Just in case you’re interested

Published: August 27, 2013 at 7:04am


13 Comments Comment

  1. Maria says:

    Thanks, but not interested at all.

  2. Simon says:

    Keep yourself updated… with the latest cabbage news.

    What serious politician in Europe would urge members of the public to join his “fan page”?

  3. Charly says:

    Joseph Cuschieri, POLITICIAN, WOW………

  4. Pandora says:

    Not directly related to this post, sorry.

    The US Embassy has promptly issued an apology for this US citizens’ behaviour. It is not clear whether he is an Embassy official or a private US citizen. Nevertheless, an apology has been issued and the Embassy acknowledges the inappropriateness of this man’s behaviour:

    My point here is that our Prime Minister and his Ministers should take note of this…we have heard absolutely nothing from them in the many situations where an apology was due. Muscat is an admirer of Obama, maybe this will serve as inspiration.

  5. Paola says:

    Lanqas jekk ma jkun hawn hadd ma minn niccetja ma nidhol fil fan page tieghu, for sure.

  6. Last Post says:

    That’s how they gauge their level of acceptance. A kind of modern, ongoing democracy. How stupid. Really pathetic.

  7. TROY says:

    No thanks

  8. fred says:

    Ikolli nghid rajtu lil Cuschieri. Fejn? Go kannestru ghand tal-haxix. Dan il-bniedem huwa ezempju car ta’ injorant ghax lanqas biss ghadu irrejalizza li huwa injorant prim.

  9. Jar Jar says:

    I’ll pass, thanks

  10. Mister says:

    Doesn’t he have a better photo of himself with the emperor?

    They look like they’re sharing a special moment.

  11. Allo Allo says:

    Ghamillu coff

  12. CIS says:

    We always had the Maltese expression ‘Il-likes’ but it was usually used between us children when we won many marbles or beads.

  13. Rahal says:

    Jista l-ministru responsabbli jispjega ghaliex il-flood lights ta’ Fort Manoel mhux jithaddmu u l-forti jinstab fid-dlam?

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