No contract means no accountability
We have been told that John Dalli and his daughter have no contract for the ‘work’ they are doing at Malta’s general hospital, and that they are not receiving fees or a salary.
They may well have waived their fees because they think the role will give them access to opportunities, contacts and information which they can use to their advantage, financially and otherwise.
Of far greater concern is their lack of accountability, without a contract. There are harsh penalties under the law for those who abuse of their position at work to leak, share or otherwise misuse personal/private information to which they are given access through their job.
Without a contract or terms of employment, the government/health department do not ‘know’ John Dalli or his daughter Louisa Dalli. They are the equivalent of strangers walking in from the waiting-room to rifle around in the filing cabinets.
We can assume that John Dalli and Louisa Dalli, to say nothing of his other daughter Claire Gauci Borda and her husband Adrian (through the former), will have access to any personal information, private data, health-care files and even commercial information on suppliers, that they wish to have for whatever purposes suit them.
We need guarantees from the health minister that this is not going to happen. But I suspect that like many naive men, he will have little or no insight into the forma mentis of life’s schemers, which is how John Dalli and Louisa Dalli got to stand on his head in the first place.
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If both the Dallis are not accountable, are they responsible for the signatures, by which they approve their work ?
If I remember correctly, Joseph Muscat used to state categorically before the last general elections that he did not trust anyone offering services ”voluntarily”. as the final bill was usually too steep anyway.
Dalli is being paid in protection and free access to confidential data. That data is commercially sensitive and Dalli, having no contract, has not signed any confidentiality clause. That data is readily converted into tangibles.
Ahh! he’s doing it for free. Bless you John,you’re such a decent and honest man.
And my name is really TROY, honest.
Kos dar-ritratt ifisser hafna, Joseph miskin idejh marbuta fil-waqt li J Dalli BA u l-buddy tieghu jahbu jdejhom fuq wara.
The guarantee should be that John Dalli, and any other person whom he chooses to help him, will have no access to official file unless there is a specific authorisation from the appropriate authority.
The letter of appointment which has enabled him and other members of his family to work at Mater Dei Hospital should be made public, if need be through in parliamentary question.
Even if there was a contract there would be no accountability so majtezwell…
Iz-Zambi doesn’t know who Silvio Scerri is (if you know what I mean).
And Silvio Scerri did not know Zambi. The country is being run most meritoriously by “don’t knows” and “it is safer not to know” because as the Malta saying goes “Omm il-gifa qatt ma tghali” (Translated: The coward’s mother does not land herself into trouble)
Actually in this case I think that tghali translates as ‘regrets’.
And where is Simon Busutill in all this – having a pastizz tal-haxu at the village festa.
“Without a contract or terms of employment, the government/health department do not ‘know’ John Dalli or his daughter Louisa Dalli. They are the equivalent of strangers walking in from the waiting-room to rifle around in the filing cabinets.”
That is exactly the case. Things are getting scarier by the second and Malta is precipitating towards third-world levels..
As scandalous as this is, it is important to highlight that contract or not, people are still accountable/liable for their actions. Nevertheless, the absence of a contract creates grey areas and make any investigation cloudier.
Here’s another “no contract” consultant. Seems to be a very convenient trend for Labour’s closest….
In this what the shrink prescribed ‘therapeutic work’?
All the switchers from the health sector are going to be hit hard, as Dalli is going to take over their buisiness. Way to go boys.
Hekk hu. B’xejn, imma l-kuntatt jiswa hafna aktar. Per ezempju jien involut hafna fil-qasam tal-futbol. Kwazi kull klabb ghandu avukat ewlieni fil-lokalita’ tieghu, jipprovdilu servizzi legali b’xejn.
Tajjeb – u allahares – finanzjarjament – ma kienx hemm. Imma l-avukat, grazzi ghall-klabb, jigi f’kuntatt ma’ numru kbir ta’ nies li imbaghad ghal kull bzonn legali li jkollhom bzonn, imorru ghandu. U din kull mhi fuq skala ikbar.