 as they were in 1930. But no.]

  11. LIXU says:

    Just one look at him and I couldn’t enjoy my cup of tea.

  12. Steve says:

    Not even one minute here! It made me sick to my stomach.

  13. qronfla says:

    Kemm hu giddieb, giddieb u giddieb.

    Semma l-infern ghax populist u xejn izjed.

    Le ma ghamilx hsara diga. Tridx tmur. Kemm taw transfers fuq qlajiet ta’ Laburisti.


  14. Rocky says:

    What a load of bullshit. So many people were taken for a ride.

    Muscat is just a political propagandist and nothing else. He cannot move beyond that intellectually or in terms of ability. There is an ocean of difference between the quality of what we had for the last 25 years and now.

    Totally the opposite in just five months.

  15. king rat says:

    I’ve just been watching a documentary about Mussolini, on the History Channel.

  16. george grech says:

    The problem is that he believes himself

  17. charon says:

    My finger refused to press the play button.

  18. Not Sandy:P says:

    Amazing rare things. A c*nt that farts. Press play.

  19. Artemis says:

    I watched all of this deceitful speech, and I really do not feel well at all.

    “Malta does not belong to all of us”, it belongs to the selected few.

    There is no doubt that at the time the PM was confident of winning the last election because of the shady deals he had done with certain shady characters.

    He is a man who cannot be trusted. I am pleased that I did not vote PL.

  20. Il-Hsieb tar-Ronnie says:

    Whenever there is a video of this sort can you please insert any one of the following captions:

    “Watching this video can seriously damage your health”; “This video is a must-see for those who suffer from low blood pressure so that this goes up”.

    • Lorry says:

      I have to agree with you, we must protect vulnerable people.

      Maybe a rating scheme will do.

      Given that we are now affiliated with our dear old friends, may I suggest we rate these kind of clips as Level Two-B.
      Other suggestions from the general public is crutial to the development and implimatation of the road map to hell.

      Please apply below

  21. kenura8 says:

    I really pity all those who believed him.

    Today he speaks with a totally different tone, and yet everyone seems to remain indifferent towards his actions and his words. Thanks, Daphne, for at least rocking the boat yourself.

    [Daphne – People are not indifferent. They are embarrassed of their choices and unable to own up to their own bad judgement. It’s not a bad thing to say you made the wrong choice. I did it after voting for that liar and fraud. The only person I have noticed so far writing or speaking publicly about the fact that he voted for one thing but seems to be getting another is Tony Zammit Cutajar, in quite a straightforward piece for Times of Malta. Even Martin Scicluna, who writes piece after piece detailing this government’s really bad performance, which has disappointed him because he was unable to see it coming, insists on qualifying his criticism by saying that he still thinks he was right in saying the time had come for a change to Labour. If he was right, then why is all that’s happening wrong? And so soon?]

    • Victor says:

      Pity them? On the contrary I despise them, because they contributed in ruining our country by giving it to this git on a silver platter.

      I do not consider myself to be some genius, yet I had found it very obvious that he was play-acting a part.

      Did he ever answer a straight-forward question? Did he ever explain in detail any plan he allegedly had?

      So what is there to pity?

  22. S Borg says:

    Where’s the black dude sitting behind him now?

  23. pale blue my foot! says:

    Well the conclusion must be that given that all appointments have been based on “meritocracy”, then all Labour-leaning sympathisers and billboard lackeys must be highly intelligent and capable and all Nationalists must be 2nd class citizens – the biggest political con in the history of this island.

  24. TinaB says:

    Sorry, I can’t watch it. I cannot even bear to listen to the sound of his voice.

    I’m glad to be one of those who have never trusted this man.

  25. oxo says:

    Please be patient.

    5 months is not a lot to show results. Please note that the “Road map” is for a five year period not five months!

    Meanwhile there will soon be an apology announcement to those who are not feeling integrating or are being left out in the “Malta Taghna Lkoll”. The promise of a “Futur li jaqqghadna” is still to come. Please be patient.

    The “Dirizzjoni Gdida” will be announced as soon as the Cabinet is clear on this. Please be patient.

  26. Frans Cassar says:

    Happy to say that I was not deceived by this man. I voted PN and proud to have done so, thanks Lawrence Gonzi for the work done under immense pressure. Just hoping that the tide will turn once again.

    • Santa says:

      I agree with you Frans. I voted PN too – always have done.

      I’m afraid that its not a wall we’ll be driven into but a Chinese island in the Mediterranean.

  27. Natalie Mallett says:

    Muscat’s body language says it all. Dictatorial style. I cannot believe the people who wanted a change and went to this man for it. It’s like we were living in a bangalow and moved into a cellar for the sake of changing houses.

    And what about the PN? The only way I can describe them is depressed. They are simply watching the house they built being dismantled erratically and unable to do anything about it.

    Sometimes I feel they are right to keep quiet about the whole mess because the majority got what they asked for. But what about us who never trusted these people? What can we do to end this massacre? Why do we have to pack and leave our home everytime that Labour is in power?

  28. Jozef says:


    Moviment Tindahalx. Gvern Ahjar Ghalik.

    X’jikber id-dwejjaq ghidli, kulhadd taparsi ghaddej minghajrhom.

  29. il-Ginger says:

    A layman can tell that it was inspired by Obama’s electoral campaign: Hope, Change and Unity.

    He spoke about breaking down walls, some real but most of them invented. They had a clean look about them that time; despite all you say, they were dressed just right. Not too pretentious, not too alienating for the lower classes.

    Although you can tell he was just fresh from a public speaking course due to his off-timing (slightly, but noticeably) from his dictatorial hand gesticulating, it was not bad and I’d say contributed to people seeing him as their true leader, Mintoff incarnated.

    Another note. At 1:40 when he speaks about Labourites and Nationalists being brothers, you can feel even from the video, the tension rising as they collectively try to hide their hatred towards us.

    You can tell from the faces of the people sitting behind him that they didn’t believe in this campaign, that this was a trap for the Kenneth Zammit Tabonas and other pseudo-Nationalists. The core of the Labour voters were in on it and I think that’s why they voted for a party that spoke of ideals which are the polar opposite to theirs.

  30. noddy says:

    Not all who voted Labour believed him or his party; they were just fed up with the Nationalists.

    I was nearly one of them (like many of my friends) but changed my mind at the last minute.

  31. ciccio says:

    Hawn xi sens ta’ direzzjoni fil-pajjiz?

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