My, Wenzu Mintoff’s position at Malta Enterprise has been magnified and consolidated, and he’s been further empowered

Published: August 31, 2013 at 10:27am

He’s now got legal representation of Malta Enterprise, along with the chairman and the deputy chairman. This was in the Government Gazette. He’s the ‘chief officer legal’ in question.

Under the previous government, he actually used to edit the Labour Party newspaper KullHadd while doing that full-time job. I don’t know what he was doing there as chief officer, legal in the first place. Not meritocracy, that’s for sure – not under that government and certainly not under this one.

Malta Enterprise

Wenzu Mintoff, first on right

Wenzu Mintoff, first on right

25 Comments Comment

  1. Richard Borg says:

    Off tangent; my cousin sends her love. I was very much pleased to hear what a wonderful time she has with you. Enjoy your day and well done for your next Taste, I particularly like the section about the peaches.

    Have a good day.

  2. ciccio says:

    By consolidating this position, he should be able to coordinate well any libel suits against Kulhadd if they criticise the Chairman or Deputy Chairman of Malta Enterprise.

  3. Timpana says:

    Why does he have to fold his arms so high? Looks really funny.

  4. Kevin says:

    On a separate note:

    What a case of pointless reporting. As if anyone in their right frame of mind would condone cyber-bullying.

    Unless, of course, the article is aimed more at shoring up the recent utterances by JPO in favour of a specific law.

  5. QahbuMalti says:

    It would be interesting to find out the public spend on each and every Malta Taghna Lkoll lackey’s appointment.

  6. Gahan says:

    “As part of its key priorities for cheaper and greener energy, the Government is committed to finalising a power purchasing and gas supply agreement with the private sector, and concluding investments in the electricity sector, which include the conversion of the Delimara Plant to gas, as well as the interconnection to the European electricity grid.”

    Interviewed by, Engineer Joseph Vassallo, Enemalta’s Assistant Manager, explained that this terminal, will be linked to the distribution terminal in Kappara. The cables will pass from a series of underground tunnels.
    Works with regards to this project had been delayed due to difficulties in obtaining permits from Sicily. The project is set to be completed by the end of 2014.

    My question is: “How is the government going to provide us with cheap electricity by March 2014 when both these projects won’t be supplying/generating our grid with cheaper electricity?” Would the government be sending handouts to all households?

  7. AG says:

    Is the Chief Officer Legal Katrina Borg Cardona or Wenzu Mintoff?

  8. Jozef says:

    Xeeejmonju ministru.

    Ghawdex Christmas tree gabu. Ahjar jitla’ Joseph u jibqa’ hemm, forsi ma jmurx id-dawl.

  9. Jozef says:

    Gvern bil-ghaqal. Jippreferu jhallu vapur nofsu vojt u n-nies l-art milli jkollhom crew komplut.

    Roddu s-slaleb l-ahwa, jew ixtru dinghy.

  10. Toyger says:

    And what about the CID inspectors? Will action be taken against them as well? Or just against Inspector Taliana?

  11. Last Post says:

    Għandek raġun titkaża, għax għal xi żmien jien kont nammirah. Dan wieħed li dejjem pinġa lilu nnifsu bħala l-vittma tal-‘ħdura’ Nazzjonalista.

    Tajba Wenz, mela fi żmien in-Nazzjonalisti kont impjegat bħala Chief Officer, u llum, peress li dejjem qlajt bis-sieq, il-Lejber żammek fl-istess kariga li tawk in-Nazzjonalisti, u magħha żidulek ir-rappreżentanza legali tal-korporazzjoni.

    Mexmixha tajjeb mela, Wenz, għax il-Lejber jiggverna bl-istess mod li kienu jiggvernaw il-Gvernaturi Kolonjali Nglizi li kienu jqisu lil “Malta Tagħhom (Ilkoll)”.

  12. Denis says:

    Where is the Opposition? Still on summer break or permanent shut-down?

  13. C Falzon says:

    Unbelievable upside down logic

    So Inspectors Cordina and Mercieca make the blunder of arresting the wrong person. Inspector Taliana corrects that mistake by arresting the correct one and who is at fault?

    Well Inspector Taliana of course because he did not correct his colleague’s mistake quickly as might have been possible.

