Published: August 17, 2013 at 11:00am

The Department of Information needs to get itself a photo editor – surely there’s somebody who was in the Labour Party’s marketing collateral and still hasn’t got anything in return. They’re either sending out embarrassing photos deliberately, or they just haven’t got a clue.

Or maybe they’re just not used to giving advice on pictures, because for years they never had to bother. But now they really do need to bother. I mean, just look at this.

And it’s not just the Speaker of the House, either – it’s the Egyptian ambassador, caught in that awkward pose.

Anglu Farrugia


Reference Number: PR1730, Press Release Issue Date: Aug 14, 2013

Dalgħodu l-Ispeaker tal-Parlament Malti, l-Onorevoli Anġlu Farrugia, kellu laqgħa twila mal-Ambaxxatriċi tal-Eġittu, l-Eċċellenza Tagħha s-Sinjura Magda Safwat Abdel-Hamid Baraka, fl-Uffiċċju tiegħu fil-Parlament. Fil-laqgħa, li ntalbet mill-Ambaxxatur stess, ġiet diskussa l-qagħda imwiegħra li jinsab fiha l-Eġittu bħalissa, u l-Ispeaker Malti wera s-sogħba tiegħu li f’dan il-pajjiż ġar u ħabib ta’ Malta, qed jiġri d-demm fi ġlied bejn l-istess Eġizzjani.

L-Ispeaker Farrugia tenna li l-vjolenza, tiġi minn fejn tiġi u tiġi għalfejn tiġi, qatt ma hija ġustifikata. L-elezzjonijiet demokratiċi biex jiġu eletti r-rappreżentanti tal-poplu fil-parlament huma l-unika arma li jista’ jkollu ċ-ċittadin fl-Eġittu sabiex jassigura li pajjiżu jerġa’ jkun pajjiż kwiet, stabbli u li jkompli jħaddan l-irwol ewlieni li għandu bħala intermedjarju rispettat fir-reġjun.

L-Onorevoli Farrugia aċċerta lill-Ambaxxatriċi Eġizzjana li, kif kien stqarr diġà fl-ittra li kien kiteb lill-President tal-Parlament Ewropew f’April li għadda, ftit jiem biss wara l-ħatra tiegħu fuq is-Sedja, kien se jagħmel dak kollu possibbli sabiex il-problema attwali fl-Eġittu tingħata attenzjoni xierqa mill-komunità internazzjonali. Għal dan il-għan, huwa wiegħed lill-Ambaxxatriċi Baraka illi se jqajjem it-tema fil-fora internazzjonali illi huwa se jieħu sehem fihom fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin, fosthom fil-Konferenza tal-Assoċjazzjoni Parlamentari tal-Commonwealth fl-Afrika t’Isfel dan ix-xahar stess, kif ukoll fiż-żjara uffiċjali li se jagħmel fir-Rumanija f’Settembru.

30 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    The Ambassador looks like she’s being seduced.

    And is Mr. Speaker’s personal stylist on holiday?

    A total fashion disaster. The fabrics of the jacket and the trousers do not match. Worn out crocodile leather shoes with the tips bent upwards – those shoes have actually developed the shape of crocodiles waiting in the water with their head slightly raised above the surface while they wait for their prey.

  2. Min Jaf says:

    But all is not lost, this time round he is wearing lace-up shoes, though the upward curve on the shoe tips is rather intriguing.

    • Oops says:

      That’s because he probably keeps them in a folding shoe rack.
      Issa taf.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        No. That’s because he doesn’t insert a shoe tree right after he takes them off, when they’re still damp. When the leather dries out, it contracts and the shoe curls up.

        Gentlemen, invest in shoe trees for all your shoes. Be religious about it.

      • La Redoute says:

        They should be positioned heels down, then.

  3. Mr Meritocracy says:

    That’s not to say that what Anglu is wearing is the absolute pits too.

  4. Ta'Sapienza says:

    Give the poor man a break. At least he got the shoes right.

    • albona says:

      Really, in my book black shoes are a no no with beige trousers. He looks half winter, half summer. Is that a tweed jacket?

      He honestly looks like he is driving a karozzin. If you superimposed him onto a picture of a karozzin you wouldn’t even need to do much photo-shopping. Anyone willing to take up the challenge?

  5. WhoamI? says:

    Mela, kalzetti – sorted.

    Next is some good pairs of briefs to hold the sagging balls in place. X’pastazata, Madonna.

  6. django says:

    Maybe the sofas are uncomfortable as they were bought during the previous administration. Good excuse to buy new ones.

  7. TheShadow says:

    L-ghada tal-festa – dress down day

  8. Someone says:

    What he’s really telling her: “Your Excellency, we feel your pain, but make sure we don’t get any boatloads of Egyptians coming this way ‘cos we really ain’t that keen on Africans, Arabs, and Blacks…”

  9. Joe Fenech says:

    It’s called the camel impression.

  10. Bellicoso says:

    Is that a short sleeve shirt under that jacket?

  11. Edgar says:

    He seems to be quite well endowed, sakemm ma ghandux xi baswa

  12. joe says:

    Mela dan mhux buffu iehor jew?

  13. Len says:

    Think he was hoping she would take the same position. Could it be an elephant syndrome, I mean, we all know by now that Anglu Farrugia rides elephants.

  14. lola says:

    Thank you, WhoamI. I was in a very bad mood today, but I laughed so much when I read your comment. Thanks again. You said it so naturally.

  15. gringo says:

    I think those upturned shoes are used for skiing.

  16. bongu says:

    Sorry, Anglu is a great and humble guy what ever anyone else says, I know so personally.

    • Joe Micallef says:

      Sorry Bongu, but being a great and humble guy (sorry again but my recollections tell me otherwise) are not excuses for dramatic lack of basic bon ton, particularly when representing one’s nation at such a high institutional level.

  17. oxo says:

    Mr Speaker is a person I don’t know personally but I guess he is a very nice & humble, down to earth person.

    I cannot understand however, how easy it was for Dr Farrugia to change his beliefs or principles in barely a 4-month period, after the controversial “assassination” by the then Leader of the Opposition, now the Prime Minister. Everyone knows the story and the gift Dr Farrugia received for the “assassination” on his political career with the PL.

    How can this country ever learn, mature or reach the highest standards in administration if we have people at the head of state showing us that everything is normal or perfect or possible in politics only if we exhange virtues & believes for key posts / power.

    We are, unfortunately, a country of ametuers and the personal interests has always superseded that of the National, in general and regretfully.

  18. Peter Mercieca says:

    Nice guy and all, but basics are basics, blue socks with black shoes not allowed, black with black and blue with everything else except white shoes, which you should never wear even to die in!!

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