Meet Byron Camilleri, 25, graduated as a lawyer nine months ago – company secretary to Malta Freeport Corporation, chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board, Labour mayor of Fgura and ex ‘elve’ with Forum Zghazagh Laburisti
August 31, 2013 at 12:58am
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Nine months out of university one is still very, very wet around the ears, irrespective of one’s field of study. However, with the Labour government it seens that loyalty to the party is what counts the most. Quo vadis Malta?
Meritokrazija? What is it? Should be changed to Laqitokrazija.
‘irrespective of one’s field of study’: can’t you tell that law degrees are given out like hot cakes in Malta? It is just rote-learning and students don’t even attend classes. Maltese lawyers are also the butt of jokes in Europe because unlike their European peers, after just five years of mediocrity they are awarded a doctorate, a title that would require a decade or more of studies to achieve in other countries. Bottom line is, I wouldn’t be too impressed by his choice of degree as though this endowed him with some kimd of unique credibility.
Il-vera modern u progressiv, God bless.
He is on of the best people i ever met ! He is our Mayor and he is a good friend, well done for all the work you do Byron :)
Eloquent …
Imsieken ir-rifugjati.
Even if he did not graduate he would have gotten the post. They were all planned or asked for and accepted before hand for sure.
Ephrom, this guy could be the best person in the world, it still does not make him qualified and the right person for this position.
The difference between the way PN and LP voters think is that PN voters expect and aim to have their country run by professionals, whatever those professionals vote, and the LP voters are fine with amateurs as long as they are ‘minn taghna’ or ‘tal-qalba’.
So much for meritocracy and the best for the country.
Meritocracy: a system in which people are chosen and moved ahead on the basis of how much they played a part in getting a political party elected.
Isn’t that what Ramona Frendo explained to us before the election?
Could there be any sane person in these islands who still genuinely believes that this government is following its pre-election promises of following a policy of “Malta taghna lkoll” based on meritocracy?
Well done Dr Byron Camilleri. You deserve the very very best irrespective to everything the bloggers say.
[Daphne – There is only one blogger here, Mr Spookey.]
Well, he did get the very, very best. It’s the Freeport, Refugee Appeals Board and Fgura who got the garbage.
Public appointments are not about what the appointee deserves. They are all about – or should be – what the public deserves.
Possibbli li l-Laburisti genwini ghadhom ma ndunawx li Muscat ma zammx kellmtu? Li hu giddieb?
U li mexa kif mexa qabel l-elezzjoni biex jakkwista postu bhala wiehed mill-izghar prim ministri ta’ Malta avolja ghadu immatur u ma jafx kif imexxi pajjiz?
Meta ser jindunaw meta jkollna l-akbar numru ta’ nies qieghda?
Hands up, all those who worked for the moviment taghna lkoll and have not had their iced bun. We will deliver!
Looks quite tired already..
What trailer trash – and I think he’s sitting outside his in one of these photos.
One can be 50 years old and still make a mess of this country-as proved in the past by so many ‘well qualified’ and ‘experienced’ men and doesn’t matter if he’d young! if he’s already shown to be a hard worker and succesful in what he does, then they did the right choice..better a young fresh mind then a biased stale one. Goodluck on this new endeavour Dr.Camilleri make us proud.
[Daphne – Don’t be ridiculous, Mary. The only reason that Byron Camilleri got that job is because he is a Labour elve. And you know it. If that were not the case, there would have been open recruitment. But worse than that, the job was created for him because Malta Freeport Corporation did not have a CEO, or a CEO vacancy. No, 25-year-old new graduates do not become CEOs. Whatever hole you have inhabited that has protected you from this knowledge, you should think about leaving.]