    The message to police officers here seems to be “look the other way and shut up if you notice something wrong”.

  14. django says:

    Halli jkun jista’ jmexxi ‘l quddiem l-industriji Maltin bil-filosofija ta’ zijuh/missieru? The Golden Years back again. Well done.

  15. deceduti says:

    Interesting times. Katrina Borg Cardona has a top legal position at Malta Enterprise and is married to Aaron Mifsud Bonnici, who is legal advisor to the GWU and best friend of Joseph Muscat. She does not see eye to eye with Wenzu Mintoff.

    Things are sour between them. Will we be seeing a battle between Chris Cardona (Wenzu Mintoff) and Joseph Muscat (Katrina Borg Cardona)?

  16. ciccio says:

    I cannot understand this report.

    1. Why does the cover note signed by Keith Chetcuti -Secretary of the Police Board and business partner of Zero88 Do You Know Who I Am Chief of Staff of the Minister – state that the enquiry was requested by the Prime Minister in the capacity of Minister of Home Affairs and National Security? Surely this is an inability of Mr. Chetcuti to write a properly structured sentence in English. I imagine that the report is being provided to the Minister, in his capacity as Minister of Home Affairs and National Security, as per enquiry requested by the Prime Minister. Or has Minister Mallia now been divested also of the Home Affairs and National Security portfolios, after he was relieved of Justice?

    If the Secretary of the Police Board cannot get a one-sentenced covering letter written in proper English, what hope do we have for the rest of the report?

    2. Why did the Board claim that the media focus was on the detention as opposed to the wrongful arrest and accusation of Mr. Borg? And therefore why did the report not focus on that issue?

    I believe that the media repeatedly referred to this case as “the wrongly accused man” or “wrongly arrested man,” and therefore I think that conveys clearly the message about where the media saw an issue.

    Which means, in my view, that the report should have looked at the process of investigation of the case, the compilation of evidence by the police, the decision to arraign and the presentation of evidence in court.

    The report says that Inspector Taliana received a tip-off about Mr. Grech on 8 August at 7.00pm. By that time, Mr. Borg had already been under arrest since 7 August. Therefore, the police and the justice system had already been in the wrong for almost 2 days and this is none of Mr. Taliana’s fault. Indeed, Mr. Taliana had received instructions to stop his investigations before 7 August, when the CID had decided that Mr. Borg would be arraigned.

    In my opinion, this report is a coverup of the investigations of the CID and an unfair attempt to put the blame on Mr. Taliana.
    Let us not kid ourselves. We are talking about investigations carried out by the CID which led to the wrongly accused man. If CID cannot get the right man in such a small incident, how can they get the big sharks in the major cases? This is the point which the Police Board should have addressed, and not why Mr. Taliana may have failed in a communications process.

    There is good reason why Mr. Taliana should be the scape-goat for the cock-ups of the CID. Had he not acted on the tip-off he received and had Mr. Grech arrested, this blunder would never have come to light. Incidentally, Mr. Borg would still be under arrest.

    • ciccio says:

      Slight correction: Mr. Chetcuti’s single sentence covering letter was in Maltese. All the more reason why he should have got it right.

  17. Min Jaf says:

    And first from left, and third from left. Just right when it comes to multitasking.

  18. kram says:

    So we’re back to witch hunts, and forcing out the good elements of the police force. It was clear from the beginning that they were out for Insp Taliana.

    • curious says:

      “It said that the case would be taken to the Permanent Disciplinary Board within the Home Affairs Ministry as the shortcoming was considered a grievous one which could lead to the dismissal of an officer from the force.” (The Times)

      Arresting and charging the wrong man is much more grievous.

      Daryl Luke Borg was charged on the ‘soild’ grounds of a telephone call by an informer and because he had a drug habit and had committed previous thefts. Some solid evidence.

      Then Minister Mallia has the effrontery to tell us:

      “Noting that errors do happen and in his long legal career he had come across similar cases, mallia said: “As a minister, I want to make sure that before anyone is in court, reasonable suspicions must be in place.”

    • Makjavel says:

      We are back to frame ups.

  19. anthony says:

    In my humble opinion this all started off as an attempted frame-up.

    This plan was thwarted by Inspector Taliana.

    The official remedy to the debacle seems to me to be nothing less than a second attempted frame-up.

    Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

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